I am getting closer to being able to fly the Varanus if I so choose and I wanted to know if its repair platform is still useless or if it is worth flying now?
The Varanus' deployable has been significantly buffed internally, and some additional support functionality on the actual construction platforms is being experimented with as well. We are still iterating on it, but the current amount of healing on the internal build, if I recall correctly, is over four times the amount it is on Holodeck now.
The exact timing on when this will go out is still a ways out just due to some internal build dependency issues, but it's in the pipeline.
Heretic, what I'm interested to know is if the KDF will have a line of Sci vessels from Tier 2 through 5 anytime soon. I currently have a Lt. 6 Sci officer on the KDF side not being leveled because their is no line of dedicated Sci ships for the KDF. I'd love to level him and put him in a KDF equivalent of the Fed DSV. Any knowledge on whether this could be a possibility sometime in the near future?
Heretic, what I'm interested to know is if the KDF will have a line of Sci vessels from Tier 2 through 5 anytime soon. I currently have a Lt. 6 Sci officer on the KDF side not being leveled because their is no line of dedicated Sci ships for the KDF. I'd love to level him and put him in a KDF equivalent of the Fed DSV. Any knowledge on whether this could be a possibility sometime in the near future?
That, among other ship developments, has been something I have been trying very hard to make happen. The schedule is a cruel mistress, however.
The Varanus' deployable has been significantly buffed internally, and some additional support functionality on the actual construction platforms is being experimented with as well. We are still iterating on it, but the current amount of healing on the internal build, if I recall correctly, is over four times the amount it is on Holodeck now.
Does the support platform still share a GCD with mine weapons?
I'm so happy to hear about the work being done on the Varanus.
Thank you Heretic for looking into this. Looking foward with my KDF
main and new Gorn toon i'm lvling sins Season 4 went live.
Less spam is a good goal, but should accomplished in a general sense, and not via hobbling one ship's ability that already costs it a console slot. The GCD never made sense in the first place since other ships with deployables don't suffer a GCD with mine weapons.
wow, i think thats what the tool tip shows on my cruiser that uses a cap3. no wonder that ship just sucks, its got science ship hull and cruiser shields.
the better way to fix this is to just make the gorn ship a cruiser and make the orian ship the science ship. seriously, a gorn as literally a walking cruiser! making them the science focused ship makes no sense. and the orians are sneaky and underhanded, that's in perfect alignment with science based skills.
wow, i think thats what the tool tip shows on my cruiser that uses a cap3. no wonder that ship just sucks, its got science ship hull and cruiser shields.
the better way to fix this is to just make the gorn ship a cruiser and make the orian ship the science ship. seriously, a gorn as literally a walking cruiser! making them the science focused ship makes no sense. and the orians are sneaky and underhanded, that's in perfect alignment with science based skills.
Yet the Orions are brutish and ... well... Let's be honest... Space Orcs.
The Gorn are supposed to be VERY crafty and intelligent. They prefer their opponents to take them for a dumb cold blooded lumbering beast but if you ever saw the ToS or Enterprise representations of them then you know that it is a ruse.
Shields are not the same and it doesn't look like the Varanus is slotted with anything in that pic. Also where you put your skill points, they affect the numbers in the end. Did you take into consideration these factors?
Edit: Checked the numbers myself as I have toons in both ships
You're wrong about the consoles, the Varanus has one less eng console.
Both ships are slotted with the +35% capacity console and both are borg shields. Both toons are also trained up to 9 for all contributing skills.
Shields are not the same and it doesn't look like the Varanus is slotted with anything in that pic. Also where you put your skill points, they affect the numbers in the end. Did you take into consideration these factors?
Edit: Checked the numbers myself as I have toons in both ships
You're wrong about the consoles, the Varanus has one less eng console.
Both ships are slotted with the +35% capacity console and both are borg shields. Both toons are also trained up to 9 for all contributing skills.
its the same spec! same shields! and im USING THE SAME CONSOLES!
i know the veranus has 1 less console thats what makes it wierd.. normally u only have top "pay" 1 console for a extra ability but in this case it also has lower shields.
its the same spec! same shields! and im USING THE SAME CONSOLES!
i know the veranus has 1 less console thats what makes it wierd.. normally u only have top "pay" 1 console for a extra ability but in this case it also has lower shields.
Which is why Heretic is going over the ship right now, I'm sure the lowered shields is to balance out having drones that heal your hull. It just didn't make any sense because the drones suck atm, lets see what the difference is when the changes hit tribble.
Which is why Heretic is going over the ship right now, I'm sure the lowered shields is to balance out having drones that heal your hull. It just didn't make any sense because the drones suck atm, lets see what the difference is when the changes hit tribble.
