Thought about this potential mission this morning.
When you have injured Doffs, would it be possible that you could get a medical shipboard assignment to speed recovery time?
For example I have two Doffs down in Sickbay for a 2 days of healing. Since my sickbay is populated, the system could recognize that, and provide me with a shipboard Doff assignment requiring a medical person (Doctor or Nurse), to speed recovery.
The rewards could be Medical XP, plus the following:
Critical Success: Reduction in Time to Heal (- 1 Day?)
Success: Minor Redcuction in Time to Heal (- 12 Hours?)
Failure: Minor Increase in Time to Heal (+ 12 Hours?)
Disaster: Increase in Time to Heal (+ 1 Day?)
Not sure that the system is capable of this, but thought it may make a neat Doff mission.