I am new to the KDF part of the game and I just got a Raptor (Cmdr level) yesterday. In PvP, I discovered two things. The first thing was that the cloak in the Raptor cannot be used in combat. Another thing I discovered is that because there are more Feds than Klingons, there is a tendency for Klingons to get swarmed by enemies. I was unable to get away from enemies in the Raptor because it is big and slow. There was no getting away.
I went back to the shipyard and got a Bird of Prey for PvP.
My question is: what are some good ways to equip my Bird of Prey to better take a beating (until I can get away) when swarmed?
In theoery, PVP should balance the numbers of opposing teams, and to be honest, the Bird of Prey's more fragile than the Raptor, you can put more heals on BoPs later on to balance this out, but there are't enough bridge officer slots at your current level to do it without making a loss to your offensive power.
But I find two things that help me survive battle cloaking, aside from brace for impact and evasive manouvers, are hazard emitters and the subspace field modulator device you get from the first Davidian mission. They both increase your defense score so you're harder to hit, and the hazards will heal your hull over time and increase your damage resistance. I think polarize hull would help too, but I've never used it myself.
If you want to make a quick escape learn to do the following:
full power to engines, battery consumable, and then hit evasive maneuvers.
Oh right, if you're attacking from cloak, pick a spot where they will have a blind spot on you - harder to do if the team is smart and covers for each other. So don't decloak right in front of them, pick an angle that is bad for them.
If they keep grouping up and making it hard to bust the ball. Try to have one of your fellow Bops hit and run to try to spread them out a bit. Don't run into the middle of the ball.
An addendum:
Carry at least one tac team and a copy of TSS2. If your teammate is getting busted you can restore his shields too.
In theoery, PVP should balance the numbers of opposing teams, and to be honest, the Bird of Prey's more fragile than the Raptor, you can put more heals on BoPs later on to balance this out, but there are't enough bridge officer slots at your current level to do it without making a loss to your offensive power.
But I find two things that help me survive battle cloaking, aside from brace for impact and evasive manouvers, are hazard emitters and the subspace field modulator device you get from the first Davidian mission. They both increase your defense score so you're harder to hit, and the hazards will heal your hull over time and increase your damage resistance. I think polarize hull would help too, but I've never used it myself.
There are not enough bridge officer slots at my present level, but the others in the PvP matches are in the same boat, so to speak, since they are at a similar level. I have been using those abilities you mentioned but I have been reluctant to use the subspace field modulator in PvP because (IIRC), it is not helpful if enemies are using antiproton beams. Are antiproton weapons even available at Cmdr level? I still get killed fast.
As my Fed (Vice Adm), I get swarmed in my sci refit. It's almost as though the enemies select me first and all swarm me because I am annoying Tomorrow, I will try again but with a different ship, the Advanced Research ship (Fed v Fed). I don't see enough KDF players to have a fair FvK.
It seems as though the queue for PvP does not balance teams even in FvF. It might just be my perception but I see 6 on one team and 3 on mine, quite often. It's possible someone on the other team is using photonic ships, which I would not do if that would unbalance the teams.
BTW what is a "TSI hack"? I don't know if someone was referring to me when they said that and don't know what it is.
I actually like ground PvP more now than I like space PvP, since I am lousy at space PvP.
If you want to make a quick escape learn to do the following:
full power to engines, battery consumable, and then hit evasive maneuvers.
Oh right, if you're attacking from cloak, pick a spot where they will have a blind spot on you - harder to do if the team is smart and covers for each other. So don't decloak right in front of them, pick an angle that is bad for them.
If they keep grouping up and making it hard to bust the ball. Try to have one of your fellow Bops hit and run to try to spread them out a bit. Don't run into the middle of the ball.
An addendum:
Carry at least one tac team and a copy of TSS2. If your teammate is getting busted you can restore his shields too.
Maybe TSS2 is the "TSI hack" to which some people were referring in some of the matches I participated in today. I don't think I was using it but others were using it.
TSI is one of the fleets, what a "TSI Hack" would be I've no idea. But anything like hacks or exploits are supposed to be reported via the support in game and kept off the boards as far as I know.
Regarding the subspace field modulator, I'm not sure wether it makes you more vulnerable to anti-proton or not, as far as I remember it's info tab says "proton", which'd be like the synchronythingmabob proton... thingy.... the ghostbusters gun from the Davidian mission "Spin the Wheel". However, losing resistance to AP would affect your hull, but not your shields, and you'd still benefit from the increased defense rating.
