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Mission perfect last week, broke this week. Why?

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
Greetings Dan, Zero, Stormy, and everyone else.

Apparently there are still some BIG problems in the Foundry mission playablilty status.
Last week after everything (my missions) were republished, my pilot episode Spawn of Medusa had BOFF pathing issues. This has already been reported and I seem to have made it playable with a spawn point move. Although they get stuck again further down in the cave, they at least accompany you in to fight the enemy mob. My other missions: Spawn of Medusa II and
Spawn of Medusa III
were perfect with absolutely no issues whatsoever. I played them twice and everything was perfect
...WAS perfect. :(

Now for no reason whatsoever, with nothing being touched or edited in any way, Spawn of Medusa III has had an issue just "pop up". I went to play it last night and when I reached the end of the mission, the huge rock arch with an NPC contact you need to speak with and a console on the top you must interact with has turned to the "jello floor" syndrome. The NPC is below the formation and when you attempt to get on the formation you instantly sink below it, leaving the player unable to complete the
mission. :mad:

Let me repeat this so it is absolutely clear: This worked fine last weekend, and now, for no reason,
it has broken itself!

Thinking I may be able to fix it, I went into the editor and tested the map there. It worked fine with
absolutely no problem. So I chose to republish it AGAIN and see if it would correct the problem. Upon playing it, when you now go to beam to the Science station prior to beaming to the planet where the problem was, you fall endlessly into oblivion and BANG! mission over. The station itself now does not have a solid floor so I cannot even get to the Rock formation to see if the republish fixed it.

With this happening to a mission that was working beautifully last weekend, I now fear that there is
the possibility that no mission is guaranteed to remain safe and fully playable. Just like before, they now are having "random" issues again. I'm trying to remain patient and understanding, but this is getting bloody ridiculous. Random breaks for no reason, Maps work one day, don't the next. Edit and republish and something entirely new is borked. I mean why can't this be fixed? There has got to be something wrong if missions work great one day, and turn to mush the next.

I am a loyal, lifetime STO player. I have spent a boatload on $ in the C-Store as well, but I cannot figure out for the life of me why the programmers cannot fix these issues. With all due respect, I would be in a world of trouble if I had such failures in my line of work. Every patch, maintenance, or now just another day seems to break our Foundry missions. I fear I may play one of my others that work and have something pop up there now too. Please Help.

Deperately seeking Assistance,

Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Ugh! I hope they can get this resolved for you, brother!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Have hope, they are working on the solid objects not being solid problem. Check out my thread: http://forums.startrekonline.com/showthread.php?t=227621&page=4.

    And no, no project is safe. Its annoying, but we just have to get used to it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Well it is still in beta, you know.

    At any rate, I'm having a similar sort of problem that spontaneously popped up today. On one of my maps, specifically UGC_STF_Interior_04, the floor is spontaneously "open." That is, all characters in the map, PC, BOs and NPCs, fall through the floor (and mostly end up dying of falling damage at the bottom of the abyss)

    I believe I worked on this map two days ago and had no such problem. It's still a mission in progress, not published yet, so this is happening when I test the map. It happens every single time the map is attempted.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Well it is still in beta, you know.

    At any rate, I'm having a similar sort of problem that spontaneously popped up today. On one of my maps, specifically UGC_STF_Interior_04, the floor is spontaneously "open." That is, all characters in the map, PC, BOs and NPCs, fall through the floor (and mostly end up dying of falling damage at the bottom of the abyss)

    I believe I worked on this map two days ago and had no such problem. It's still a mission in progress, not published yet, so this is happening when I test the map. It happens every single time the map is attempted.

    I'm having that same problem. Some people report they fall through the floor of one map in "Descent into Madness". It seems random, some people play it and everything is fine and others fall through. I haven't been able to replicate it myself. In the editor it is fine. I also have NPC contacts and my toon passing through solid objects in the editor on the unpublished finale.
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