Because when you have played all there is, earned your 100 Million EC, got bored with the Accolade hunt, maxed a couple of characters (Fed & Klink), capped FDC, opened up all the R&D ..... there is not much left to do but buy the shuttle to give you 10min of sad sad STO joy
Aside from the Vault, where you need to use a shuttle. Only player-organized events, like Shuttle Wars, come to my mind.
Fun stuff to do in a Shuttle:
1) The Vault
2) Level your 7th or so char in a Shuttlecraft.
3) Get as many friends as you can for Shuttle PvP (Shuttle Wars)
4) Get 5 friends and go hunt some ships in DSEs (SHuttle Wars, PVE Edition)
5) Gather the Delta Flyer parts
Things not to do with a Shuttle, because it's rude.
1) A STF
2) Join the regular PvP Queue
3) Join a Red Alert action.
Aside from the Vault, where you need to use a shuttle. Only player-organized events, like Shuttle Wars, come to my mind.
Fun stuff to do in a Shuttle:
1) The Vault
2) Level your 7th or so char in a Shuttlecraft.
3) Get as many friends as you can for Shuttle PvP (Shuttle Wars)
4) Get 5 friends and go hunt some ships in DSEs (SHuttle Wars, PVE Edition)
5) Gather the Delta Flyer parts
Things not to do with a Shuttle, because it's rude.
1) A STF
2) Join the regular PvP Queue
3) Join a Red Alert action.
How is it rude exactly? I've used a shuttle for pvp and the odd RA, the perigrine fighter makes it quite challenging too.
How is it rude exactly? I've used a shuttle for pvp and the odd RA, the perigrine fighter makes it quite challenging too.
Because the rest of the people expect people that have a ship that can hold its own and contribute to the match. It's almost as bad as AFKing in these environments.
Now, if you go in with a group of friends that all know and agree with what you are doing - well, no problem. But randomly entering such a match is not okay.
How is it rude exactly? I've used a shuttle for pvp and the odd RA, the perigrine fighter makes it quite challenging too.
You are wasting other folks time in something too low dps to be effective in a team mission. It is worse than seeing 3 T1 ships show up because you made a choice to not be effective, unlike the T1 ships that are just doing the best they can do.
Things not to do with a Shuttle, because it's rude.
1) A STF
2) Join the regular PvP Queue
3) Join a Red Alert action.
To 1: Done the Cure with 5 Shuttles. 1st Space Part Assimilated Carrier and Tactical Cube was to strong for us
it is possible and a lot of Fun (if you like exploding every Minute)
to 2: Done this a lot of Times before and got lot of positive feedback, but also some negative
To 3: This is where i give you right, as soon the others see you are in a shuttle you are alone in the Instance, only some KDF Players staid in an honorable Fight but not Successfull Battle.
I think Dan once mentioned that Shuttle PvP Maps are coming at some Point.
Personally I use the shuttle all the time when farming for Anomlies as they are so much more maneuverable and hence quicker to get my goodies. Now that we can change to and from our shuttles 'in the field' they are far better.
I went into a RA using a Captain's Yaht and we defeated the boss just as fine as if I was using a ship. No one yelled at me for it and everyone was having fun. So yeah, it's possible, if you know what you are doing.
You are wasting other folks time in something too low dps to be effective in a team mission. It is worse than seeing 3 T1 ships show up because you made a choice to not be effective, unlike the T1 ships that are just doing the best they can do.
I think I am going to take out my yatch tonight if I can get online and pvp
Personally I use the shuttle all the time when farming for Anomlies as they are so much more maneuverable and hence quicker to get my goodies. Now that we can change to and from our shuttles 'in the field' they are far better.
I seem to have missed this in patch notes, how is this done?
Aside from the Vault, where you need to use a shuttle. Only player-organized events, like Shuttle Wars, come to my mind.
Fun stuff to do in a Shuttle:
1) The Vault
2) Level your 7th or so char in a Shuttlecraft.
3) Get as many friends as you can for Shuttle PvP (Shuttle Wars)
4) Get 5 friends and go hunt some ships in DSEs (SHuttle Wars, PVE Edition)
5) Gather the Delta Flyer parts
Things not to do with a Shuttle, because it's rude.
1) A STF
2) Join the regular PvP Queue
3) Join a Red Alert action.
1 VA with Beam Overload 1 in a Peregrine with 1 Mark XI purple dual beam array and 1 Mark XI Hargh'Peng = good probe duty. Add a science player to the mix and you got a tiny fleet of distractions for the mother ship.
...Also, can big ships ever launch their own support craft? Just these pets?
The Vault also gives you Scorpion Fighters as a reward, which when in a regular ship (not a shuttle or fighter) allows you to launch 3 Scorpion fighters to assist in combat. you can launch the fighters 50 times per Vault Reward. (it's unique so you have to completely use or sell the first device before you can pick up the next if you do the Vault again.) you can have a max of 6 fighters out at once.
Now, if you go in with a group of friends that all know and agree with what you are doing - well, no problem. But randomly entering such a match is not okay.
True its impolite in a sense... but honestly players can do whatever they want.
I flew a Peregrine into an RA once just for the lulz of strafing one of the biggest bosses in the game with one of (if not THE) smallest ship(s) flyable.
It was amazingly fun.
I'm not crazy enough (yet) to attempt non-organized non-shuttle PvP though.
True its impolite in a sense... but honestly players can do whatever they want.
