I hate to say it, but you paid your money knowing *exactly* how the ship would look. It wasn't mentioned *anywhere* that it was customizable outside of skin color and pattern. If you didn't like how the ship looked, why'd you buy it? And if it wasn't *because* of the looks, then why should it matter?
At least they fixed a few of the bugs that existed. The previous level of customization was even worse than what's there now. And they still have a bunch of bugs to fix on the appearance (such as the 3rd nacelle being just a copy of the right nacelle, for one).
I hate to say it, but you are mistaken.
As I have stated in my earlier posting:
When I bought the ship, IT HAD THE OPTION TO REMOVE THE THIRD NACELLE AND THE SPINAL LANCE. The option was called the U.S.S. Venture upgrade. It had some minor differences distinguishing it from the average Galaxy class, (placement of phasers on pylons or nacelles, I can't remember, plus something else on top of the nacelles was slightly different.
To correct you, this is "EXACTLY" the option it had what I bought it. It was taken away AFTER I bought it. Let's be clear on this point.
As far as the "at least they fixed the bugs that existed" comment: I paid twenty five dollars for this ship, to date, If I am not mistaken, It's the most expensive one offered in the C store. It SHOULD be bug free !
I utilized the option to remove the third nacelle, whenever I used the ship after I bought it..
Than one day, It was taken away.
I read somewhere in the posts, that this was because some people in pvp didn't like not knowing what kind of Galaxy they were facing, (retrofit, or X). I was very disappointed,
Recently, in pvp, I was rammed by a ship that was battle cloaked. And it struck me, (no pun intended), that
if this practice is allowed in the game, then their point about the Galaxy X customization option was mute and I should have my option to customize my X back.
It was not an option, it was borked. If it was intended to be an option then the impulse engine glow would not have be off set to the point that it was completely off the ship hanging out in space some three inches to the left of the ship model. If it was an intended option then weapons fire would not have been off set to the exact same degree as the impulse glow. The removal of the third nacelle was never intended to be an option it was a broken feature from the start. Besides removal of the third nacelle made the Gal-X look just like the T4 Gal. All the other distinguishing features of the Gal-X went away with the nacelle. Further proof that it was an oversight of the model builders rushing to meet a deadline.
There was a bug yes, that resulted in the impulse engine glow hanging out into space when you chose to remove the pylon. So yes, I agree with you partially that it was "borked". But when I bought the ship the talk was you had the option to customize the ship to look like a galaxy.I bought the ship under that pretense.
Taking away this product's customization abilities after it's was sold, was explained, that it was because of pvp.
Some people complained that they did not know which one of the Galaxies it was.
A point I was never convinced of the validity of, for reasons I've mentioned at infinitum.
I will point out that YOU CAN choose to show, or not show any of the Aegis, Borg, or Breen sets, or Reman shields for customization purposes. THEY offer BONUSES that effect game play. THEY are NOT canon either. They offer visual choices. People like them as such. Why then take way this option then?
I give up now, partly because I grow tired of defending my preferences in ship designs or play style, to people who want to tell me how I should play.
I have a right to my opinion too, therefore, I've posted such, in hopes of making Cryptic aware of my feelings on the matter.
Not to engage the opposition.
At this point I make a prediction: You just wait, your time is coming.
Wait till there is something you like, or enjoy in this game that's changed or taken away, because SOME will call for it, for this reason or that.
You'll have your day too. On this I am most certain.
There was a bug yes, that resulted in the impulse engine glow hanging out into space when you chose to remove the pylon. So yes, I agree with you partially that it was "borked". But when I bought the ship the talk was you had the option to customize the ship to look like a galaxy.I bought the ship under that pretense.
Taking away this product's customization abilities after it's was sold, was explained, that it was because of pvp.
Some people complained that they did not know which one of the Galaxies it was.
A point I was never convinced of the validity of, for reasons I've mentioned at infinitum.
I will point out that YOU CAN choose to show, or not show any of the Aegis, Borg, or Breen sets, or Reman shields for customization purposes. THEY offer BONUSES that effect game play. THEY are NOT canon either. They offer visual choices. People like them as such. Why then take way this option then?
I give up now, partly because I grow tired of defending my preferences in ship designs or play style, to people who want to tell me how I should play.
I have a right to my opinion too, therefore, I've posted such, in hopes of making Cryptic aware of my feelings on the matter.
