Season 4 is on Tribble and soon on Holodeck. Many of the new features are related to KDF exclusively such as new Qo'nos zone, gorn customization or new ship skins. That is in addition to more general game mechanics such as new ground combat systems, incoming DOFF with klingon only features or the new PvPvE combat maps across the "world".
If you are new to this faction or coming back to check it out: WELCOME!
Yes, we still lack all these shiny PvE missions and so on but, hopefully, they will come. But you will find a tight knit community and a lot of fun people here as well. Yes, some (or many) of us will show a degree of frustration or grumpiness, but passed that, we are cool people.
Just come in and enjoy the faction and its people. If you have questions, ask them and someone will surely try to answer it. Need help with PvP tactics or find a team, ask as well. Also, you can let us know what you would desire in this faction as well or from the people playing here.
We want everyone to come and enjoy this great faction and have fun at the end of the day.
Come in and drop a "hello"
Again, welcome to the Klingon Empire!
note: this is a candid welcoming thread to greet new players to this factions. Request or frustration about new content can be put in the many other threads here or elsewhere. Help me welcome our new people brought by the new season.
I rolled my first Klingon toon after reading this. Well, first toon that I am actually going to level. Thanks for the warm welcome. I have to say the difference between the KDF and FEDS is night and day. I think I can stick it out though. :cool:
◄▬ moved from Fedside to KDFside due to reading threads about the population disparity. I've done a few KDF pve missions, "Bringing down the house." Kudos for that engrossing mission. I'm even rerunning featured episodes and liking it.
PVP is non-existent, however. I've been playing for a week or so, and have yet to actually get into a PVP match. If anyone looks at the queues and sees 2-3 on KDFside, I'm probably one of them. I don't know what to do about that. There are a ton of noob missions requiring PVP, but I've pretty much had to leave them behind and do the Kahless/T'Ong grinds for most of the leveling through the lieutenant rank. I imagine the LTC rank won't be much better. I can see why it's problematic.
There are no new "features"...its a bunch of cosmetic fluff that has no real new missions, nothing besides a couple cheap ship skin options, not even a new pair of KDF socks. You can make Qo'nos look spiffy, but without anything to do, how long with that compel players to log in?
New players need to understand what they are in for and stay becaus ethey want to see the other side.
I rolled a Klingon before I ever did a Fed, before Season 1/2 and the couple of story arrcs they have now...and nothing new of worth has been added since. S4 is nothing new...same ol play because you do not want to be a pampered want to tough it out and get the hard knock experience.
Indeed. And if any of my brothers (or their Client members) have ceded from the Star Empire to join the cause, please do contact me. I will be happy to assist in any way to ensure your transistion is as smooth as possible. Especially if you prefer the eloquence and fire of our peerless azure ale to the..less sophisticated...alternative.
Jolan tru, V'Sirius Tomax
Chief of Staff
New House of Kahless
Senior Representative of the Independent Romulan State of B'Riton
There are still some Klingon fleets, finding PvP and mission help would be much easier. Also some channels that may offer help: Accolades; KDF PvE; KDF STF; KDFAssistance; Klingon Empire; and OrganizedPvP.
Dr. McCoy is still right.; a lot of lies and fluff as far as fixing the KDF.
There are no new "features"...its a bunch of cosmetic fluff that has no real new missions.
Ah but there are! Simple as they are there are SIX new starter missions you take up upon making a new Warrior within the remodeled First City, providing enough XP to get you mostly through to Lt. 9. Imagine if we could convince people to roll new toons on a Q boost weekend? We could ease them past the grind to the first PvE missions, then slowly aid them in getting used to being part of the new 18%.
It is not much yes, but it is a start, a start where we need it. Getting to Lt. Commander is the big point where things turn, from there we can do bringing down the house, house always wins, deferi missions, devidian missions, romulan weeklies. As we now no longer have to grind through them, to get to Lt. Commander, we get more heafty sums of XP when we do them, aiding in further leveling. This is, perhaps, with hope and the coercion of vintage bloodwine during Dev lunch breaks, the start of something better.
Ah but there are! Simple as they are there are SIX new starter missions you take up upon making a new Warrior within the remodeled First City, providing enough XP to get you mostly through to Lt. 9. Imagine if we could convince people to roll new toons on a Q boost weekend? We could ease them past the grind to the first PvE missions, then slowly aid them in getting used to being part of the new 18%.
