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Please remove daily reward for Foundry missions.

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
Users just take advantage of the system and clutter up and ruin the search results for the rest of us. Just give these people 3 emblems for logging in, and save us legitimate users who want to find good content in the foundry all the trouble and remove the daily rewards. it just turns the foundry into a joke / hack / work around for getting 3 lousy emblems..

- X -


My final thoughts after reading everyones arguments..

One of the points I was trying to make originally was that there wouldn't be a need for quick missions if there was no 3 emblem reward for completing 3 missions in a day, and no grind missions if you didn't get XP for them in the foundry. However I think others here have a different idea of what the foundry should be used for, so obviously there are conflicts here.

In my view the foundry is a place to tell a story, or halonovel if you will, but others see it as a substitute for leveling / grind content in the game.. (Those people will never see my point of view) So, in order to find common ground, the easiest solution at first seems to probably be to make the search tools better.. There are many suggestions in this post and others that can make that happen and I'm sure cryptic is aware of them and they have already said they are looking into solutions.

In a perfect world, the rules in place would work, and someone would report a mission and it would be removed right away.. However I personally have reported 5 different missions over this past weekend, and not one of them was removed as of yesterday (I haven't checked today). So the enforcement isn't really working because there is the human factor involved of someone actually having to go in and do it. Not to mention how many people take advantage of these missions during the time they are available. So the current system of policing the foundry will not work unless resources are dedicated to the task (GM's, etc) - but then again I'd rather see those resources put towards solving other more important issues, not babysitting the foundry.

I noticed some people who are against my arguments, don't even use the foundry or have used it on a very limited basis. So really I don't understand why they even care about this topic. Personally, I've tried to play through every mission I can. When you do this you are looking for new content you have not yet played, and you see the JUNK more prominent then you would if you just go through and look at it from a top-down statistic point of view. Its a very big disappointment to see people take advantage of the foundry for the sole purpose of just getting 3 emblems or an alternate grind/farming. It also degrades the hard work others put into their missions trying to make the foundry a great place to tell their stories.

So in the end its about the rules that are in place, if they are not going to be enforced in a real-time manner, then just change the rules so a quickie mission is fine, and xp grinds are fine, then give us the choice of filtering out those missions if we would like.. It would require less GM/Dev resources to police the foundry, and those who want to take advantage of that type of system can, and those of us who want to find unique stories can.. Win/Win.

- X -
Post edited by Unknown User on


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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Those farming missions can be directly reported by users.
    When you abort a mission, you get to choose if you wish to rate it or report it for a violation.

    Farming missions and missions to quickly boost you through content or harvest rewards - none of these are okay. Report them as a violation and we'll take care of them. Should a user re-publish missions which break the rules or have numerous of them, they may even lose the option to publish Foundry Missions altogether.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    WishStone wrote:
    Those farming missions can be directly reported by users.
    When you abort a mission, you get to choose if you wish to rate it or report it for a violation.

    Farming missions and missions to quickly boost you through content or harvest rewards - none of these are okay. Report them as a violation and we'll take care of them. Should a user re-publish missions which break the rules or have numerous of them, they may even lose the option to publish Foundry Missions altogether.

    Wishstone, I have a request if possible. Can you please relay to the devs that the problem the whole accumulation of accolades, drops and skillpoints in foundry is becoming beyond ridiculous. It would be far easier to eliminate the benefits of these grinds than play the game of wack-a-mole of finding and reporting them. Can't they just simply turn off accolade counters, XP/SP and drops in foundry missions?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    xforce007 wrote: »
    Users just take advantage of the system and clutter up and ruin the search results for the rest of us. Just give these people 3 emblems for logging in, and save us legitimate users who want to find good content in the foundry all the trouble and remove the daily rewards. it just turns the foundry into a joke / hack / work around for getting 3 lousy emblems..

    - X -

    That sucks.
    I have heard of such things even though I have only done one foundry mission.
    CRouching Tykgor, Hidden Demon..... was fun but tough since the toon was unground spec'ed.
    I was looking forward to the foundry.
    Hey Wishy.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    WishStone wrote:
    Those farming missions can be directly reported by users.
    When you abort a mission, you get to choose if you wish to rate it or report it for a violation.

    Farming missions and missions to quickly boost you through content or harvest rewards - none of these are okay. Report them as a violation and we'll take care of them. Should a user re-publish missions which break the rules or have numerous of them, they may even lose the option to publish Foundry Missions altogether.

    Okay, thank you for that confirmation, because I wanted to do that on a mission, but when I wanted to report it I couldn't find anything about farming missions in the EULA
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    /Disagree. Report the missions and/or don't play them. Theres no reason to punish everyone who plays by the rules just because a few don't.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Roach wrote: »
    That sucks.
    I have heard of such things even though I have only done one foundry mission.
    CRouching Tykgor, Hidden Demon..... was fun but tough since the toon was unground spec'ed.
    I was looking forward to the foundry.
    Hey Wishy.