Not to engage the opposition.
At this point I make a prediction: You just wait, your time is coming.
Wait till there is something you like, or enjoy in this game that's changed or taken away, because SOME will call for it, for this reason or that.
You'll have your day too. On this I am most certain.
You know my grandmother had a Vista Cruiser with a drag prepped Hemi Elephant bored and stroked to some 550cid shoehorned between it's fenderwells. I loved the ugly abortion of a car cause no one knew what it was till she blew the doors off a Corvette for a giggle. I'm aware of the Gal-X to Gal glitch because I love sleepers. See prior two sentences. As for your "your time is coming" prediction please reread the third sentence of this post.
Oh come on, it doesnt look that bad, and besides, its canon. Removing the third nacelle would defeat the whole purpose of its dreadnoughtness. Without it it would simply be a galaxy with a big gun.
That's weird. Cause the Assault Cruiser is the best cruiser on the fed side and pretty much in the entire game.
You guys are playing this game wrong I bet.
The excelsior has the thing that the Gal-X should have being the Lt.Cdr. Tac slot. That allows for the ever nifty and mighty High Yield Torpedo III, which can rain Quantum torps down on enemys with now shields, instant win. Thats what makes the excelsior the best for me. At least thats how I used mine
I still say that if you are going to allow removing the third nacelle, you're going to have to also remove all the cannons as well.
After which, with all the abilities the GalaxyX has the GalaxyR doesn't (IE: Dual Cannons, Spinal Lance), they're going to look awkward with those add-ons present.
I've seen standard Galaxy Class ships with Dual Beams, Naig'Vars with Galaxy skins on Foundry, and my GalaxyR has single cannons and it looks awkward.
The excelsior has the thing that the Gal-X should have being the Lt.Cdr. Tac slot. That allows for the ever nifty and mighty High Yield Torpedo III, which can rain Quantum torps down on enemys with now shields, instant win. Thats what makes the excelsior the best for me. At least thats how I used mine
I have been assured by hundreds of excelsior captains that the tac slot doesn't overcome the innate weakness of the ship. And since this was all ground covered last year when this thing debuted on the c-store, why would they all lie to me? They absolutely assured me that Cryptic would never put a game-impacting item, like say the most powerful cruiser in the game, on the c-store. That's now how they roll. Right?
I agree with you about the T5 Excelsior being best cruiser on the Fed side, its got a better turn rate then either the Gal-X or the Gal-R. Honestly a big fan of the Excelsior, I feel in love with the ship back in SFC3 (StarFleet Command 3), my clan ran a modded server so we were able to add alot of ships. That was also when I first flew the Gal-X, so I was able to appreciate its form. As far as removing the third nacelle, I'm against it because it's one of the most distingishing features on the ship plus as far as I know, and I could easily be wrong so correct me if so, there isn't an option to just remove parts of a ship. Now I would be totally for that quad nacelle design you came up with, really unique looking and something that give players the option of either the standard three nacelles or the quad nacelle. I'd like to know, what design features you would change on the T5 Excelsior?
It's hard to say because i don't like anything on that ship, so changing just a few things won't help much, the whole ship needs to be changed IMO, but i'll try to make something up.
Oh come on, it doesnt look that bad, and besides, its canon. Removing the third nacelle would defeat the whole purpose of its dreadnoughtness. Without it it would simply be a galaxy with a big gun.
TBH, thats why i bought it in the first place and i have the strange feeling that i am not the only one.
Rember one thing... they will know its a gal X... when im decloaking behind them pwning them with a lance.... they shall know..... 3rd necel or not hehehe
Personally, I've reached the conclusion that the third nacelle is not there to provide warp propulsion. It's there to power the spinal lance, and that's it.
Personally, I've reached the conclusion that the third nacelle is not there to provide warp propulsion. It's there to power the spinal lance, and that's it.
I dunno, doesn't it Go warp 10? The only thing faster is the Borg engine and the Slipstream, no?
Rember one thing... they will know its a gal X... when im decloaking behind them pwning them with a lance.... they shall know..... 3rd necel or not hehehe
Absolutely right.
If someone uses the Borg set aor Aegis you don't see it either and no one seems to argue about that.
Personally, I've reached the conclusion that the third nacelle is not there to provide warp propulsion. It's there to power the spinal lance, and that's it.