It is not much yes, but it is a start, a start where we need it. Getting to Lt. Commander is the big point where things turn, from there we can do bringing down the house, house always wins, deferi missions, devidian missions, romulan weeklies. As we now no longer have to grind through them, to get to Lt. Commander, we get more heafty sums of XP when we do them, aiding in further leveling. This is, perhaps, with hope and the coercion of vintage bloodwine during Dev lunch breaks, the start of something better.
Considering whats been promised and whats been delivered..Ill stick to my original point that its fluff and nothing of real worth.
After having played this game since launch on a Federation toon, I can honestly say I have been missing out. I am addicted to playing my Klingon toon. Yeah, so I don't level as fast and waiting to PvP sucks. I can deal with that. The House Always Wins missions and quests are amazing. Now if there were more missions like that...:eek:
After having played this game since launch on a Federation toon, I can honestly say I have been missing out. I am addicted to playing my Klingon toon. Yeah, so I don't level as fast and waiting to PvP sucks. I can deal with that. The House Always Wins missions and quests are amazing. Now if there were more missions like that...:eek:
The House Always Wins is a great mission. I'm hoping that whenever they get around to redoing some Federation missions as Klingon missions, they can bring that feel to them. There are some that would be great Klingon stories.
Finally leveling my klink, deciding to put off the leveling of my fed eng alt, who is currently at Cap6. The Q skill boost event would help, but unfortunately I'll be in vegas this weekend during it. Terrible timing there, ugh.
At least now, once I've leveled him though (whenever that will be), I'll never suffer from a lack of targets in ker'rat, like I do half the time with my fed main. Got my klink, who was sitting at Lt7 for months, from Lt8 to LC2 over this past weekend. Finally getting him closer to where I want him, in his first raptor (I don't care about the anti-raptor bias, the Qin should feel similar to my def-R, plus I'll add to the variety of the game by not being yet another tac in a BoP).
Finally leveling my klink, deciding to put off the leveling of my fed eng alt, who is currently at Cap6. The Q skill boost event would help, but unfortunately I'll be in vegas this weekend during it. Terrible timing there, ugh.
At least now, once I've leveled him though (whenever that will be), I'll never suffer from a lack of targets in ker'rat, like I do half the time with my fed main. Got my klink, who was sitting at Lt7 for months, from Lt8 to LC2 over this past weekend. Finally getting him closer to where I want him, in his first raptor (I don't care about the anti-raptor bias, the Qin should feel similar to my def-R, plus I'll add to the variety of the game by not being yet another tac in a BoP).
Welcome to the Empire. Fly whatever ship you feel comfortable in.
Quick question, how effect are tact captains in cruiser class ships, like a Vor'cha for example?
I used to fly a Vor'cha Refit and, as a Science Officer, I still put out decent firepower, as even Cruisers can mount DCs/DHCs. As a Tactical Officer, with Attack Pattern Alpha, you could do far better. But that's just my personal experience - I'll leave that to the better number-crunchers than I.
TACs do well in cruisers. Just be advised that it's good to try and pickup EPtS III or ENG III from another engineer. EPtW(if you are running Beams + DBB) and EPtE (Give you great turning at slower speeds) is also good.
While I genuinely want to answer that, I think you'd be better served asking at the KDF shipyards, or looking at the Vor'cha builds therein. I personally went with the cannons.
Yes check out the shipyards, there are a lot of good builds there for all ships.
Aye, he speaks the truth....
If you still need assistance with your ship building plans, then there are plenty of people on the KDF side that can assist you....
KDF STF andKDF Assistance channels always have someone in there to help out.
Quick question, how effect are tact captains in cruiser class ships, like a Vor'cha for example?
I flew a few cruisers when I first came over to the dark side. Using the fittings I found in the ship yard, I felt good just heading in "Fed Style" into combat. Those fitting will help you a lot and there is some very good advise there also.
I will say that once I flew the Hegh'Ta and B'Rel T5 I discharged all the rest of the ship except the shuttle and fighter. To me, those are what the Klingon side is all about.
I flew a few cruisers when I first came over to the dark side. Using the fittings I found in the ship yard, I felt good just heading in "Fed Style" into combat. Those fitting will help you a lot and there is some very good advise there also.
I will say that once I flew the Hegh'Ta and B'Rel T5 I discharged all the rest of the ship except the shuttle and fighter. To me, those are what the Klingon side is all about.