Also, some heals are worth using preventatively, rather than remedially, since things like hazards can confer hull resistance, and emergency to shields reduces the damage your shields take.
Maybe TSS2 is the "TSI hack" to which some people were referring in some of the matches I participated in today. I don't think I was using it but others were using it.
Probably people kidding with you. Either way, it's a good idea to have a copy of that skill. Some people just hate healing too. =p
I played again today and decided to change back to the Reconnaisance Science ship instead of the Long Range Sci refit. This (Recon ship) was the ship I once was able to turn into a "tank". It was an improvement but I still got killed fast. I tested different setups and found an engineering console that really helps the shields. I bought the Reconnaisance ship for two characters but there is a bug preventing me from changing the officers in one case. Only the engineering and tactical stations are affected. I will have to delete the ship and buy it again for the trouble ship. Maybe that will fix it.
I played in one match that lasted some 30 minutes, with the Reconnaisance ship. It was great and I discovered why it sometimes seems like the teams are uneven. The reason is that one or two players have the multi-vector ship. That caused me to use photonic ships at times.
Next time, I will try the Long Range Science refit with the console that seemed to work with the Reconnaisance ship to make it more durable in combat.
It's great when a match lasts 30 minutes.
In one of the matches, I saw a player in a Reconnaisance ship that was doing really well on the enemy side. I thought at first it was an escort.
But I find two things that help me survive battle cloaking, aside from brace for impact and evasive manouvers, are hazard emitters and the subspace field modulator device you get from the first Davidian mission. They both increase your defense score so you're harder to hit, and the hazards will heal your hull over time and increase your damage resistance. I think polarize hull would help too, but I've never used it myself.
full power to engines, battery consumable, and then hit evasive maneuvers.
Oh right, if you're attacking from cloak, pick a spot where they will have a blind spot on you - harder to do if the team is smart and covers for each other. So don't decloak right in front of them, pick an angle that is bad for them.
If they keep grouping up and making it hard to bust the ball. Try to have one of your fellow Bops hit and run to try to spread them out a bit. Don't run into the middle of the ball.
An addendum:
Carry at least one tac team and a copy of TSS2. If your teammate is getting busted you can restore his shields too.
There are not enough bridge officer slots at my present level, but the others in the PvP matches are in the same boat, so to speak, since they are at a similar level. I have been using those abilities you mentioned but I have been reluctant to use the subspace field modulator in PvP because (IIRC), it is not helpful if enemies are using antiproton beams. Are antiproton weapons even available at Cmdr level? I still get killed fast.
As my Fed (Vice Adm), I get swarmed in my sci refit. It's almost as though the enemies select me first and all swarm me because I am annoying Tomorrow, I will try again but with a different ship, the Advanced Research ship (Fed v Fed). I don't see enough KDF players to have a fair FvK.
It seems as though the queue for PvP does not balance teams even in FvF. It might just be my perception but I see 6 on one team and 3 on mine, quite often. It's possible someone on the other team is using photonic ships, which I would not do if that would unbalance the teams.
BTW what is a "TSI hack"? I don't know if someone was referring to me when they said that and don't know what it is.
I actually like ground PvP more now than I like space PvP, since I am lousy at space PvP.
Maybe TSS2 is the "TSI hack" to which some people were referring in some of the matches I participated in today. I don't think I was using it but others were using it.
Regarding the subspace field modulator, I'm not sure wether it makes you more vulnerable to anti-proton or not, as far as I remember it's info tab says "proton", which'd be like the synchronythingmabob proton... thingy.... the ghostbusters gun from the Davidian mission "Spin the Wheel". However, losing resistance to AP would affect your hull, but not your shields, and you'd still benefit from the increased defense rating.
Also, some heals are worth using preventatively, rather than remedially, since things like hazards can confer hull resistance, and emergency to shields reduces the damage your shields take.
Probably people kidding with you. Either way, it's a good idea to have a copy of that skill. Some people just hate healing too. =p
I played in one match that lasted some 30 minutes, with the Reconnaisance ship. It was great and I discovered why it sometimes seems like the teams are uneven. The reason is that one or two players have the multi-vector ship. That caused me to use photonic ships at times.
Next time, I will try the Long Range Science refit with the console that seemed to work with the Reconnaisance ship to make it more durable in combat.
It's great when a match lasts 30 minutes.
In one of the matches, I saw a player in a Reconnaisance ship that was doing really well on the enemy side. I thought at first it was an escort.