I haven't seen a great deal of damage improvement on the Javelin. In fact, I've seen lower damage variables. I used to hit for 20-40 thousand per shot, now I'm dealing 10-15 on average on an unshielded facing. If I hit a shielded facing its like smacking them with a limp noodle.
More Damage increase needed I think, as it does significantly less than my Gal-X's phaser lance, which I'm not even specked into ship or energy type wise (yes I am for the Guramba). Turn rate reduction down to 30 over 35 would be a blessing. I'll wait to see what sort of Raptor/Escort console the KDF gets before saying it needs to be able to use the Isometric Charge console.
I'm now wondering with the pending skill changes how this will overall effect things...
Only suggestions I would have is reducing cost of this ship and giving it a more nausicaan pirate feel to its abilities especially when it comes to like the missions where freighters are to be attacked for their goods I would think this ship would have a better PvP role if it was suited mostly for the Open PvP plan that was about to come out that one time with attacking transports. Possibly as just a suggestion since I am not a solution person That it be given some type of edge in its siege mode or whatever that other ships wouldn't be as good as using vs freighters. One big thing to give it that feel would be to limit the chance that taking damage breaks the interaction when beaming cargo. I'm really hoping though that someone else has already though of these ideas or something better and is already in the works
I considered it but ultimately with all the shooting you will be doing it would be wasted. Jam Sensors would be better but ultimately using the Sci abilities for heals tends to be your best bet with this machine.
I think you are going to enjoy it when you get it though.
i think so too ive been working towards it all week since last week should get it today finaly im looking forword to implement the build i have in my mind for it and since im a veteran i got 250 emblems to spend on it sweet !!
i think so too ive been working towards it all week since last week should get it today finaly im looking forword to implement the build i have in my mind for it and since im a veteran i got 250 emblems to spend on it sweet !!
I'm going to mail you a little suggestion on the build because I found one which is eeevil LOL. It is always so fun getting a new ship andt he Guramba is beautifully wicked. I love flipping it around in configuration on the move. It is like a switchblade knife but ten times as intimidating.
I'm going to mail you a little suggestion on the build because I found one which is eeevil LOL. It is always so fun getting a new ship andt he Guramba is beautifully wicked. I love flipping it around in configuration on the move. It is like a switchblade knife but ten times as intimidating.
sweet sounds good i should be online and playing in an hour
I'm going to mail you a little suggestion on the build because I found one which is eeevil LOL. It is always so fun getting a new ship andt he Guramba is beautifully wicked. I love flipping it around in configuration on the move. It is like a switchblade knife but ten times as intimidating.
omg this ship is amazing i spent all night barly scrating the surface of its potential .... i took it to kerrat i got kills and i got killed but what a great test
the tric is learing when and when not to "siege"
i checked out the build you sent me but kinda went my own way cuz i didnt want to use cannons and i had
TSS3 and BO3 so those kinda chose for me but would love to compair
i got a 48k crit on a negvar in pvp with the jav on bare hull .....OMFG
which i timed perfectly so a torpedo flew out my tube a sec before my jav fired which followed by a big
he he he
and its not like he could escape it its like flying a vorcha when its in siege mode
i think my bigest problem was healing but i think it will be fixed with a borg set and all its proc
but omg
id love to have a huge discussion about this amazing ship
i wouldnt say you cant pvp wth it.....its pretty much a fleet escort minus 1 eng console but it has more shilds and hull
my first night with it was last night and i was getting kills i mean yes i do need to do much more testing and practice but i think this thing has potential to just be a beast....and its soooooo fun
The ship has its place in PvP. In group PvP its very much a fire support craft in siege mode, while in regular mode its a strike craft. It's capable of the two roles, so a player has to be ready for the shift in them. In 1v1 PvP unless you're fighting a cruiser and have a tractor beam Siege mode's not very useful. It's hard to keep on the target even with the fast charge time and better turn rate. But in group matches when you're not the only target of focus, it makes a great fire support craft, laying down barrages of fire and the big scary laser.