    Roach you son of a Targ, how are you my brother from another mother?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Roach wrote: »
    That sucks.
    I have heard of such things even though I have only done one foundry mission.
    CRouching Tykgor, Hidden Demon..... was fun but tough since the toon was unground spec'ed.
    I was looking forward to the foundry.
    Hey Wishy.

    most of the missions aren't that rough and I recommend the Negas List
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    QuanManChu wrote:
    Wishstone, I have a request if possible. Can you please relay to the devs that the problem the whole accumulation of accolades, drops and skillpoints in foundry is becoming beyond ridiculous. It would be far easier to eliminate the benefits of these grinds than play the game of wack-a-mole of finding and reporting them. Can't they just simply turn off accolade counters, XP/SP and drops in foundry missions?

    How about you just do what he said rather than trying to nerf the system for everyone?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Not to mention, how much time is wasted by devs, users, etc - going through and dealing with this issue, time that could be spent on something better if you ask me :( ... Seriously if these people are soooo anxious for these 3 emblems, just give them to em for loggin in :S..

    I've also reported several missions last week, etc - and they are still in there.. or a new one just pops up.. there are a lot more in there now then there were last week too :S - it will never end and if you find a way to detect it, they will just find yet another way to cheat the system...

    Also - users just give the mission 5 stars because it was quick and helped them get their lousy emblems. Sooo what the heck good is the rating system. :(

    - X -
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    xforce007 wrote: »
    Users just take advantage of the system and clutter up and ruin the search results for the rest of us. Just give these people 3 emblems for logging in, and save us legitimate users who want to find good content in the foundry all the trouble and remove the daily rewards. it just turns the foundry into a joke / hack / work around for getting 3 lousy emblems..

    - X -

    I'm not with this. i like the daily rewards and would much rather do them in the form of the Foundry than anything else. I hate the grind on my emblems elsewhere.

    BTW, that doesn't mean that I choose easy missions or anything. I usually just find the ones that are the most interesting and those can really vary on length.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    xforce007 wrote: »
    Not to mention, how much time is wasted by devs, users, etc - going through and dealing with this issue, time that could be spent on something better if you ask me :( ... Seriously if these people are soooo anxious for these 3 emblems, just give them to em for loggin in :S..

    I've also reported several missions last week, etc - and they are still in there.. or a new one just pops up.. there are a lot more in there now then there were last week too :S - it will never end and if you find a way to detect it, they will just find yet another way to cheat the system...

    Also - users just give the mission 5 stars because it was quick and helped them get their lousy emblems. Sooo what the heck good is the rating system. :(

    - X -

    The rating system is pretty broke anyways. It's not like there is a good way to search that system. Have you ever tried searching new? ha! Or how about top rated? Top rated will always pull the ones that have one 5 star rating to the top because it can't sort based on quantity of users assigning a rating.

    That being said, it's not such an issue that its getting in the way of my fun on the foundry, so what's the bother?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    dorko1 wrote: »
    I'm not with this. i like the daily rewards and would much rather do them in the form of the Foundry than anything else. I hate the grind on my emblems elsewhere.

    BTW, that doesn't mean that I choose easy missions or anything. I usually just find the ones that are the most interesting and those can really vary on length.

    This in and of itself isn't a problem. Its when one wants to find a decent mission but finds nothing but outright grinds or grinds disguised as RP maps that make it so hard to sort out the good missions from the utter TRIBBLE. And reporting these missions wastes the GMs time that could be better spent tracking bug reports and such than exploited foundry missions.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    QuanManChu wrote:
    This in and of itself isn't a problem. Its when one wants to find a decent mission but finds nothing but outright grinds or grinds disguised as RP maps that make it so hard to sort out the good missions from the utter TRIBBLE. And reporting these missions wastes the GMs time that could be better spent tracking bug reports and such than exploited foundry missions.

    Right, but your making it sound like you can't find a good mission which simply is not true. All you got to do is read the details for the mission and that will tell you straight up whether or not the mission is any good. It's not like it's hard to find a decent one. Last time I logged in on it, I actually had trouble figuring out which one to run first.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    QuanManChu wrote:
    This in and of itself isn't a problem. Its when one wants to find a decent mission but finds nothing but outright grinds or grinds disguised as RP maps that make it so hard to sort out the good missions from the utter TRIBBLE. And reporting these missions wastes the GMs time that could be better spent tracking bug reports and such than exploited foundry missions.

    Its not as hard as you are pretending it is. The mission title is usually a good indicator of whether it is a mission with a real storyline, or just a grind. And once you actually read the mission journal text, its obvious. So dont keep pretending you cant find "real" missions, because anyone who actually takes the time can do it easily. If you need someone to hold your hand though, I'll be happy to point you in the right direction.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    dorko1 wrote: »
    That being said, it's not such an issue that its getting in the way of my fun on the foundry, so what's the bother?

    Then give out some mission where you get 3 emblems for talking to a single contact, and get rid of the reward for foundry missions.. Then the people who want the easy 3 emblems, can have it, and the ones who don't want legitimate missions/episodes in the foundry can have that.. WIN / WIN

    I agree the search is messed up with TOP rated, etc.. but what i use is "HOT" and then i have to go through and look at the reviews on missions, and when people are saying things like "ITs a great mission, great story, etc" and it turns out to be a talk to contact, done.. What a waste of time..