Nacelles do NOT generate Power, Warp Cores do. period.
I wonder why this argument comes up over and over again.
I am really getting tired arguing about this.
Only few players seem to be interested to customize their ships more freely (or make them look better in general) and the devs aren't interested in this either.
In the last two or three engineering reports there was nothing about letting us improve our ships appearances or giving us more options at the ship tailor
The Excelsior comes with the slight Retrofit variations, the Nebula got the "Magellan" hull/skin.
But that was it, apparently.
But the general trend is indeed disturbing: No extra options anymore. Full ships with a special extra/console and little to no customization are sold by now.
Vulcan D'Kyr? Oberth? Kar'Fi, Marauder, Varanus, K'Tanco, Guramba etc... for some you cannot change anything, not even windows or hull material. The "patterns" we have look very bad especially on the new ships if we can apply any at all.
Removing the third nacelle would probably involve a little more effort to remove the trail as well and so on.
I guess the 3rd nacelle option does not have any priority in their work schedule.
My hope for an alternative "classic" neck for the Enterprise F is probably unrealistic as well. I am afraid it would push back Season 4 for half a year... :rolleyes:
The Excelsior comes with the slight Retrofit variations, the Nebula got the "Magellan" hull/skin.
But that was it, apparently.
But the general trend is indeed disturbing: No extra options anymore. Full ships with a special extra/console and little to no customization are sold by now.
Vulcan D'Kyr? Oberth? Kar'Fi, Marauder, Varanus, K'Tanco, Guramba etc... for some you cannot change anything, not even windows or hull material. The "patterns" we have look very bad especially on the new ships if we can apply any at all.
Removing the third nacelle would probably involve a little more effort to remove the trail as well and so on.
I guess the 3rd nacelle option does not have any priority in their work schedule.
My hope for an alternative "classic" neck for the Enterprise F is probably unrealistic as well. I am afraid it would push back Season 4 for half a year... :rolleyes:
You are probably right the devs consider our ships not really important. Meanwhile they add more and more character customization. Thats why there is just one poor guy taking care of ship models. So it takes AGES to get more ship stuff. :mad:
They should recruit at least 3 or 4 more ship model designers so that starfleet AND klingon ships get more options and ship parts. (Please not the same guys that made the Assault cruisers or the Fleet escorts!!!)
I really don't understand why the devs are completely ignoring ship models right now, i know Season 4 and so on... but for me ships are much more important.
Yah, there are a lot of things in Voyager that i don't agree with and that whole warp 10 episode is one of them. The whole thing was just bad....
Wap ten always was an impossible velocity even before Voyager.
I think that some where between ST:Nemesis and STO they introduced a extension of the warp scale, so that values of 9,999 are now something like warp 11. (just a wild guess)
The "X" could stand for new installed toilettes as much as we know.
The only thing we know is that this ship is a modified Galaxy Class.
And since STO is a Star Trek game i see no reason why we shouldn't have the option to get rid of that nacelle.
I mean if you buy the Galaxy -X you are free to keep the third nacelle, if you think it is necessary or if you think it looks good, but for 25 Euros i would like to have the option to remove it.
Live long and prosper.
Perhaps it was something to do with the IP...perhaps that's the reason it was released into the game without having the option to take it away.....that's just me, but that's what I think.
7. "Space dragsters" Ever since Matt Jefferies conceived the original Enterprise, Starfleet ships are intentionally laid out to be sleek and to have only few and well-defined external components. Like with kitbashing too, be cautious when adding additional components to existing ships. As popular as the Enterprise-D from TNG: "All Good Things" may be in fan circles - the additional nacelle, cannons, spoilers and spikes totally ruin the graceful lines of the ship and turn it into an immature "space dragster".
Nacelles do NOT generate Power, Warp Cores do. period.
I wonder why this argument comes up over and over again.
I thought it was obvious that was a joke...