The ship has its place in PvP. In group PvP its very much a fire support craft in siege mode, while in regular mode its a strike craft. It's capable of the two roles, so a player has to be ready for the shift in them. In 1v1 PvP unless you're fighting a cruiser and have a tractor beam Siege mode's not very useful. It's hard to keep on the target even with the fast charge time and better turn rate. But in group matches when you're not the only target of focus, it makes a great fire support craft, laying down barrages of fire and the big scary laser.
i agree that you have to be ready to change from siege to not on the fly definetly noticed that last night and its gonna take a bit to master
as far as the turn rate in siege more versus a cruiser i wasnt having too much of a problem but i am running all beams so so thats probaly why im not seeing it im able to lay down constant fire
oh didnt read that all the way...lol ok well versus an escort was just staying regular mode and was working well for me ship was still tough
i realy htink the ship is verry comparible to the fleet escort
i agree that you have to be ready to change from siege to not on the fly definetly noticed that last night and its gonna take a bit to master
as far as the turn rate in siege more versus a cruiser i wasnt having too much of a problem but i am running all beams so so thats probaly why im not seeing it im able to lay down constant fire
oh didnt read that all the way...lol ok well versus an escort was just staying regular mode and was working well for me ship was still tough
i realy htink the ship is verry comparible to the fleet escort
I dont even use the Javelin that much unless I have a large slow moving target...but yeah, I'm 90% in normal mode for most things too
i wouldnt say you cant pvp wth it.....its pretty much a fleet escort minus 1 eng console but it has more shilds and hull
my first night with it was last night and i was getting kills i mean yes i do need to do much more testing and practice but i think this thing has potential to just be a beast....and its soooooo fun
Actually it is the King of Raptors that can Choose between Maneuverability and Tank. I have out tanked Cruisers in mine but out flown Fleet Escorts lol. You are very correct that which mode you are in makes a HUGE difference and should not be picked willy nilly. Sometimes the most devastating thing you can do is trick an enemy by flipping out of Siege mode when you are charged to suddenly get the drop on them when they think they have you nailed down. Cruisers, even Klingon, are no match for the Guramba.
The one thing you need to watch out for is Escorts and Science Ships. The D'kyr and its friends will always beat you if flown properly. (Do not feel bad, they beat everything if flown properly LOL) And the Multivector will turn you into scrap in mere seconds if you do not understand how it works and what to do. If you DO understand it then you can avoid the instant death and may stand a chance though it is a little unlikely you will get the Jav on them.
Actually it is the King of Raptors that can Choose between Maneuverability and Tank. I have out tanked Cruisers in mine but out flown Fleet Escorts lol. You are very correct that which mode you are in makes a HUGE difference and should not be picked willy nilly. Sometimes the most devastating thing you can do is trick an enemy by flipping out of Siege mode when you are charged to suddenly get the drop on them when they think they have you nailed down. Cruisers, even Klingon, are no match for the Guramba.
The one thing you need to watch out for is Escorts and Science Ships. The D'kyr and its friends will always beat you if flown properly. (Do not feel bad, they beat everything if flown properly LOL) And the Multivector will turn you into scrap in mere seconds if you do not understand how it works and what to do. If you DO understand it then you can avoid the instant death and may stand a chance though it is a little unlikely you will get the Jav on them.
lol ya the 2 ships that gave me trouble last night was an intrepid and a multi vector other than taht i was doing prety good the versitility of this ship is amazing and yes i found somtimes i had a fully charged jav and said f this and went back to normal mode and did a cirlcle in order to catsh the targets rear again which afo course worked out soooo well
i need to get some borg gear and im gonna host an infected run in about 3 hours if anyone wants to join me thats about 4 PM west coast usa time
its always hard to find kdf running it so i figured i would anounce it haha
We've looked into it, and are not seeing any changes that would suggest this - there is a lot of fluctuation in the power, so it could simply be bad luck.
By damage value, the DPS of the Javelin and the Galaxy X Spinal Lance are roughly the same.
Bad luck would be every once in a while, I'm constantly striking for negligible damage at 125 weapons power. being speced into beams AND disruptor. I tried the Gal-X on my Tac who's speced into Escorts and Tetryon and the Lance does a constant case of much better damage.
Bad luck would be every once in a while, I'm constantly striking for negligible damage at 125 weapons power. being speced into beams AND disruptor. I tried the Gal-X on my Tac who's speced into Escorts and Tetryon and the Lance does a constant case of much better damage.
Well maybe the difference is elsewhere ? like your targets resistances ? Isn't javelin just one single burst while lance two smaller hits with same dps ?
Also shouldn't javelin do more dmg, because the ship has access to 4 tac consoles instead 2 of Galaxy-X ?
