The Vornan colony in the Otha system was annexed by the Klingons over three years ago. They have managed to overthrow their governor and steal a freighter and have sent a message to the Federation asking for their help in maintaining their independence.
The Vornan Rebellion ST-HCUC4UJML
Starfleet wants you to aid the Vornans any way you can and prevent the Klingons from retaking this strategically important planet before a fleet can arrive to hold the system.
The Vornan Uprising ST-HTV8WHFTH
The Empire will not allow the strategically important colony to fall to the Federation. Your orders are to put an end to this rebellion and deal with any Starfleet interference that arises.
A war story, this one has both space and ground combat including a large fleet battle. The same locations are used, but the story plays out differently for each faction.
Enjoy, and please share any feedback!
Klingon mission is well received, need one more review on the Fed side to get it into the main listing.
Klingon Mission - The Vornan Uprising
Author: Stylsy
Allegiance: Klingon
Report Start
Summary: This is a fantastic mission. Your map design is great. The story dialog is very well written. I noted very few spelling or grammatical errors in any of the dialog. The battles were tough but not impossible to achieve glory. The sting of the battle was glorious! If you are seeking a Klingon mission with great writing, fantastic map design and glorious combat then this is the mission for you.
At first glance you might think I noted a vast number of items for you to "consider changing" but most of the items I noted are concerning the use of the response button "Continue". I suppose it could be said, that the use of "Continue" as a response button is a bit of a pet peeve of mine. At lease that would be the conclusion if youve read most of my "in depth mission critiques". Thats not to say that it is not usable at all as a response button. Your use of it for the final speech at the end of the mission actually worked and I noted that for that map. For me it seems to flow better if the player has some interaction in the story. Others may be content to click "Continue" throughout. The use of the response button to serve to draw the player in and make them feel a part of the story is my goal with the noting of those buttons. Something appropriate a ships Captain might say in response to the report from a bridge officer or statement made by an NPC to the player.
Below are a few things I noted while playing the mission that I wanted to let you know about. Everything in this write up should be seen as suggestions on ways I felt you could improve certain elements of the mission. They are yours to do with as you see fit.
Mission Description: This is a good description. The information is to the point. I noted no spelling or grammatical errors. I noted one item to consider changing:
-Consider changing the authors notes to [OOC] so they are clearly separate from the information and the specific mission data should be changed to [MissionInfo].
Grant Mission Dialog: The dialog is very well written and serves its purpose to draw me into the story. I noted no spelling or grammatical errors with this dialog. I noted a couple of items to consider changing:
-The General's dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue" to read "Overpowered our warriors?" or something along those lines.
-Consider changing the second response button "Continue" to read "I shall deal with the traitors" or something along those lines.
Mission Task: This is a good mission task with a clear start location for the first custom map. I noted no spelling errors with this task. I have only one recommendation:
-Consider adding the sector to the task.
Mission Entry Prompt: An excellent use of the prompt. I noted no spelling or grammatical errors with this dialog.
Otha System: This is a really well designed map with a good battle. Your placement of the enemy was very good. I noted no spelling or grammatical errors with this dialog or any issues with the map. I noted a couple of items to consider changing:
-Initial entry dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue" to read "Plot an intercept course, full impulse" or something along those lines.
-The "Reach the Vornan Freighter" dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue" to read "Shield up" or something along those lines
-The post "Destroy Federation Vessels" dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue" to read "Prepare a boarding party" or something along those lines.
Vornan Freighter: This is an excellent map design. The battles are tough but not impossible. The story dialog is very well written. I noted no issues with the map. I noted a couple of items to consider changing:
-The initial dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue" to read "Kill the Federation scum" or something along those lines.
-The post "Defeat Federation Forces" dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue" to read "Lets find them" or something along those lines.
-Consider changing "near the energy room" to read "near the engine room".
-Consider changing the response button "Continue" to read "Excellent idea" or something along those lines.
-The post "Overload Forcefield" dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue" to read "Let's go" or something along those lines. Also "Forcefield" should be "Force field".
-There are a lot of response buttons that read "Continue" in this mission. I will note the locations but not give further suggested alternatives. A further explanation of me noting the use of "Continue" as a response button will be in the summary above these notes.
-The post "Clear the Engine Room" dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-I didn't notice a re-spawn point change because I didn't get killed. If you did not put a new re-spawn point before "Clear the Engine Room" task you may want to consider doing that.