Warp 10 was established to be infinite speed in TNG. TOS had Warp Speeds greater than 10. The All Good Things episode introduced a Warp 14 that was post the Warp 10 "cap", and thus either 1) in the future in which the 3-nacelled Enterprise existed the Warp scale was recalculated again or 2) Warp factors higher than 10 represented a new type of warp technology that exceeded the cap of the old. (Although I'm not sure how you can go faster than infinite speed)
(Or 3) it was just Q making stuff up, which honestly I can believe for the whole Galaxy Dreadnaught concept. It looks like something a childish, irresponsible omnipotent being would visualize )
Warp 10 was established to be infinite speed in TNG. TOS had Warp Speeds greater than 10. The All Good Things episode introduced a Warp 14 that was post the Warp 10 "cap", and thus either 1) in the future in which the 3-nacelled Enterprise existed the Warp scale was recalculated again or 2) Warp factors higher than 10 represented a new type of warp technology that exceeded the cap of the old. (Although I'm not sure how you can go faster than infinite speed)
(Or 3) it was just Q making stuff up, which honestly I can believe for the whole Galaxy Dreadnaught concept. It looks like something a childish, irresponsible omnipotent being would visualize )
I do very much agree with you. (In all three points)
the third nacelle i believe does exactly what it is supposed to do, INTIMIDATE. Dreadnoughts since the beginning of modern naval warfare have been designed to incite fear into the hearts of the enemy, whether your talking about the Santisma Trinidad (Spanish ship-of-the-line, 144 guns, 4 decks) or the Galaxy-X, the extra stuff makes it look bigger and badder. If i were a starship captain, i would want to avoind all contact with a three nacelled star vessel, because even though it doesn't, it suggests that the third nacelle is there to assist carrying around the enormous amount of heat the ship is packing. but hey, thats just me
the third nacelle i believe does exactly what it is supposed to do, INTIMIDATE. Dreadnoughts since the beginning of modern naval warfare have been designed to incite fear into the hearts of the enemy, whether your talking about the Santisma Trinidad (Spanish ship-of-the-line, 144 guns, 4 decks) or the Galaxy-X, the extra stuff makes it look bigger and badder. If i were a starship captain, i would want to avoind all contact with a three nacelled star vessel, because even though it doesn't, it suggests that the third nacelle is there to assist carrying around the enormous amount of heat the ship is packing. but hey, thats just me
From a design perspective that is a very good point. A dreadnaught is about power projection, like a nuclear option, it is all about peace through intimidation.
From a design perspective that is a very good point. A dreadnaught is about power projection, like a nuclear option, it is all about peace through intimidation.
Why should anyone be affraid of fighting a ship with an additional nacelle?
It's like attaching one marine propeller more on a WWII Battleship and calling it Dreadnought.
I understand that adding a big supercannon on the saucer is something intimidating but a third nacelle?
What's so intimidating about it? (apart from the fact that it looks ugly)
It looks ugly IN YOUR OPINION. its a sign of power. meaning. it can hold more power than a regular galaxy. meaning it is ready to mess things up. you want a 2 necciled galaxy. The R is amazing for tanking.
It looks ugly IN YOUR OPINION. its a sign of power. meaning. it can hold more power than a regular galaxy. meaning it is ready to mess things up. you want a 2 necciled galaxy. The R is amazing for tanking.
Thats the point of this thread, some like it some do not.
Thats the point of this thread, some like it some do not.
Live long and prosper.
You are funny. This thread started sounding like a bunch of Whiners pages ago and has since become utterly useless.
I personaly do not like that 3rd Nacelle. I think the Galaxy (although elegant) is ugly and the Galaxy-X is uglier).
I agree the 3rd Nacelle should stay, but the Galaxy X should be given customization options similar to the other Galaxy class ships.
Why should anyone be affraid of fighting a ship with an additional nacelle?
It's like attaching one marine propeller more on a WWII Battleship and calling it Dreadnought.
Live long and prosper.
My friend, you are missing the point. You cant see the propeller, it has no affect except making the ship slightly faster. However, if you added another turret with 3 monstrous 16 inch cannons on a battleship, then it can be called a dreadnought.
Think of the aesthetic affect that nacelles have on ships in the star trek universe. The Sovereigns long and swept nacelles suggest a majestic yet powerful starship while the Klingon ships and their seemingly ragtag jagged and all in all disorganized ships give them a hostile or brutal look. Having a third nacelle or another turret or whatever is an aesthetic affect targeting the enemy. It is meant to project power, futility, and to incite fear.
When it comes to looks, look at the Galaxy-R and the Galaxy-X next to each other. One is designed for exploration, the other is retrofited for interstellar carnage. Which would you rather have be less pleasing to look at? The Galaxy-X is meant to look ugly, like some sort of twisted animal. Again, more psychological warfare.
