I dunno about anyone else, but I'm getting pretty fed up with my bird of prey de-cloaking every time my chatty bridge officer opens her mouth, or I receive an incoming hail from anyone. (This has killed my battle cloak, a perfect ambush, and my ship on more then one occasion.)
Yes back in WWII conversation on board a sub during silent running could easily alert the enemy to their position, but I would hope cloaking fields in space would be a wee bit better? :rolleyes:
Fixing cloak and battle cloak to stay engaged regardless of how much my BO drones on and on with stating the *blindingly obvious* (Yes we are under attack, especially now you've announced the enemy ships are inbound and helpfully turned off the cloak to show them our position. >.< ) would be a nice plus. :cool: (Or just a way to slap my Bo's upside the head and tell them to pipe down till after I'm done making space bacon out of the enemy.)
Contacts and mini-contacts will no longer pull players out of cloak with the following exceptions.
If you are interacting with something you will still be pulled out of cloak.
We can still have a contact or mini-contact pull you out of cloak if we feel it benefits the mission!
So let me get this straight; when I'm in a mission and one of my BOs mentions something to me my cloak is supposed to drop? Sorry but I simply don't see the logic behind this. Imagine in DS9 when the Klingons were cloaked and one of the Bridge officers had to say something to their captain their cloaks drop because they obviously need to decloak to have a chat... I SEVERELY doubt that the alliance would have been able to beat the dominion.
I get it why a cloak has to drop to interact with things, it only makes sense. But why the hell does the cloak have to drop everytime some ****er wants to chat with me I simply do not understand at all!
P.S. B'rel (Advanced) battle cloak is *still* bugged.
It is not intentional, or if it is its one of the worst "I have no idea how to fix this" cover ups ive ever seen. Nothing was changed, and cloaked is still messed up.
Cryptic recently changed the cloak, so that it does in fact remain through dialouges.
However, they did decide that in some instances, they would allow the cloak to drop, if they feel that it worked witht he mission.
Maybe they did ... but what they decided if you asked me as to leave it broken.
Having it uncloak because my tactical officer wants to tell me (in nebula / expanse missions) that we defeated one enemy and to get ready for the next is just plain stupid.
Sometimes the cloak stays down when I open a conversation with my BOFFs or get a hail, but 99.999[ad nauseum]% of the time when cloak is useful? It decloaks you.
How is it bugged? (still a few ranks from being able to pilot one so I haven't experienced issue yet.)
Besides other things, there are occasions where Starfleet ships act as if the B'Rel isn't cloaked at all, but are seemingly still in-capable of attacking you.
For example, the Pi Cannis missions where you have to block communications, the timer will start once you're within 10m even though you're cloaked, the starfleet ship will even start activating its buffs, but seems incapable of attacking you until you decloak.
cloaking sucks now even when you are cloaked they the enemy can still detect you which defeats the whole point of a cloak
but fractions are fractions so ill say no more
Enemy ships have always been able to detect cloaked ships. Its based on Auxiliary power settings and range.
A vessel with high aux power will see a cloaked ship with low aux power from around 5-10m away. Likewise a ship with medium aux will see a cloaked ship with low aux from around 3-5m, and a ship with low aux will see a cloaked ship with low(er) aux from around 1m. That is how it has always been.
However, an NPC's aux power setting appears to be reduced depending on how many levels lower the NPC is to you. So a lower level NPC ship is unlikely to ever detect you regardless of your distance and aux power settings.
That is how its pretty much always been and is accurate to the IP - with the exception of Star Trek Nemesis, all cloaked vessels give off tetryon emmissions and the closer they are, and the more powerful your scanners are, the more likely they'll detect a cloaked ship.
As Uhura said in ST:VI "Its got to have a tail pipe".
What is broken for the B'Rel, as I posted above, is that in several situations the whole range vs aux settings appears not to be taken into account and, besides not attacking you, the cloak is effectively not working.
It is not intentional, or if it is its one of the worst "I have no idea how to fix this" cover ups ive ever seen. Nothing was changed, and cloaked is still messed up.
THIS !! and only to repeat it loud and clear: is its one of the worst "I have no idea how to fix this" cover ups ive ever seen. Nothing was changed, and cloaked is still messed up
Absolutely NOTHING was fixed .You still uncloak when ur BO informs u about whatever.
Its broken since season 2.
After endless complaints over months they actually looked into it.
They decided that fixing it was too difficult and time consuming
End of story
(Seriously, did anything new get released in season 4 besides the ground combat over haul that wasn't a bug?)
*has to think hard*
- C-Store 2.0
- new Ship Requisitions UI
Starfleet Academy... a bit later.
"Base engine code merge"... which resulted in us getting a fake DirectX11 button that was removed before S4 launch... and some x4 resolution Textures.
Do difficulty slider changes (one shot instakill mob fixes?) because of shooter mode count?
- brake the Foundry
yeah... i think that sums it up.
and what they did, according to Gozer, was to run a SCRIPT through all Maps to *fix* cloaking / mask energy signature.
obviously that script FAILED
that script might even be the reason the Foundry Missions broke, wasn't that something about Text not correctly triggering events or something? Now why would they TRIBBLE around with that if not for fixing cloaking devices?
Well for example I was doing Blood of the Empire a bit ago and remained cloaked while my BOFF told me the obvious about the "Bird of Preys" which were actually Vor'chas. I then continued to remain cloaked while the Fek'Ihri hailed me and told me it was not going to be a good day to die for me.
