I did not find any similar threads on this topic (probably, because the search does not accept "no" as a keyword), but i noticed doing the pi canis sorties alpha and beta that torpedos do not do any damage to the structures namely the satellites in the kern system and the two capacitors in the Eriksson system.
Can anybody confirm that? Just wondering if that is a common bug or related to the torpedos used (photon IV, crafted)
I was using torps vs a structure in one of the low level Klink missions the other day and noticed that they didn't do a lot of damage. Perhaps the structures just have a massive kinetic resist?
I've been doing these for a long time, and I can tell you what it is. Basically in Alpha sortie there are tons of little asteroid type objects in this one and line of sight is either going to make the torpedo miss or show you a gazillion or fake torpedos fireing at the target. As for Bravo Sortie on the Erikson outpost at certain angles it does the same thing which a lot of times you need to be on the opposite of the shielded freighters because the outpost itself is an object and then the targets are on the other side of it but anyway until it gets more work done to it thats how you get around it.
No, the bug here is: your other weapons (dual cannons, beam banks) they do hit. But not the torpedos. Check it out in Kern system when having a sattelite in direct line of sight: shoot a cannon/beam, when it does damage, shoot a torpedo...
Yep, I noticed it on the F2P server the other night. Was doing that lowbie patrol mission where you have to destroy 7 drydocks, and it looked like my torpedoes just weren't doing anything (or if they were, it wasn't distinguishable from phasers).
Guess it's time to send a report.
Figured it was an F2P change, but apparently not.