Here's some advice you guramba guys, use scatter volley. The more targets you hit in siege mode the faster it charges, with 3 targets it charges in about a second or two and with the increased turn rate it's not hard to use dual heavies. With my tac I I've maxed out a crit so far at over 72k against a breen cruiser and I've also popped 2 cubes with one shot (if they are lined up you can hit multiple targets). The damage does seem to fluctuate though, I hit from anywhere from 12k on up, it would be nice if it was more dependable. How about a defense buff when in siege mode, like the shields hardening with better resists since you are generally pointing your front end towards the target the whole time and can't really turn away to protect a facing when tac team wears off. Just a thought, but I will say that I do like it a whole lot better now.
Here's some advice you guramba guys, use scatter volley. The more targets you hit in siege mode the faster it charges, with 3 targets it charges in about a second or two and with the increased turn rate it's not hard to use dual heavies. With my tac I I've maxed out a crit so far at over 72k against a breen cruiser and I've also popped 2 cubes with one shot (if they are lined up you can hit multiple targets). The damage does seem to fluctuate though, I hit from anywhere from 12k on up, it would be nice if it was more dependable. How about a defense buff when in siege mode, like the shields hardening with better resists since you are generally pointing your front end towards the target the whole time and can't really turn away to protect a facing when tac team wears off. Just a thought, but I will say that I do like it a whole lot better now.
I agree 100% with Scatter Volley. I generally can charge up in roughly 2 seconds flat. As for shield hardening... The Increased shield power it gives you DOES increase shield resistances.
To the Devs: It does seem to fluctuate to the low end more often then not. Was the damage on it made a bit wider in range than previously? Maybe that is what I am actually seeing? Unfortunately, the high number I get come as Crits which makes it really hard to pin down if they are high or just critical lol. I'll keep looking at it though, but a wider range could explain it.
I also think I may have noticed one other thing that could be an X-Factor here... Most of the targets I could reliably hit previously hardly moved but now I can hit moving targets which of course grants them more defense. Though the Cubes are still uncertain. I did get two decent non-crit hits on them recently thought so still checking.
We've looked into it, and are not seeing any changes that would suggest this - there is a lot of fluctuation in the power, so it could simply be bad luck.
By damage value, the DPS of the Javelin and the Galaxy X Spinal Lance are roughly the same.
Threre does seem to be SOMTHING weird going on with the javelin since the turn rate change went ahead, im seeing the non crit damage numbers being consistantly lower than they used to be but the critical hits seem to be able to go way higher than before ( i had a buffed damage crit of over 100k the other night, and ive had many in the 70-80k range) it just seems like somthing may have gone a bit weird in the damage calculations somewhere.
Yeah I'm talking heavily buffed Javelin shot to an unshielded doing maybe 10-13k if i'm lucky. I've not had a 30K or over crit since these changes went live and I use my Guramba a lot.
Also yeah I use scatter volley, especially in PvP or against spam, as it makes charging the javelin trivial.
Yeah I'm talking heavily buffed Javelin shot to an unshielded doing maybe 10-13k if i'm lucky. I've not had a 30K or over crit since these changes went live and I use my Guramba a lot.
Also yeah I use scatter volley, especially in PvP or against spam, as it makes charging the javelin trivial.
dose scatter volley do good dammage as compaired to crf
ive noticed my Beam Overload 3 works just the same as the javalin if not better is this right i just got the garumba so i have no idea of what its "suppose" to be but i thought id add that also somtimes when ive fired the jav i dont return to normal mode thats happened a few times
I'm now wondering with the pending skill changes how this will overall effect things...
Have fun
i think so too ive been working towards it all week since last week should get it today finaly im looking forword to implement the build i have in my mind for it and since im a veteran i got 250 emblems to spend on it sweet !!
I'm going to mail you a little suggestion on the build because I found one which is eeevil LOL. It is always so fun getting a new ship andt he Guramba is beautifully wicked. I love flipping it around in configuration on the move. It is like a switchblade knife but ten times as intimidating.
sweet sounds good i should be online and playing in an hour
Now my curiosity is getting to me...:D
LOL... Well maaaybe I will leak it more later.
