Found this on the net and found it very interesting, and thought I would see what everyone thought. I do apologize to the Devs if someone else brought this up, but thought it was fitting since this looks and feels like a REAL Klingon ship. I was very happy to see that this ship has 2 variants from a cruiser design for engineers to a scout design for Tactical captains. Don't know if Cryptic would be able to get this design, but, I for one would find it nice to have this design in game to supplement the KDF.
I'd say about half-and-half, actually. These have all appeared in some form or another in the series or movies:
-B'Rel (ST3, ST5, ST6, TNG, DS9)
-Vor'cha (TNG, DS9)
-The D7 and its refit, the K'T'inga (TOS, ST:TMP, ST2, ST6, TNG, DS9, VOY)
-Negh'var (TNG, DS9, VOY)
-Somraw Raptor (ENT)
-At least one of the variants of Bird of Prey (ENT; not quite sure which, to be honest - I flew cruisers, heh)
-Toron shuttle (TNG)
Rest of 'em, yeah, that's just stuff Cryptic made up.
I think it's the Tier 2 BoP Qul'dun?
And the Veteran Chariot is also in Ent.'s_starship
The Qul'dun is more like a step between the B'rel and the BoP from "Enterprise" actually.
It has the front section of the B'rel and only the familiar pair of disruptors on the wings
but it also has the same oval structure that on the 22nd century BoP sits between the nacelles.
From the aestetic point of view I would have preferred the Qul'dun at Tier 1 as a stepping stone between
the ancient "Enterprise" BoP and the modern ones and of course the B'rel at Tier 2 instead of Tier 1 as
the lowest "modern"-era BoP.
The Chariot is actually a more interesting one.
It started out as the shuttle/Runabout Klang crashed at Broken Bow on "Enterprise" but it was not shown there.
It was later reused as a freighter with a few changes.
The version we have ingame is of course the shuttle version even though most people will always connect it to the larger and more prominently featured incarnation from Ent:Bounty".
You can read a bit more about that here: