Hello, my fellow Klingons (and Orions, Nausicaans... etc.).
I just had two ideas about carriers and how Cryptic could improve on the options for thisship class.
Make the Orion Patrol Cruiser a carrier ! We have a science and a tactical carrier, it´s time for an engineering carrier. Add one hangar bay to the ship and remove the current special. The ship would have a pick between Interceptors or Corvettes to call. If that seems imbalanced, adjust the weapon slots and/or turn rate (though the latter is already horrible).
Tier 2 to Tier 4 carriers ! To turn carrier gameplay into something you can pursue below endgame, let´s make 3 more carrier for the tiers mentioned. I suppose each should have only one hangar bay. To allow each career to make the best of their carrier, give them one Boff station of each division and add an universal station, so all kinds of Captains can make the best out of their ship.
More pet variety ! What instead of BoPs, an Orion or Nausicaan could choose species specific ships to deploy ? I think adding more options for carrier pets would increase the fun and immersion for non-klingon Captains.
I hope you like my ideas. Qa´plah.
eh why?
why not make a new ship? the patrol cruiser is clearly not a carrier.
and its a needed ship for kdf.. sense most kdf fleets still run old school TRIBBLE healers.
Why not.
And I guess people could still use the ship that way.
I wouldn´t mind a brand new carrier either. :cool:
Oh yes, I forgot about that. That would be nice too.
Create a new class call them fleet support ships make them the equivalent size of a K'tinga for an idea of appearance should be roughly http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/File:D5_class_tanker.jpg
The ship should have a weak weapons load out but give the klingon eqivalent of a worker bee pod so some sort of pre fighter.
It can launch a limited amount that gets bigger as you level IE tier 2 gets four pods tier3 gets 8 ....
Basically it's a baby carrier thats not overpowering or overwhelming you can call the pods drones or whatever .
make a new Klingon,Orion,Gorn,Nausicaan Battlecarrier.
Do you mean one that is bashed together with pieces from ship of all these races?
Well, I would fly a battlecarrier if there were alternative skins available along with different pets.
My dream would be something similar to the Varanus in terms of look but not as slender.
Just a bit more massive and you'd have a fine battlecarrier.
I wouldn't mind stats identical to the Kar'fi's at all.
But a Gorn skin with a couple of Gorn fighters and/or Frigates (the NPC frigates we have now would do) and I'd hop in in an instant.