Sorry if this is a repost. But I have been away for awhile and just came back to find my once awesome Dual Heavy Disruptor Cannons look and act more like pew..pew sling shots.
Did I seriously miss something with all these updates? Or is this just another "lets gut what the KDF backbone weapon is" move by the STO?
Can someone at least point me to STO update list that talks about it?
Quad cannons? WTH is this? Quad cannons and heavy quad cannons would only make sense if their cool down time was twice what the dual cannon cool down rate is.
Don't ask me,
but if i had to guess, it will be severly broken in opness, unchanged for months, till the kdf gets access to them as well and then they will be nerfed inside two weeks. (Eyes the pengs...)
Good to go, Thanks for the reply. I didn't have time to really check the DPS and Damage output on target and was freaked out by the lack luster effect of my Cannon Rapid Fire the few minutes I got to play. I would hate to think my coveted DHC's on my Battle Cruiser were no longer worth anything.
Quad cannons? WTH is this? Quad cannons and heavy quad cannons would only make sense if their cool down time was twice what the dual cannon cool down rate is.
Other than a screenshot there's no details on the quad cannons at all, they may just be visual changes so why worry about what does and doesn't make sense? If they turn out to be broken then I'll join in with the pitchforks but until then there's little point in raging other than to ensure it's ignored as just more forum whining when they're released.
Do all DHCs still have the innate 10% crit severity bonus that magically appeared a few patches ago; or did they back that out at some point? Antiproton Dual Heavy Cannons [CritD]x3 = 110% CSB FTW!
Do all DHCs still have the innate 10% crit severity bonus that magically appeared a few patches ago; or did they back that out at some point? Antiproton Dual Heavy Cannons [CritD]x3 = 110% CSB FTW!
but if i had to guess, it will be severly broken in opness, unchanged for months, till the kdf gets access to them as well and then they will be nerfed inside two weeks. (Eyes the pengs...)
Other than a screenshot there's no details on the quad cannons at all, they may just be visual changes so why worry about what does and doesn't make sense? If they turn out to be broken then I'll join in with the pitchforks but until then there's little point in raging other than to ensure it's ignored as just more forum whining when they're released.
That is the Quad cannon. One merely flies up to an opponent and displays said screenshot and demands surrender. I kid.....
Persoanlly I'm looking forward to seeeing them in action.
Disappearing stats may be caused by the new Season 4 which was released a few months ago. Numberous bugs which are still not fixed.
Btw I dont see any difference with Polarons and Tetryon Cannon effects, so I dont think they changed ALL gfx.