There have been rumors in various channels that once character transfer has opened up, it will not be possible to earn the lv51 rewards from that point forward. Rewards will still begiven three weeks after F2P, just cant be earned past the character transfer point according to said rumor...
Can someone (hopefully a dev) confirm/deny?... Leveling a Klingon slowly, and dont want to spend my time doing so if the reward is going to be cut off just before I hit 51...
I don't recall seeing anything about this in the F2P dev blogs, and I just finished reading them all.
He did say that the rewards wouldn't apply to characters that were transferred over, only ones that were levelled from the start on Tribble, but I didn't see anything about them stopping the rewards when charcater transfer goes active.
I don't recall seeing anything about this in the F2P dev blogs, and I just finished reading them all.
He did say that the rewards wouldn't apply to characters that were transferred over, only ones that were levelled from the start on Tribble, but I didn't see anything about them stopping the rewards when charcater transfer goes active.
I don't recall seeing it anywhere either, but those individuals were insistant... plus with the TTS channel going on (dev chat channel that is invite only), it's hard to tell what information is true or not... no consistant place to get information...
So just thought I'd ask... hoping that its wrong, doesnt make sense for them to do that, but might as well check
He did say that the rewards wouldn't apply to characters that were transferred over, only ones that were levelled from the start on Tribble, but I didn't see anything about them stopping the rewards when charcater transfer goes active.
I don't recall seeing it anywhere either, but those individuals were insistant... plus with the TTS channel going on (dev chat channel that is invite only), it's hard to tell what information is true or not... no consistant place to get information...
So just thought I'd ask... hoping that its wrong, doesnt make sense for them to do that, but might as well check