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Basic Carrier Guide?

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
edited June 2011 in Klingon Discussion
Looking around and can't seem to put together a general guide for carriers.

I'm starting to become interested in them... but I need more info.

1. Pets - I remember there used to be a big deal over sitting around swapping bays, and creating a monster fleet for 3 -4 minutes before engaging opponents. How do the pets work now? How many can you spawn? If you remove a bay, does all the summoned pets from that bay disappear?

2. Pet choice - Is there a general consensus on what to use, or more specifically, which to avoid?

3. Captain Choice - Currently have a Tactical captain, would I need an Engineer/Sci for better experience? While any cap can use any ship, I don't want to be causing undue grief for myself in a bad ship choice. I am thinking of starting a new char, as the constant respecs to use carrier vs the BOP would be annoying.

4. FAW? Are carriers useless with the new Fire At Will? Did I come too late to the party?

5. Bride Officer Layout - Seems like you get a little of everything in this ship, and could be fun to play with, but also seems to be quite taxing on skill distribution.. Any Ideas to simplify?

If all this is answered in a guide/sticky somewhere, please point...
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I don't think that there's a Carrier guide out there anywhere; however, I could be wrong.

    Most of the information that you're seeking can be found in this Forum; you just need to search the pages for the things that you need.

    Good luck with your Carrier :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Finding a response that won't violate the Terms/Conditions is difficult. Your response is very Klingon. "I have the answers you seek, but help is for the weak. Figure it out yourself...."

    This post was made after making it to page 5 of the carrier forum, where it appears the new changes went into effect. The only semi-decent info is the vast discussion of Sci Powers available, mostly relating to healboats... No new information on Pets or how they currently work or what is good to use.

    Eventually I'll find the answers, but through trial and error instead of decent community support. Seems like yet another reason NOT to choose the Klingon as a faction.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    1. You can't create a massive fleet of NPCs anymore like that, that was a bug. Now you can't spawn pets if there are no enemies within 15k around you, you still have the same pet choice of To'Duj fighters, BoPs, shield repair drones and energy siphon pods. Your pets will go to your current target when you spawn them (if you're spawning the shield repair drones you will have to target a friendly unit). I don't know how many repair drones or siphon pods you can spawn since I don't use them but the fighters work like this:
    To'Duj - spawns a wing of 3 fighters, each hangar supports a maximum 3 wings (double that if you're using both hangars for To'Duj)
    BoP - launches 1 BoP, each hangar supports 3 deployed fighters (double that if you're using both hangars for BoP)

    Your pets will despawn after battle if there are no more enemy targets within 15k range.
    Also your launchers are tied into auxiliary energy so the higher your aux the shorter the cooldown on the pets.

    2. Use whichever pets suit you, in these days of FaW spam they will all die fast so it doesn't realy matter, some prefer to use only BoPs as they have more hull so they survive longer but I use 1 BoP and 1 To'Duj.

    3. I have an eng in my carrier, I think it's the best choice as you have a lot of survivability and also you don't have any powers that rely on a fireing angle.

    4. Carriers are still far from useless, FaW can stop your pets but the carrier is still an excellent tank and supporter :)

    5. I can't help you much with BO layout, you will have to work on it yourself as it will reflect your playstile.
    The best suggestion would be to avoid all abilities that have a firring arc, the carrier has a low maneuverability so it would be hard to use them.

    I know it's not much but I hope it helps.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Xylenium wrote:
    Looking around and can't seem to put together a general guide for carriers.

    I'm starting to become interested in them... but I need more info.

    I'll help here if I can..
    Xylenium wrote:
    1. Pets - I remember there used to be a big deal over sitting around swapping bays, and creating a monster fleet for 3 -4 minutes before engaging opponents. How do the pets work now? How many can you spawn? If you remove a bay, does all the summoned pets from that bay disappear?

    Pets can be launched from 15km range of a target, or less. Once launched, they will stay on that target until the target is destroyed, the target hides/cloaks, or the pets are destroyed. As long as you are not in combat, you can "Swap" pets, but doing so will despawn any active pets currently in play. You can summon pets in Waves. Each time a bay's cool down recharges, you can summon another wave. You can summon a max of 3 Waves. The recharge time on the Bays is now tied to aux power. The higher your aux, the faster they recharge. How ever if some one targets your aux and either drops it to 0 or gets a lucky aux shut down proc, you will be unable to summon pets until cleared or the effect wears off.
    Xylenium wrote:
    2. Pet choice - Is there a general consensus on what to use, or more specifically, which to avoid?

