I'm quite concerned about a few things involving the text with the new UI upgrades. For example:
The inabilities to read the entire "title" in the left side tab of certain pop ups (mission journal for example) unless you mouse over isn't incredibly effective and adds extra levels of confusion if you don't know what you're doing (or don't think to mouse over) such as a new player might.
I've noticed several truncated praises in the Duty officer system as well. Critical things like "chance of su..." and "time to comp...". For example, under the completed tab, on a mission I've finished, there's a line that reads "Assignment o..." and right next to that it says "Critical". Mousing over it doesn't tell me what that says there (I'm assuming it's "assignment officers" but I'm not sure) so for a second I thought it meant that I had failed the mission.
Either make the side bars larger so that the text fills it, or make the text smaller so it fits the tab better.
I'm sure that a fix is in the works, but I felt it needed to be stressed.
Thanks for reading.