His point is that the varanus, compared to its deep space sci equivalent, lost the following for the junky repair drones:
-Engineering Console
-~2.5k hull
-~1.5k shielding (cov cap x3)
Whereas the fed retrofits such as the nebula/d'kyr simply lost a console - but actually received other unique bonuses (more hull than varanus and ltc engineer on d'kyr for example).
Also, the defiant is an interesting retrofit, as while it lost the engineering console (and a measly 3k hull) for the cloak ability, it gained an extra 2 base degrees of turning (and more shielding which is far more important the hull).
The point is that the other retrofits, at most, lost only a single console for their ability (and possibly recieved other upgrades as well). Why is the varanus treated differently?
The exact timing on when this will go out is still a ways out just due to some internal build dependency issues, but it's in the pipeline.
That, among other ship developments, has been something I have been trying very hard to make happen. The schedule is a cruel mistress, however.
*hands Heretic a bottle of single malt Jack Daniels*
Enjoy! You deserve it!
I'll follow that up with a bottle of Bacardi A
Does the support platform still share a GCD with mine weapons?
Just got approval from Geko this morning to remove the sharing of the GCD as well, in fact.
Thank you Heretic for looking into this. Looking foward with my KDF
main and new Gorn toon i'm lvling sins Season 4 went live.
Hope it hits Test soon.
Thanks again!
Stay safe.
Sry, but what happened to less spam??
Less spam is a good goal, but should accomplished in a general sense, and not via hobbling one ship's ability that already costs it a console slot. The GCD never made sense in the first place since other ships with deployables don't suffer a GCD with mine weapons.
here is where we agree, global CD for deployables and mines on all ships, yes please. So while the Varanus, VoQuv, and Kar'fi are being looked at:
Less Spam
the new targeting option is great n all, but
Less Spam
And lastly, has anything been done about the shield discrepancy?
Both with Cov(Cap)x3 and +35% console:
My Intrepid: 16027
My Varanus: 14794
Quite a significant difference, but why?
Further Proof
wow, i think thats what the tool tip shows on my cruiser that uses a cap3. no wonder that ship just sucks, its got science ship hull and cruiser shields.
the better way to fix this is to just make the gorn ship a cruiser and make the orian ship the science ship. seriously, a gorn as literally a walking cruiser! making them the science focused ship makes no sense. and the orians are sneaky and underhanded, that's in perfect alignment with science based skills.
Yet the Orions are brutish and ... well... Let's be honest... Space Orcs.
The Gorn are supposed to be VERY crafty and intelligent. They prefer their opponents to take them for a dumb cold blooded lumbering beast but if you ever saw the ToS or Enterprise representations of them then you know that it is a ruse.
Oh. That is certainly odd. And wrong (in the bugged sense).
i agree. loss of a console for a special ability is enough for all other ships but not this one?!
pic: (same shields, same spec, same consoles)
Shields are not the same and it doesn't look like the Varanus is slotted with anything in that pic. Also where you put your skill points, they affect the numbers in the end. Did you take into consideration these factors?
Edit: Checked the numbers myself as I have toons in both ships
You're wrong about the consoles, the Varanus has one less eng console.
Both ships are slotted with the +35% capacity console and both are borg shields. Both toons are also trained up to 9 for all contributing skills.
DSSV: 37051 Hull | 11261 Shields
Varanus: 37051 Hulll | 10395 Shields
its the same spec! same shields! and im USING THE SAME CONSOLES!
i know the veranus has 1 less console thats what makes it wierd.. normally u only have top "pay" 1 console for a extra ability but in this case it also has lower shields.
What if you remove the second dish, on account of it being a complete eye-sore?
Which is why Heretic is going over the ship right now, I'm sure the lowered shields is to balance out having drones that heal your hull. It just didn't make any sense because the drones suck atm, lets see what the difference is when the changes hit tribble.
Well then, I guess somebody in engineering forgot to bolt it down...:D
His point is that the varanus, compared to its deep space sci equivalent, lost the following for the junky repair drones:
-Engineering Console
-~2.5k hull
-~1.5k shielding (cov cap x3)
Whereas the fed retrofits such as the nebula/d'kyr simply lost a console - but actually received other unique bonuses (more hull than varanus and ltc engineer on d'kyr for example).
Also, the defiant is an interesting retrofit, as while it lost the engineering console (and a measly 3k hull) for the cloak ability, it gained an extra 2 base degrees of turning (and more shielding which is far more important the hull).
The point is that the other retrofits, at most, lost only a single console for their ability (and possibly recieved other upgrades as well). Why is the varanus treated differently?
If the kdf are getting sci ships does that mean that the feds will get carriers soon?