    This varies from Carrier to Carrier. For the Vor'quv, the Bird of Prey is the top choice in my book, because they are the most durable, and do the most damage despite only being able to summon one BoP per bay, per wave. (So a max of 6 BoPs with a BoP in each Bay) AFter that, the To'duj are useful in a more swarm based attack. Then if your still looking for Offense, the Siphon Pods can be surprising on opponents, although they are still very fragile vs powers like Fire at will. And lastly the Shield Drones are helpful for defense and they will go to which ever player you target, as long as they are allied. If it's an enemy, you'll default target your self. A max wave of Shield drones can help keep your shields up. For the Kar'fi, it depends on what your trying to do with the Kar'fi. If your looking for more damage, the Fighters might be better, if your looking for more control, the Frigates might be useful.
    Xylenium wrote:
    3. Captain Choice - Currently have a Tactical captain, would I need an Engineer/Sci for better experience? While any cap can use any ship, I don't want to be causing undue grief for myself in a bad ship choice. I am thinking of starting a new char, as the constant respecs to use carrier vs the BOP would be annoying.

    I prefer the Engineer in the Vor'quv because it greatly improves the Vor'quv's survivability with the latest wave of changes that were brought to the table. Science is a secondary choice because of it's debuffing capability and with Photonic Fleet it gives you a way to bring more pets to the table. Where as Tac is the least likely to be as good because of the fact that the Vor'quv relies so heavily on it's pets, the Tacs damage boosting capabilities aren't as useful. Still it has been shown that some Tacs can play the Vor'quv well with the right power combination, so it's really up to you. Where the Kar'fi is concerened, the Engineer helps to bring the Kar'fi much needed survivability and gives you more freedom to do more with your build. The Sci is still useful in the Kar'fi because it can bring those debuffs and control skills to the Kar'fi. And the Tac can actually be useful here because you can use it's Extra weapon slot, and more tactical bridge officer skills to boost it's damage out put.
    Xylenium wrote:
    4. FAW? Are carriers useless with the new Fire At Will? Did I come too late to the party?

    Fire at will, in it's current state, is VERY annoying to Carriers as whole. But more so when you run up against those ships that can use Fire at will to take down your pets all by them selves. It's very deadly vs Siphon Pods, To'duj, Kar'fi Fighters, and Shield Drones. It can take a few minutes to take down the BoP and Kar'fi Frigate pets, but it will eventually wear them down. The Kar'fi's Frigates how ever come with a nice defense in Aceton field. While Aceton field isn't the most useful power, if you target an opponent who is fawing and launch a Kar'fi Frigate against him, you can almost guarentee that Frigate will last long enough for a second and maybe even third Frigate shows up.

    Xylenium wrote:
    5. Bride Officer Layout - Seems like you get a little of everything in this ship, and could be fun to play with, but also seems to be quite taxing on skill distribution.. Any Ideas to simplify?

    It depends on the Carrier. The Vor'quv I've found having Emergency power to shields 3 is a KEY power to it's survivability. I also find I can survive quite well with Hazards 2 and Transfer shield strength 2. Though either Hazard 3 or Transfer 3 are still useful in their own ways. After that, it's up to you which route you want to go with your Commander slot powers. As far as Tactical, it varies based on what your trying to do. If your trying to make a "drain" build, Target Subsystem 2+ powers are nice. If your trying to make a spam boat, you might want at least 1 Mine Pattern. If your going the more debuff route, Delta and Beta are both nice choices.

    For the Kar'fi, it's more difficult. You definitely need Emergency power to shields 2. The ship just doesn't survivei very well with out it. You also will probobly want Transfer shields 2. Which leaves either Hazard 3 or Hazard 1 or Transfer shield 3 and Hazard 2. It has more Tactical capabilities, and it's turn rate is greater then the Vor'quv so you could go almost any route with the Kar'fi including Cannons if you so choose.
    Xylenium wrote:
    If all this is answered in a guide/sticky somewhere, please point...