It is not intentional, or if it is its one of the worst "I have no idea how to fix this" cover ups ive ever seen. Nothing was changed, and cloaked is still messed up.
when the opposing team wins in kerrat i still stay cloaked, but if my team gets all the nodes & its time to start destroying repair bases, then i get decloaked.
But hey, they say that's how it's supposed to be.:rolleyes:
I think Stormy needs to PM me on my true thoughts about how the cloaking bug issue was handled, so moderation will be unnecessary. "Disappointed" is the kindest word I can think of to use atm, however.
I can picture a Klingon captain sitting in his chair on the bridge and using the Dr. Evil 'sush!' every time one of his officers turns around to say something.
What's the deal with the random '2 sec Red Alerts' I keep getting in Ker'rat and PvP? Every single time it decloaks me!:eek::mad:
I think it's an attempt to deal with "Spawn Camping". People now have to wait until they go off red alert before they can start rushing through the other side.
Though it makes no sense to apply the effect in Ker'rat.
However, they did decide that in some instances, they would allow the cloak to drop, if they feel that it worked witht he mission.
[Citation needed]
lol, I was thinking the same thing. Just played my BoP last night and had the same problem wqith cloaking in every single type of mission I did.
Ask and you shall receive.
Source: http://forums.startrekonline.com/showpost.php?p=3627908&postcount=4
Unforutnately they decided that it should drop cloak in most instances, instead of the fewest instances.
Maybe we need to bug every single mission or situation where you're uncloaked and say it doesn't make sense there to uncloak.
I get it why a cloak has to drop to interact with things, it only makes sense. But why the hell does the cloak have to drop everytime some ****er wants to chat with me I simply do not understand at all!
P.S. B'rel (Advanced) battle cloak is *still* bugged.
Maybe they did ... but what they decided if you asked me as to leave it broken.
Having it uncloak because my tactical officer wants to tell me (in nebula / expanse missions) that we defeated one enemy and to get ready for the next is just plain stupid.
You mean squash the bug by bugging the frak out of them? ... That actually does appeal tot he Klingon in me.
Nice sig there dude...lol :eek:
How is it bugged? (still a few ranks from being able to pilot one so I haven't experienced issue yet.)
but fractions are fractions so ill say no more
Besides other things, there are occasions where Starfleet ships act as if the B'Rel isn't cloaked at all, but are seemingly still in-capable of attacking you.
For example, the Pi Cannis missions where you have to block communications, the timer will start once you're within 10m even though you're cloaked, the starfleet ship will even start activating its buffs, but seems incapable of attacking you until you decloak.
This doesn't happen for any other cloak type.
Enemy ships have always been able to detect cloaked ships. Its based on Auxiliary power settings and range.
A vessel with high aux power will see a cloaked ship with low aux power from around 5-10m away. Likewise a ship with medium aux will see a cloaked ship with low aux from around 3-5m, and a ship with low aux will see a cloaked ship with low(er) aux from around 1m. That is how it has always been.
However, an NPC's aux power setting appears to be reduced depending on how many levels lower the NPC is to you. So a lower level NPC ship is unlikely to ever detect you regardless of your distance and aux power settings.
That is how its pretty much always been and is accurate to the IP - with the exception of Star Trek Nemesis, all cloaked vessels give off tetryon emmissions and the closer they are, and the more powerful your scanners are, the more likely they'll detect a cloaked ship.
As Uhura said in ST:VI "Its got to have a tail pipe".
What is broken for the B'Rel, as I posted above, is that in several situations the whole range vs aux settings appears not to be taken into account and, besides not attacking you, the cloak is effectively not working.
THIS !! and only to repeat it loud and clear:
is its one of the worst "I have no idea how to fix this" cover ups ive ever seen. Nothing was changed, and cloaked is still messed up
Absolutely NOTHING was fixed .You still uncloak when ur BO informs u about whatever.
Its broken since season 2.
After endless complaints over months they actually looked into it.
They decided that fixing it was too difficult and time consuming
End of story
It's (lack of) quality, attention to detail and bug fixes like that which makes me all the more eager to play the new star wars mmo when it comes out.
(Seriously, did anything new get released in season 4 besides the ground combat over haul that wasn't a bug?)
*has to think hard*
- C-Store 2.0
- new Ship Requisitions UI
Starfleet Academy... a bit later.
"Base engine code merge"... which resulted in us getting a fake DirectX11 button that was removed before S4 launch... and some x4 resolution Textures.
Do difficulty slider changes (one shot instakill mob fixes?) because of shooter mode count?
- brake the Foundry
yeah... i think that sums it up.
and what they did, according to Gozer, was to run a SCRIPT through all Maps to *fix* cloaking / mask energy signature.
obviously that script FAILED
that script might even be the reason the Foundry Missions broke, wasn't that something about Text not correctly triggering events or something? Now why would they TRIBBLE around with that if not for fixing cloaking devices?
Well for example I was doing Blood of the Empire a bit ago and remained cloaked while my BOFF told me the obvious about the "Bird of Preys" which were actually Vor'chas. I then continued to remain cloaked while the Fek'Ihri hailed me and told me it was not going to be a good day to die for me.
Aye .
But hey, they say that's how it's supposed to be.:rolleyes:
lol...that's not cool..perhaps they forgot to fix it?...lol
(by this I mean: Simple Termination of Future Updates.)
I want one of these.
Though it makes no sense to apply the effect in Ker'rat.