I flew a Peregrine into an RA once just for the lulz of strafing one of the biggest bosses in the game with one of (if not THE) smallest ship(s) flyable.
It was amazingly fun.
I'm not crazy enough (yet) to attempt non-organized non-shuttle PvP though.
Peregrine Fighters are amazing in non-shuttle PvP matches
Hmm. Reading it quoted that way, I have to wonder whether I was thinking of the emberrassment of the Borg Collective to be defeated by 5 Shuttles, or because the other 4 players now have to fight for 5...
1 VA with Beam Overload 1 in a Peregrine with 1 Mark XI purple dual beam array and 1 Mark XI Hargh'Peng = good probe duty. Add a science player to the mix and you got a tiny fleet of distractions for the mother ship.
With the fighter why not use a cannon? If you're using a Beam Weapon Then might I suggest the Delta Flyer?
I've done a few RA's in the Fighter (yeah I'm THAT GUY) and it does make for an interresting challenge. Though for the standard shuttles, I'm not too sure what they would be good for other than getting the Delta Flyer.
The standard Type 8 Shuttle is pretty useless, but you get it for free. The Danube Class Runabout has superior shield and hull strength and has a native Tractor Beam I ability built in. If you are willing to lay down the 30k or so EC to buy it, then you're better off with the Danube.
I never realized just how angry people get when I fly my tiny fighter into an RA, never even considered using my captains yacht, or the Delta flyer though. I'll have to try that sometime.
I did the Psi Velorum RA in my Captain's Yacht. Probes were bigger then my ship. And the team still pulled off a win.
Was it a group you went in with, or did you join with random people?
Just because the group won, doesn't mean they didn't have to work harder to make up for the lack of the firepower and abilities an actual ship, not a shuttle, would have brought.
Because when you have played all there is, earned your 100 Million EC, got bored with the Accolade hunt, maxed a couple of characters (Fed & Klink), capped FDC, opened up all the R&D ..... there is not much left to do but buy the shuttle to give you 10min of sad sad STO joy
a Shuttle Vs. Shuttle PvP queue would be nice. I usually take on out to do my anomaly grind in low level exploration sections. It's also great fun to fly your Delta Flyer into an RA and try to recreate the scene from Voyager where it blows up
I usually use my Yacht or Delta Flyer to generally bum around the galaxy getting from one place to another. I'll go and do anomaly scanning in one, but thats about it really.
Fun stuff to do in a Shuttle:
1) The Vault
2) Level your 7th or so char in a Shuttlecraft.
3) Get as many friends as you can for Shuttle PvP (Shuttle Wars)
4) Get 5 friends and go hunt some ships in DSEs (SHuttle Wars, PVE Edition)
5) Gather the Delta Flyer parts
Things not to do with a Shuttle, because it's rude.
1) A STF
2) Join the regular PvP Queue
3) Join a Red Alert action.
How is it rude exactly? I've used a shuttle for pvp and the odd RA, the perigrine fighter makes it quite challenging too.
Now, if you go in with a group of friends that all know and agree with what you are doing - well, no problem. But randomly entering such a match is not okay.
You are wasting other folks time in something too low dps to be effective in a team mission. It is worse than seeing 3 T1 ships show up because you made a choice to not be effective, unlike the T1 ships that are just doing the best they can do.
To 1: Done the Cure with 5 Shuttles. 1st Space Part Assimilated Carrier and Tactical Cube was to strong for us
it is possible and a lot of Fun (if you like exploding every Minute)
to 2: Done this a lot of Times before and got lot of positive feedback, but also some negative
To 3: This is where i give you right, as soon the others see you are in a shuttle you are alone in the Instance, only some KDF Players staid in an honorable Fight but not Successfull Battle.
I think Dan once mentioned that Shuttle PvP Maps are coming at some Point.
It would b cool to fight inside the Vault
I think I am going to take out my yatch tonight if I can get online and pvp
I seem to have missed this in patch notes, how is this done?
1 VA with Beam Overload 1 in a Peregrine with 1 Mark XI purple dual beam array and 1 Mark XI Hargh'Peng = good probe duty. Add a science player to the mix and you got a tiny fleet of distractions for the mother ship.
To select a shuittle, go to your ship's transporter room and to get back to your ship just go to your shuttles bridge.
True its impolite in a sense... but honestly players can do whatever they want.
I flew a Peregrine into an RA once just for the lulz of strafing one of the biggest bosses in the game with one of (if not THE) smallest ship(s) flyable.
It was amazingly fun.
I'm not crazy enough (yet) to attempt non-organized non-shuttle PvP though.
Peregrine Fighters are amazing in non-shuttle PvP matches
...for the opposing teams score.
I lol'd.
With the fighter why not use a cannon? If you're using a Beam Weapon Then might I suggest the Delta Flyer?
I've done a few RA's in the Fighter (yeah I'm THAT GUY) and it does make for an interresting challenge. Though for the standard shuttles, I'm not too sure what they would be good for other than getting the Delta Flyer.
Was it a group you went in with, or did you join with random people?
Just because the group won, doesn't mean they didn't have to work harder to make up for the lack of the firepower and abilities an actual ship, not a shuttle, would have brought.
LOL, and just so sadly true
If we didn't have to reset our trays every time!
This! A million times, THIS!!!!
Cryptic, are you listening?
I usually use my Yacht or Delta Flyer to generally bum around the galaxy getting from one place to another. I'll go and do anomaly scanning in one, but thats about it really.
Would love to see more shuttle missions though.