    I don't think there's a Guide specifically, but I believe most of the answers I've given, were given either by myself, or some one else in a different thread. If you don't find all of your answers here, try checking earlyer theads. I know there are alot, but the answers are there some where. You can be sure of that.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    How about traits for Carrier captains and suggested Races for good tanking in the carrier while I SPAM PETS GO GO GO GO

    I was thinking:

    Efficient, Borg Neural Blast, Warp Theorist, Borg Nanites (if they ever introduce rerace/retrait this is what my KDF Klingon Sci will get in traits)

    Warp Theorist, Techie, Seductive, Seduce for my Orion pilot. Not sure if I want Elusive instead?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    How about traits for Carrier captains and suggested Races for good tanking in the carrier while I SPAM PETS GO GO GO GO

    I was thinking:

    Efficient, Borg Neural Blast, Warp Theorist, Borg Nanites (if they ever introduce rerace/retrait this is what my KDF Klingon Sci will get in traits)

    Warp Theorist, Techie, Seductive, Seduce for my Orion pilot. Not sure if I want Elusive instead?

    I'd have to say my favorite race is Joined Trill. It's space based special is just nice to have. Accurate is an important skill. With out it you can have difficulties landing Target subsystem attacks on higher defense targets.

    If you went Joined trill you could take Accurate and Warp Theorist with the Joined Trill's Symboite Bonuses for a nice combination. A Liberated Borg with Efficient, Borg Nanites, Accurate, and either Warp Theorist or Neural Blast is again good.
    Or an Alien with Efficient, Accurate, Warp Theorist, Techie or Astrophysicist

    There are plenty of ways to play the Carrier trait wise. Just decide on the builds you'll want to be based around and make sure you pick the traits to follow it. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Some one in an other tread said that specing for disruptor and photon torpedoes increase the BoP damage, I am pretty sure it's wrong but can anyone confirm?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Someone told me in world that spec'ing for the BOP on your character affected your Vo'Quv pets. Would also like to know if that's true. Thanks.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    although it's a slower grind, I'd stay with the sci or engineer for a carrier build, they just absorb a ridiculous amount of damage.

    I personally fly a joined trill science Captain and pvp with it from time to time as well. I'm specced defensively and use PSW for my commander slot.

    In the meantime, I use a combo of ToDuj and BoP fighters, with Photonic fleet AND scorpion fighters. I use the aegis set for the deuterium shadows effect.

    Basically I spawn a LOT of target spam and make it hard to have myself targetted. With my defense stacking, I can use the confusion to my advantage and sit back and heal my team.

    Until they fix FAW in a week or so, my non-scorpion fighter pets are FAW fodder, when it gets fixed I can't really see anything other than a team of coordinated vets pulling me down.

    As for an optional engineer carrier captain...miracle worker, nuff said
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    In the meantime, I use a combo of ToDuj and BoP fighters, with Photonic fleet AND scorpion fighters.

    OMFG lord jesus that's a zoo :eek:

    lol! I also was mixing BOP and fighters and pfleet, but never thought to stack scorpion fighters on top!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Add chroniton mines and a Dispersal Pattern and you got yourself a party :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    well first off you need an eng as they can best fly the carrier. the eng adds a lot of tanking to the best tanking ship so this lets you put all power to attack and not shields. this is my boff layout.

    tac, TT1, APB1, FAW3 or BO3

    eng, ET1, SFI1, EPTS3

    sic, ST1, HE2, TSS3, FBP3

    sci, TB1, JS2

    this is a build over a year in the makeing so i know it works. APB1 boosts your pets dps and your team mates. FAW3 is good for clearing the battle of enemy spam and is good dps for you. EPTS3 will give a big shield power boost. FBP3 will make the enemy team hurt when they all attack you at the same time.

    your power levels should be like this. 100,25,25,50 or so. put skill points into all teir 3 eng skills but not for weipons as you have it set over 75. after putting your skill points in the right place it should look like this. 100,50,50,80 and then as an eng you get EPS power that boost all power levels.

    use all beams and move at about 2/4 or 1/4 when fighting. one of the eng power will cut your power lose by half. use a mix of fighters and bops. with your power and boff layout you can heal your team, super tank, and do a lot of harm to anything that thinks it can take you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Fletch246 wrote:
    Add chroniton mines and a Dispersal Pattern and you got yourself a party :)

    entirely my point, I want to spam other targets so I can get my healing bid'niss done
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