Ok so I've been twiddling around on Tribble for a little while now, (actually since Beta fired up) and ive tryed to keep memory of all the bugs/fixes that have crossed my screen
Quantum Mortar Turret:Quantum Mortar Turret details when you hover your mouse over the faction affiliation (found this out because my mortar was showing a Borg Symbol) says "Player_Pet displayname", I assume that should be Federation Quantum Mortar Turret I II or III depending on what one it is
Phaser Turret: Does the same thing as the mortar turret, so should be "Federation Phaser <Type> Turret I II or III depending on what it is, i say <Type> because my BOFF has Phaser "Beam" Turret and i know that theres the Beam and the Burst Turrets
Medical Generator: Same issue, no need to repeat everything, but, one thing i can say is you should change the name of the generator completely, Medical Generator sounds soooo, non medical, suggested name for it i have is "Mobile Aid Station"
BOFF Ability Lights: the BOFF Ability lights stay green until they are clicked again, don't know if thats a bug of intended feature
Mail Light: The Mail light blinking is annoying alot of players, I personally don't see how, its 1 blinking icon that doesn't even blink very brightly, so its one of those minor things that needs to be corrected
Missions & Accolades
Under the Cover of Night: First mission where I've noticed the a "plot hole". The Accolade for "Discover Drakes Betrayal" needs to be changed because its T'par not Drake.
I haven't noticed any REAL huge issues with missions, and ones I've found have already been posted by other players.
B'tran. The B'tran has 2 VA dailies instead of 1 for RA and 1 for VA
On a side note, I have noticed some of the missions, if you AFK time-log, that you need to completely start from scratch, Asset Recovery being 1 of them, I was on the ground, had 4/8 researchers done, went AFK to get something to eat came back seen i was afk auto-logged, so i loaded back in, entered system and i was stuck at the beginning
Event Images: Event Images need to be switched up, to reflect the Event, picture of SFA for the SFA Event, etc etc
Storyline Storyline is good the way its set up, but, people rely on the Breen set to help them survive through the borg missions and the STF's, so i suggest switching places with the Breen & Borg fronts, so it goes Klingons, Romulan, Cardassian, Breen, Borg, Undine
Items, Guns & Powers
Immunosupport Nanite Injector Seems to work for the movement debuff for the 2 or 3 seconds but i find that it needs more of a bump up then it has, and, Is this item suppose to be consumed on use, because i have looted 5 in an STF and I've given my Away Team BOFF's them so yeah. BOFF's can apply the effect onto the player if they have them equipped I have noticed aswell, had it stacked by 4 today
Collective Stun Grenade I'm not sure if this works, ive hit a group of them and it didnt seem to stop them, then again the team i was with was shooting them and if you get shot while normal stun grenade is in effect, the stun goes away.
B.G.O. Weapons. Battle Group Omega Weapons that get sold for marks of exploration are bugged, Anti-Proton sells for 50% less then any other type of ground weapon, AP sells for 30k Dilithium, everything else 60k
STF's & Fleet Actions
Infected Space I find this to be really easy, and if this goes to live, theres going to be teams completing this in litterally 5 minutes tops, with an excessive ammount of DPS the gate can be destroyed even with the nanite transmitters healing it, so should increase the gates health to give it more of a challenge, I saw it happen last night.
But so far thats my Report, the Community is welcome to add onto it
-clicking powers for like 500 times to see them go on cooldown without activating is back...WHY?
-tribble doesn't run on my laptop, holodeck does, i see very noticable decreases in FPS on Tribble on my home rig.
-many crashes mid mission
-moar lag
-bug reports and gm tickets time out, i can't report bugs