-The "Interrogate Squad Leader" dialog; consider changing all the response buttons "Continue".
-Consider changing "We should inform General Ch'tang to have a fleet sent" to read "We should have General Ch'tang send a fleet".
-The map transfer dialog is using one of my ships engineering bridge officers. Consider changing the dialog "We should return to the [ShipName]" to read "We have a lock on your team. You should return to the [ShipName]". Also change the response button to "Energize".
Otha System: This is a good map design and it was a good battle. The dialog was good. I noted no spelling or grammatical errors with this dialog or any issues with the map. I noted a couple of items to consider changing:
-Initial dialog; consider changing the responses button "Continue".
-The post "Defeat Federation Reinforcements" dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
Vornan Colony: The map design is excellent and the battles are tough but not impossible. The story dialog was good. I noted no spelling or grammatical errors with this dialog. I noted a couple of items to consider changing:
-Initial dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The post "Eliminate Federation & Vornan Forces" dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-Consider adding a re-spawn point in the middle area of the compound near the steps.
-The post "Go to the Council Building" dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-Consider changing the response button "Continue".
Vornan Council Building: This is really great map design. The battles are tough but not impossible. The dialog is very well done. I noted no spelling or grammatical errors with this dialog. I noted a couple of items to consider changing:
-Initial dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The post "Disable Security Systems" dialog; consider changing both response buttons "Continue".
-The post "Override Security Controls" dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The post "Defeat Remaining Enemy Forces" dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The post "Kill Tenek" dialog; consider changing both response buttons "Continue".
-The Klingon chairs in the council chamber are buried in the floor.
Otha System: This map is good and the battles were tough but not impossible. The dialog was well written. I noted no spelling or grammatical errors with this dialog or any issues with the map. I noted a couple of items to consider changing:
-The initial General Ch'tang dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The post "Defeat the Federation Assault Fleet" dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The Governor M'empek dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
Vornan Colony: This is a great wrap up map for the mission. The dialog is good. I noted no spelling or grammatical errors with this dialog or any issues with the map. I noted a couple of items to consider changing:
-The Sovesh dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-Consider changing the dialog for the Governors speech to Vornan to follow the player talking to him. The reason I suggest this is as it is currently set the mission is over before I can actually talk to him and have him praise the player for their service to the Empire.
-The Governor speech dialog; this is a place where the response button "Continue" actually works since there is no response from the player that would be needed.
End Report
Thanks again for authoring and for giving me the chance to review your work. This mission is well worth the effort to play. I look forward to playing and reviewing more of your missions in the future.
This critique report also filed 11/26/2011 on forum posting for: [URL=""]In depth mission reports upon request[/URL].
Federation Mission - The Vornan Rebellion
Author: Stylsy
Allegiance: Federation
Report Start
Summary: This is an outstanding mission and a great polar opposite of the Klingon version. You definitely did a great job. The map designs are great and the battles are tough but fun. Your story dialog writing was really well done. It is obvious that you spent a lot of time developing this mission as I found only a handful of spelling errors. I would definitely recommend this mission to anyone who likes a great story combined with tough battles and excellent map design.
In my other report I noted several places where the use of the response button "Continue" should be considered for change. I also explained in that reports summary why I felt these should be considered for change. For this report I noted the same things on each map so I wont go into those details again. The map transfer dialog is an area to consider changing some of the button responses. In some cases the player response button was identical to the last statement of the bridge officer making the beaming notice i.e. "Ready to beam to the freighter" and the response button would be "Beam to the freighter". That is not an exact quote but just an example. Consider changing those types of buttons to "Energize" or something along those lines. It might serve to flesh out the players experience in the mission as a whole.
Below are some things I noted while playing the mission that I wanted to let you know about. Everything in this write up should be seen as suggestions on ways I felt you could improve certain elements of the mission. They are yours to do with as you see fit.
Mission Description: This is a good description. I noted no spelling or grammatical errors. I noted one item to consider changing:
-Consider changing the specific mission data regarding the mission start location to use [MissionInfo] so it stands out more.
-Consider changing your Author's notes regarding the Klingon version of this mission and your other missions to [OOC] so they stand out more.
Grant Mission Dialog: Excellent use of this dialog to draw the player in. I noted a couple of items to consider changing:
-The Admiral Hawthorn dialog; consider changing "colony was an independed state" to read "colony was an independent state".