I hate to say it, but you are mistaken.
As I have stated in my earlier posting:
When I bought the ship, IT HAD THE OPTION TO REMOVE THE THIRD NACELLE AND THE SPINAL LANCE. The option was called the U.S.S. Venture upgrade. It had some minor differences distinguishing it from the average Galaxy class, (placement of phasers on pylons or nacelles, I can't remember, plus something else on top of the nacelles was slightly different.
To correct you, this is "EXACTLY" the option it had what I bought it. It was taken away AFTER I bought it. Let's be clear on this point.
As far as the "at least they fixed the bugs that existed" comment: I paid twenty five dollars for this ship, to date, If I am not mistaken, It's the most expensive one offered in the C store. It SHOULD be bug free !
I utilized the option to remove the third nacelle, whenever I used the ship after I bought it..
Than one day, It was taken away.
I read somewhere in the posts, that this was because some people in pvp didn't like not knowing what kind of Galaxy they were facing, (retrofit, or X). I was very disappointed,
Recently, in pvp, I was rammed by a ship that was battle cloaked. And it struck me, (no pun intended), that
if this practice is allowed in the game, then their point about the Galaxy X customization option was mute and I should have my option to customize my X back.
There was a bug yes, that resulted in the impulse engine glow hanging out into space when you chose to remove the pylon. So yes, I agree with you partially that it was "borked". But when I bought the ship the talk was you had the option to customize the ship to look like a galaxy.I bought the ship under that pretense.
Taking away this product's customization abilities after it's was sold, was explained, that it was because of pvp.
Some people complained that they did not know which one of the Galaxies it was.
A point I was never convinced of the validity of, for reasons I've mentioned at infinitum.
I will point out that YOU CAN choose to show, or not show any of the Aegis, Borg, or Breen sets, or Reman shields for customization purposes. THEY offer BONUSES that effect game play. THEY are NOT canon either. They offer visual choices. People like them as such. Why then take way this option then?
I give up now, partly because I grow tired of defending my preferences in ship designs or play style, to people who want to tell me how I should play.
I have a right to my opinion too, therefore, I've posted such, in hopes of making Cryptic aware of my feelings on the matter.
Not to engage the opposition.
At this point I make a prediction: You just wait, your time is coming.
Wait till there is something you like, or enjoy in this game that's changed or taken away, because SOME will call for it, for this reason or that.
You'll have your day too. On this I am most certain.
That's weird. Cause the Assault Cruiser is the best cruiser on the fed side and pretty much in the entire game.
You guys are playing this game wrong I bet.
You know my grandmother had a Vista Cruiser with a drag prepped Hemi Elephant bored and stroked to some 550cid shoehorned between it's fenderwells. I loved the ugly abortion of a car cause no one knew what it was till she blew the doors off a Corvette for a giggle. I'm aware of the Gal-X to Gal glitch because I love sleepers. See prior two sentences. As for your "your time is coming" prediction please reread the third sentence of this post.
The excelsior has the thing that the Gal-X should have being the Lt.Cdr. Tac slot. That allows for the ever nifty and mighty High Yield Torpedo III, which can rain Quantum torps down on enemys with now shields, instant win. Thats what makes the excelsior the best for me. At least thats how I used mine
After which, with all the abilities the GalaxyX has the GalaxyR doesn't (IE: Dual Cannons, Spinal Lance), they're going to look awkward with those add-ons present.
I've seen standard Galaxy Class ships with Dual Beams, Naig'Vars with Galaxy skins on Foundry, and my GalaxyR has single cannons and it looks awkward.
I have been assured by hundreds of excelsior captains that the tac slot doesn't overcome the innate weakness of the ship. And since this was all ground covered last year when this thing debuted on the c-store, why would they all lie to me? They absolutely assured me that Cryptic would never put a game-impacting item, like say the most powerful cruiser in the game, on the c-store. That's now how they roll. Right?
TBH, thats why i bought it in the first place and i have the strange feeling that i am not the only one.
Live long and prosper.
I disagree.
I dunno, doesn't it Go warp 10? The only thing faster is the Borg engine and the Slipstream, no?
If someone uses the Borg set aor Aegis you don't see it either and no one seems to argue about that.
Nacelles do NOT generate Power, Warp Cores do. period.
I wonder why this argument comes up over and over again.
Actually in All good things it goes to Warp 13.
