Crytic for the carriers. i suggest that the ships a.k.a. pets that they send out act more like the muti vectors pets do with full impluse when the captains ship does and also have them be able to orbit the ship and not have the need to redock with the carrier.
so also for future ideas for you guys is maybe having it so the captain can edit his fighters/raiders ships to what he wants for damage types or make it so you can attach a BOFF type to a pet in the inv. so if your port BOP had tac boff in command it would deal more dps and bonus skills while the other side could have sci BOP for disables skills and same idea for eng BOP pets
If the idea has not already been posted to THIS THREAD then please post it there and not here. This is the wrong place for it. The Dev's are more likely to see an idea and pay attention to it if it is in the right place.