I've been playing about with Science Skills for my Klink Carrier and specifically the Commander skill and just don't seem to have found one I liked. At first I tried Feedback pulse 3, then Tractor beam repulsors and grav well 3. What does everyone else use? Grav Well 3 seems to be ok but not really asg ood as I had hoped. I have a fairly defensive set up and I rely upon my bops to provide my dps largely so anything which will bolster my dps would be good.
Thanks! G
But, at the end of the day, i guess I choose Gravity well.
PSW can give a 4 second stun, that is pretty huge and you don't have to face a target to hit them with it. Also, it isn't affected by AUX power so you can be 100% to weapons and still use it to full effect.
I am loving TBR lately. Let me give you a rundown of why.
I get to about 2k from my target, headed straight at them. I pop Aux battery, TBR and Evasive. In that order, fast as possible.
The evasive keeps me pushing toward them, the AUX boosts my power to 125 so I get max effect from it. TBR isn't affected by shields, so all the damage goes to the hull.
I have killed ships at 100% hull this way. I did it to a Defiant the other day and he wasn't pleased. The only protection I found from it is Polarize Hull.
Few people realize how hard TBR hits and full AUX until they get hit by it.
Right now I'd lean toward TBR being my favorite Com Sci Skill. But PSW is a good one too.
I may have to try that!
Also I run AUX TO SIF II so EMG PWR TO AUX gives it a pretty good boost as well.
I have tried all the set ups from GAV WELL to ENG SYPH... to be honest they suck compared to the TBR build with fighters.
TBR will also help in keeping fighters alive while you are being a bully with the TBR.
IMO PO3 was a waste of a skill on my Carrier.
The skill did not make a huge difference in my other skills cooldown times and its own cooldown seemed a bit to long.
My Carrier can't turn well at all so to combat that problem I went with Feed Back Pulse 3.
If you need to launch your BOP quickly you'll need to be running high auxiliary levels to begin with and Feed Back Pulse gets a huge boost from your Aux power level.
It worked for me
Creative. Clever. I salute you.
And will mourn for the loss of this tactic when the devs get around to nerfing it. (Sounds like way too much fun for them to not eventually nerf it).
For now though, I salute you for your tactics.
Tac Buffs also boost the damage on Tractor Beam Repulsors. Just a little FYI.
Could not agree more!
TBR, i have seen some players use it well enough, it can be annoying and will get a you few kills on a pug group or the odd kill from a premade. However, it relies on high aux and speed, in a sci ship this is not really a combo i have seen players pull off well, even when facing teams using this build it has not proved effective enough to pull off a win for them, except when i have been pugging and in which case the win for them was always likely.
PSW, nice 4 second stun, damage is not great so i don't see the point in using the Cmdr version over the Lt Cmdr version unless you really want to have x2 TSS 3's for example as you are not gaining much.
GW, again similar issue to PSW, you gain nothing of note at the higher lvl over the Lt Cmdr position unless you have two skills you feel you must have at Lt Cmdr meaning you are only left with the Cmdr option.
Tyken's, decent skill, scales well at Cmdr over Lt Cmder, however used in isolation it will not be effective enough, so not all that helpful if you are pugging and you have the only copy
CBP, similar issue to Tyken's decent skill does reasonable damage to shields but alone you will not drop a fully shielded ship, tho it will reduce the amount of transfer from untargeted shield facings, 18-20k loss in overall shielding is never a bad thing, works well with Tachyon Beam 3.
Scramble Sensors, again nice skill but only really helpful vs poor to average teams, well coordinated teams will simply work round it with out a lot of trouble tho you might steal a kill using it once in a while.
There are a number of useful skills, most however work better when used in multiples, as it true of all sci skills imo. Therefor if you are in a premade team you would be better advised to consider what approach for science you team wishes to use, any of the above will produce nice results when you have multiple copies across 2 or 3 ships.
Out side of this take which one you like the look of most as it will hardly mater to the team and is unlikely, aside from the well timed snb, to be decisive in the match, which if that is what you are hoping to find i am afraid you will be disappointed.
I don't pop FBP to make them stop shooting at me; I do it to cause them more damage then they are doing to me.
While you wait your turn to be attacked you have a Cmdr lvl power doing absolutely nothing for either you or your team, sure it will add a tiny bit of damage and will make your damage score look a little better than if you did not use it, particularly in a C&H where you can camp a flag and wait for players to come to you and fight in dribs an drabs.
However, discounting that situation (or even including it imo) still the most worthless of science skills at Cmdr lvl and not worth the slot it uses. Any player would be far better off taking any of the other skills in its place.
If i had a choice i would kick from a group any player running FBP let alone FBP3 for any other player, but when you are out pugging you pay your money and take your chance, i would tho leave that group upon finish and hope not to be grouped with that player again.
Course that is only my opinion.
If by nonsensical you mean a player that places his team at a disadvantage for no other reason than to pad his damage a tiny amount so he can feel better that he is not at the botton of the table over a player who took for example CBP or SS who will often be at the bottom damage wise but who would help facilitate the death of players, then yes i would.
I would rather have a poor player who took another skill yet has not mastered pvp and so does not contribute as much because at least they attempted to build around team success, which is what any decent sci player should be doing.
But then what do i know about team success, not like i have been part of very successful teams so i could be totally wrong.
Ive seen escorts kill themselves more than just a few times, even with full hull..
They'll start their alpha, and I scan and beta or delta them.. Meanwhile, I can still drop HE3s and TSS2s on myself or my team. (I play my Carrier as a healer)
On my Fed DSSV, I use other skills at the commander slot, since Im not hindered by tiny arcs or horrendus turning/inertia.
Any Escorts who anyone would recognise as good? Does having killed 'more than just a few times', which skill sounds a lot smaller than a lot, qualify this as one of the top Cmdr Sci skills in your opinion? Not being sacrastic (odd i know) a genuine question for you.
For a regular SV, likely not
For a Carrier, most definately one of the top, yes - The reliance on the frontal arc on many of the "normal" skills people use on SVs are a huge, huge, HUGE drawback in my opinion..
Ive only played the Carrier this way for a couple of hours total in Kerrat - Generally fighting 1v3-1v6 odds, so it isnt a "real" test.
Atleast my FBP was a huge factor in a couple of Cubas Defiants death in Ker'rat yday..
I never thought to use the skill like that; I'll have to give it a try
FPB3 is at the heart of my Carrier Build and I've never had any problems with it.
If the "Good Escorts" stop firing at me then FDP is doing it's job and if they don't stop firing at me then guess what.... it's still doing its job :eek:
FBP3 is a staple in my Carrier and I'd never think to replace it with any of the current commander level science skills.