-The use of the response button "Continue" is okay on the first dialog field to the second. However you could change the first response button to read "Is this a humanitarian concern" which would lead right into the next field.
-Consider changing the final response button "Continue" to read "We're on it Admiral" or something that acknowledges the orders the player just received.
Mission Task: This is a good mission task with a clear start location for the first custom map. I noted no spelling errors with this task. I have only one recommendation:
-Consider adding the sector to the task.
Mission Entry Prompt: An excellent use of the prompt. I noted no spelling or grammatical errors with this dialog.
Otha System: This is a really well designed map with a couple of good battles. Your placement of the enemy was very good. I noted no spelling or grammatical errors with this dialog or any issues with the map. I noted a couple of items to consider changing:
-Initial entry dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue" to read "Plot an intercept course, full impulse" or something along those lines.
-The "Approach the Vornan Freighter" dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue" to read "Shield up" or something along those lines
-The post "Destroy Klingon Vessels" dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue" to read "Prepare a boarding party" or something along those lines.
-Since in my previous report I covered the use of the response button "Continue" extensively I will from this point simply note the dialog location of each of them that I think you should consider changing.
Vornan Freighter: The map design is excellent and the battles are tough but not impossible. The dialog is well written. I noted a couple of items to consider changing:
-The initial dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The Vornan Rebel dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The Ronbok dialog post "Are these two men all you have" response; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The Ronbok dialog post "Can we help" response; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The post "Activate the Fire Supression System" dialog in the "Is Tenbek your leader" response; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The ship tactical officer warning dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The Ronbok dialog; consider changing "we rescue the rest of our team" to read "we rescue the rest of our crew".
-Consider changing the response button "Continue".
Otha System: This is a great map design and the battles were tough but not impossible to beat. The story dialog is good. I noted no spelling or grammatical errors with this dialog or any issues with the map. I noted a couple of items to consider changing:
-The post "Defeat Klingon Reinforcements" dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The Ronbok dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The "Evacuate the Vornan Freighter" dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The Ronbok dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The post "Reach the Vornan Colony dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
Vornan Colony: This map design is great and the battles are good. The story dialog is well done. I noted no spelling or grammatical errors with this dialog. I noted a couple of items to consider changing:
-The initial dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-Consider changing the level of rebel support in the fighting. I didnt get to engage all the Klingon forces. Perhaps take a couple of rebel groups and spread them out over the whole colony.
-The Menbar dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The Sovesh dialog post "Tell me more" response button; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The Sovesh dialog post "Just tell me how" response button; consider changing the response button "Continue".
Vornan Council Building: The map design was great. All of the battles were excellent and a lot of fun. The story dialog was very well written. I noted a couple of items to consider changing:
-The initial dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The post "Override the security" dialog; consider changing the response buttons "Continue".
-The "Find the Rebel Leader Tenek" dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The Tenek dialog post "We need to clear" response button; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The Tenek dialog post "How much dilithium" response button; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The post "Override Security Console" dialog; consider changing "the forcefield to the" to read "the force field to the".
-Consider changing "contact Starfleet immediatley" to read "contact Starfleet immediately".
-Consider changing all the response buttons "Continue".
-The "[ShipName] to [LastName]" dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The post "Defeat Remaining Klingons" dialog; consider changing all the response buttons "Continue".
-The Klingon chairs in the council chamber are buried in the floor.
Otha System: The map design is excellent and the battles are outstanding. The story dialog is good. I noted no spelling or grammatical errors with this dialog or any issues with the map. I noted a couple of items to consider changing:
-The initial dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The post "Defeat the Klingon Fleet" dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The Tenek dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
Vornan Colony: The map is a great wrap up for the mission. The dialog is good. I noted no spelling or grammatical errors with this dialog. I noted a couple of items to consider changing:
-The Ronbok dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-The Sovesh dialog; consider changing the response button "Continue".
-Consider changing the dialog for the Tenek speech to the Vornan to follow the player talking to him. The reason I suggest this is as it is currently set the mission is over before the player can actually talk to him and have him praise the player for the Federations help.
-The Tenek speech dialog; this is a place where the response button "Continue" actually works since there is no response from the player that would be needed.
End Report
Thanks for authoring and for giving me the chance to review your work. This is an excellent mission for a polar opposite of the Klingon version. Great job! I look forward to playing and reviewing more of your work.
This critique report also filed 11/27/2011 on forum posting for: [URL=""]In depth mission reports upon request[/URL].