Qa'Pla, and Long Live the Empire!
Don't forget of course the carrier...unique to the KDF the whole we are here to go ahead and be crazy to a whole new
May your days see you covered in glory, and may your rewards for serving the Empire do your deeds justice.
Long live the Empire. Qa'pla!
PVP is non-existent, however. I've been playing for a week or so, and have yet to actually get into a PVP match. If anyone looks at the queues and sees 2-3 on KDFside, I'm probably one of them. I don't know what to do about that. There are a ton of noob missions requiring PVP, but I've pretty much had to leave them behind and do the Kahless/T'Ong grinds for most of the leveling through the lieutenant rank. I imagine the LTC rank won't be much better. I can see why it's problematic.
There are no new "features"...its a bunch of cosmetic fluff that has no real new missions, nothing besides a couple cheap ship skin options, not even a new pair of KDF socks. You can make Qo'nos look spiffy, but without anything to do, how long with that compel players to log in?
New players need to understand what they are in for and stay becaus ethey want to see the other side.
I rolled a Klingon before I ever did a Fed, before Season 1/2 and the couple of story arrcs they have now...and nothing new of worth has been added since. S4 is nothing new...same ol play because you do not want to be a pampered want to tough it out and get the hard knock experience.
For all the new recruits shout in the chat for assistance and we will come running to your aid. (Disclaimer: Some might hop...)
Drink up warriors, as you must be skilled. We are outnumbered, but not outfought!
Welcome new warriors.
But a friendly warning: bring your endurance along.
You will need it.
And, to quote the great General Chang:
"A true warrior never seeks glory, glory always finds him."
Jolan tru,
V'Sirius Tomax
Chief of Staff
New House of Kahless
Senior Representative of the Independent Romulan State of B'Riton
Dr. McCoy is still right.; a lot of lies and fluff as far as fixing the KDF.
Ah but there are! Simple as they are there are SIX new starter missions you take up upon making a new Warrior within the remodeled First City, providing enough XP to get you mostly through to Lt. 9. Imagine if we could convince people to roll new toons on a Q boost weekend? We could ease them past the grind to the first PvE missions, then slowly aid them in getting used to being part of the new 18%.
It is not much yes, but it is a start, a start where we need it. Getting to Lt. Commander is the big point where things turn, from there we can do bringing down the house, house always wins, deferi missions, devidian missions, romulan weeklies. As we now no longer have to grind through them, to get to Lt. Commander, we get more heafty sums of XP when we do them, aiding in further leveling. This is, perhaps, with hope and the coercion of vintage bloodwine during Dev lunch breaks, the start of something better.
Considering whats been promised and whats been delivered..Ill stick to my original point that its fluff and nothing of real worth.
The House Always Wins is a great mission. I'm hoping that whenever they get around to redoing some Federation missions as Klingon missions, they can bring that feel to them. There are some that would be great Klingon stories.
At least now, once I've leveled him though (whenever that will be), I'll never suffer from a lack of targets in ker'rat, like I do half the time with my fed main. Got my klink, who was sitting at Lt7 for months, from Lt8 to LC2 over this past weekend. Finally getting him closer to where I want him, in his first raptor (I don't care about the anti-raptor bias, the Qin should feel similar to my def-R, plus I'll add to the variety of the game by not being yet another tac in a BoP).
Welcome to the Empire. Fly whatever ship you feel comfortable in.
I used to fly a Vor'cha Refit and, as a Science Officer, I still put out decent firepower, as even Cruisers can mount DCs/DHCs. As a Tactical Officer, with Attack Pattern Alpha, you could do far better. But that's just my personal experience - I'll leave that to the better number-crunchers than I.
Aye, he speaks the truth....
If you still need assistance with your ship building plans, then there are plenty of people on the KDF side that can assist you....
KDF STF andKDF Assistance channels always have someone in there to help out.
I flew a few cruisers when I first came over to the dark side. Using the fittings I found in the ship yard, I felt good just heading in "Fed Style" into combat. Those fitting will help you a lot and there is some very good advise there also.
I will say that once I flew the Hegh'Ta and B'Rel T5 I discharged all the rest of the ship except the shuttle and fighter. To me, those are what the Klingon side is all about.
Qa'Pla, and Long Live the Empire!
Don't forget of course the carrier...unique to the KDF the whole we are here to go ahead and be crazy to a whole new