the tric is learing when and when not to "siege"
i checked out the build you sent me but kinda went my own way cuz i didnt want to use cannons and i had
TSS3 and BO3 so those kinda chose for me but would love to compair
i got a 48k crit on a negvar in pvp with the jav on bare hull .....OMFG
which i timed perfectly so a torpedo flew out my tube a sec before my jav fired which followed by a big
he he he
and its not like he could escape it its like flying a vorcha when its in siege mode
i think my bigest problem was healing but i think it will be fixed with a borg set and all its proc
but omg
id love to have a huge discussion about this amazing ship
I am looking forward to getting my hands on one, though, as soon as my Nausicaan Tac hits the proper rank.
my first night with it was last night and i was getting kills i mean yes i do need to do much more testing and practice but i think this thing has potential to just be a beast....and its soooooo fun
i agree that you have to be ready to change from siege to not on the fly definetly noticed that last night and its gonna take a bit to master
as far as the turn rate in siege more versus a cruiser i wasnt having too much of a problem but i am running all beams so so thats probaly why im not seeing it im able to lay down constant fire
oh didnt read that all the way...lol ok well versus an escort was just staying regular mode and was working well for me ship was still tough
i realy htink the ship is verry comparible to the fleet escort
Sorta close to my current build
I dont even use the Javelin that much unless I have a large slow moving target...but yeah, I'm 90% in normal mode for most things too
Actually it is the King of Raptors that can Choose between Maneuverability and Tank. I have out tanked Cruisers in mine but out flown Fleet Escorts lol. You are very correct that which mode you are in makes a HUGE difference and should not be picked willy nilly. Sometimes the most devastating thing you can do is trick an enemy by flipping out of Siege mode when you are charged to suddenly get the drop on them when they think they have you nailed down. Cruisers, even Klingon, are no match for the Guramba.
The one thing you need to watch out for is Escorts and Science Ships. The D'kyr and its friends will always beat you if flown properly. (Do not feel bad, they beat everything if flown properly LOL) And the Multivector will turn you into scrap in mere seconds if you do not understand how it works and what to do. If you DO understand it then you can avoid the instant death and may stand a chance though it is a little unlikely you will get the Jav on them.
lol ya the 2 ships that gave me trouble last night was an intrepid and a multi vector other than taht i was doing prety good the versitility of this ship is amazing and yes i found somtimes i had a fully charged jav and said f this and went back to normal mode and did a cirlcle in order to catsh the targets rear again which afo course worked out soooo well
i need to get some borg gear and im gonna host an infected run in about 3 hours if anyone wants to join me thats about 4 PM west coast usa time
its always hard to find kdf running it so i figured i would anounce it haha
By damage value, the DPS of the Javelin and the Galaxy X Spinal Lance are roughly the same.
Well maybe the difference is elsewhere ? like your targets resistances ? Isn't javelin just one single burst while lance two smaller hits with same dps ?
Also shouldn't javelin do more dmg, because the ship has access to 4 tac consoles instead 2 of Galaxy-X ?
I agree 100% with Scatter Volley. I generally can charge up in roughly 2 seconds flat. As for shield hardening... The Increased shield power it gives you DOES increase shield resistances.
To the Devs: It does seem to fluctuate to the low end more often then not. Was the damage on it made a bit wider in range than previously? Maybe that is what I am actually seeing? Unfortunately, the high number I get come as Crits which makes it really hard to pin down if they are high or just critical lol. I'll keep looking at it though, but a wider range could explain it.
I also think I may have noticed one other thing that could be an X-Factor here... Most of the targets I could reliably hit previously hardly moved but now I can hit moving targets which of course grants them more defense. Though the Cubes are still uncertain. I did get two decent non-crit hits on them recently thought so still checking.
seems OK to me...
(I had a bunch of tac buffs running, and he was sitting perfectly still at capture point, but it still was a pretty nice perfect one-shot!
if there is any shields on the target the GREATLY reduces it even barly a smige cuz you onlu get that one beam
Threre does seem to be SOMTHING weird going on with the javelin since the turn rate change went ahead, im seeing the non crit damage numbers being consistantly lower than they used to be but the critical hits seem to be able to go way higher than before ( i had a buffed damage crit of over 100k the other night, and ive had many in the 70-80k range) it just seems like somthing may have gone a bit weird in the damage calculations somewhere.
Also yeah I use scatter volley, especially in PvP or against spam, as it makes charging the javelin trivial.
dose scatter volley do good dammage as compaired to crf
ive noticed my Beam Overload 3 works just the same as the javalin if not better is this right i just got the garumba so i have no idea of what its "suppose" to be but i thought id add that also somtimes when ive fired the jav i dont return to normal mode thats happened a few times