Apparently Starfleet changed the Warp scale again, since warp 10 should be impossible to reach.
Live long and prosper.
The Excelsior comes with the slight Retrofit variations, the Nebula got the "Magellan" hull/skin.
But that was it, apparently.
But the general trend is indeed disturbing: No extra options anymore. Full ships with a special extra/console and little to no customization are sold by now.
Vulcan D'Kyr? Oberth? Kar'Fi, Marauder, Varanus, K'Tanco, Guramba etc... for some you cannot change anything, not even windows or hull material. The "patterns" we have look very bad especially on the new ships if we can apply any at all.
Removing the third nacelle would probably involve a little more effort to remove the trail as well and so on.
I guess the 3rd nacelle option does not have any priority in their work schedule.
My hope for an alternative "classic" neck for the Enterprise F is probably unrealistic as well. I am afraid it would push back Season 4 for half a year... :rolleyes:
They should recruit at least 3 or 4 more ship model designers so that starfleet AND klingon ships get more options and ship parts.
(Please not the same guys that made the Assault cruisers or the Fleet escorts!!!)
I really don't understand why the devs are completely ignoring ship models right now, i know Season 4 and so on... but for me ships are much more important.
Wap ten always was an impossible velocity even before Voyager.
I think that some where between ST:Nemesis and STO they introduced a extension of the warp scale, so that values of 9,999 are now something like warp 11.
(just a wild guess)
Live long and prosper.
Perhaps it was something to do with the IP...perhaps that's the reason it was released into the game without having the option to take it away.....that's just me, but that's what I think.
7. "Space dragsters" Ever since Matt Jefferies conceived the original Enterprise, Starfleet ships are intentionally laid out to be sleek and to have only few and well-defined external components. Like with kitbashing too, be cautious when adding additional components to existing ships. As popular as the Enterprise-D from TNG: "All Good Things" may be in fan circles - the additional nacelle, cannons, spoilers and spikes totally ruin the graceful lines of the ship and turn it into an immature "space dragster".
I thought it was obvious that was a joke...
Warp 10 was established to be infinite speed in TNG. TOS had Warp Speeds greater than 10. The All Good Things episode introduced a Warp 14 that was post the Warp 10 "cap", and thus either 1) in the future in which the 3-nacelled Enterprise existed the Warp scale was recalculated again or 2) Warp factors higher than 10 represented a new type of warp technology that exceeded the cap of the old. (Although I'm not sure how you can go faster than infinite speed)
(Or 3) it was just Q making stuff up, which honestly I can believe for the whole Galaxy Dreadnaught concept. It looks like something a childish, irresponsible omnipotent being would visualize
(In all three points)
And sorry, i didn't noticed that you where joking
Live long and prosper.
From a design perspective that is a very good point. A dreadnaught is about power projection, like a nuclear option, it is all about peace through intimidation.
Why should anyone be affraid of fighting a ship with an additional nacelle?
It's like attaching one marine propeller more on a WWII Battleship and calling it Dreadnought.
Live long and prosper.
What's so intimidating about it?
(apart from the fact that it looks ugly)
Live long and prosper.
Live long and prosper.
You are funny. This thread started sounding like a bunch of Whiners pages ago and has since become utterly useless.
I personaly do not like that 3rd Nacelle. I think the Galaxy (although elegant) is ugly and the Galaxy-X is uglier).
I agree the 3rd Nacelle should stay, but the Galaxy X should be given customization options similar to the other Galaxy class ships.
My friend, you are missing the point. You cant see the propeller, it has no affect except making the ship slightly faster. However, if you added another turret with 3 monstrous 16 inch cannons on a battleship, then it can be called a dreadnought.
Think of the aesthetic affect that nacelles have on ships in the star trek universe. The Sovereigns long and swept nacelles suggest a majestic yet powerful starship while the Klingon ships and their seemingly ragtag jagged and all in all disorganized ships give them a hostile or brutal look. Having a third nacelle or another turret or whatever is an aesthetic affect targeting the enemy. It is meant to project power, futility, and to incite fear.
When it comes to looks, look at the Galaxy-R and the Galaxy-X next to each other. One is designed for exploration, the other is retrofited for interstellar carnage. Which would you rather have be less pleasing to look at? The Galaxy-X is meant to look ugly, like some sort of twisted animal. Again, more psychological warfare.