With the foundry down I have nothing to do klingon side...I did finally start lvling my fed tho after a full year of him being lvl 6. I dunno how you feds do it , I have tons more respect for you guys now.....if I have to scan one more thing I think I might self de-struct. my ship.
I sure hope foundry is the top thing they are fixing right now.
they fedball and hope someone knows what they are doing i think
haha ya I didn't pvp at all fedside yet the lower lvl Q's are nasty like one dood in it and I think he did it by mistake.
They say feds have all this pve content tho , well 90% of it is scanning this scanning that.......so sick of scanning things.....who cares wth it is lets shoot things at it and see what happens.
haha ya I didn't pvp at all fedside yet the lower lvl Q's are nasty like one dood in it and I think he did it my mistake.
They say feds have all this pve content tho , well 90% of it is scanning this scanning that.......so sick of scanning things.....who cares wth it is lets shoot things at it and see what happens.
I rolled a fed player during the 'drought'. i won't play it anymore. Just "Kirk it up" and run into PVE ships spawns.
Don't bother with the system patrol filler missions. I've levelled multiple Feds without doing any past the initial one. You're better off repeating the Romulan featured missions for xp.
Yes, the patrol missions nor the exploration cluster are really needed now unless your really hit some odd dead end - which I have not after 2 VAs recently.
Calm yourself my friend. Season 4 was a big patch and its obvious that something is up with the foundry, perhaps ground badies wern't working correctly or something. Just know that it'll be back as soon as they possibly can bring it back. Afterall you could go conqure some star clusters...
Using this time to catch up on my accolades. Finished up the Reman and Mirror Universe accolades, leaving Hirogen to go. Undine and Dividian are going to take quite awhile longer. Picked up two other accolades I didn't even know existed, both on Hunting the Hunters mission. But this is only going to hold me for a few more days.
haha ya I didn't pvp at all fedside yet the lower lvl Q's are nasty like one dood in it and I think he did it by mistake.
They say feds have all this pve content tho , well 90% of it is scanning this scanning that.......so sick of scanning things.....who cares wth it is lets shoot things at it and see what happens.
I rolled a fed player during the 'drought'. i won't play it anymore. Just "Kirk it up" and run into PVE ships spawns.
We have 1.169.040 characters registaration ingame, this include alts as well.
Dunno however what the Captain Database functions as