    People are getting more sneaky about their reviews of these missions, and the way they describe the quick missions, in order to not be detected.. Its a complete waste of time and resources that can be spent on more important things im sure..

    - X -
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Roach wrote: »
    Hey Wishy.
    Hey Roach. :) I spend quite a bit of time in Klingon Lands the last couple of days hunting a new foundry spotlight. There are a LOT of really good Klingon missions made by players, you should check them out!

    You saw that we already made a couple of changes to prevent farming becoming too bad. We're still working on some more changes but we wish to not just throw out a total blockade, either.

    It's like 'nerfing' a power in the game. We hear there is a problem. We investigate. We may even agree (because balancing an MMO never ends). Then we need to find a way to make it so things stay interesting while not being too powerful - or, in this case, being too easy for farmers. This is not something we can just throw out overnight since we really wish to make sure that players can enjoy the missions. And if you spend an hour or two in a really well-made player mission, you should not feel like you are "wasting time" compared to Cryptic-made missions. A reward should be there.

    The daily reward is something we put in place to encourage people to check out the missions and give them a reward for taking the time to play and give other players feedback on how to make things better.

    We're really curious to hear what suggestions you would have other than "shut it all down". We have some ideas and are working on a few. Maybe we're thinking the same way already, maybe you have thought of something we have not yet?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    is there any way to track the amount of objectives in a mission and filter based on that? That might be one way.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    dorko1 wrote: »
    is there any way to track the amount of objectives in a mission and filter based on that? That might be one way.

    So putting ten consoles in a row and make clicking each one as a separate objective ? I don´t think that would work. :o
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    xforce007 wrote: »
    Then give out some mission where you get 3 emblems for talking to a single contact, and get rid of the reward for foundry missions.. Then the people who want the easy 3 emblems, can have it, and the ones who don't want legitimate missions/episodes in the foundry can have that.. WIN / WIN

    Your suggestion doesn't seem very popular because some people want to EARN their rewards. Also, the idea is that these Emblems will sway people to the Foundry, and a lot of authors appreciate this because it raises the chances that someone might play, and enjoy, their mission(s).

    So no. Just... no.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    WishStone wrote:
    We're really curious to hear what suggestions you would have other than "shut it all down". We have some ideas and are working on a few. Maybe we're thinking the same way already, maybe you have thought of something we have not yet?

    It's not even about the reward for me - if I need emblems, there are plenty of ways to get them. It's about the cluttering of the foundry and becoming a dumping ground for QUICK missions for emblems and grinding. It will turn into an endless policing task to keep up with the violations. I really only see two options when dealing with this type of issue:

    1. You get rid of the reward, for everyone - and because its hard to take away something after giving it out - you probably have to have some quick / easy way to get 3 rewards elsewhere.


    2. You keep the reward and just let people tag their missions and a grinding / quick mission for emblems. and then those of us looking for good content can filter those out, and by default they are filtered out. Also the grinding / quickies dont show up in the HOT or TOP rated missions. Heck if you just had 1 QUICKIE mission, that wasn't going to get removed, and made it OK to use this for the rewards, then there wouldn't even be a need for a ton of different quickie missions, or new ones to be created.. no system or "MAN" to sneak around / break the rules.

    just my thoughts ;)

    - X -
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    xforce007 wrote: »
    I agree the search is messed up with TOP rated, etc.. but what i use is "HOT" and then i have to go through and look at the reviews on missions, and when people are saying things like "ITs a great mission, great story, etc" and it turns out to be a talk to contact, done.. What a waste of time..

    This "argument" is nonsense. Thats not an opinion either, I have proof. I just logged on, sorted by "hot", and here are the top 20 missions:
    • 1) The Worst of All Worlds - not a grind
    • 2) Fungus Among Us - not a grind
    • 3) The Jem'Hadar Alliance - not a grind
    • 4) Test - German description, who knows.
    • 5) Conjoined - not a grind
    • 6) Nine of Deep Space - not a grind
    • 7) The Spirits of Ramok Nor - not a grind
    • 8) The Jem'Hadar Alliance(another part) - not a grind
    • 9) Flight of the Kitty Hawk - not a grind
    • 10) Resting Raptors - not a grind
    • 11) Deep Space 11 - not a grind
    • 12) Raptor's Ascendance - not a grind
    • 13) Talk - looks like a grind
    • 14) The Jem'Hadar Alliance(another part) - not a grind
    • 15) Brains Before Bounty - not a grind
    • 16) Raptor's Cage - not a grind
    • 17) The Jem'Hadar Alliance(another part) not a girnd
    • 18) Reports for Linnea - not a grind
    • 19) Parralell Intersections - not a grind
    • 20) Accolades II - looks like a grind

    So out of 20 missions, we have 2/3 grinds. Now, if you dont like some of the missions you pick up, thats fine. But claiming you have to go through a ton of grinds to find real missions is complete nonsense, and the above list is proof.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    dorko1 wrote: »
    is there any way to track the amount of objectives in a mission and filter based on that? That might be one way.

    This sounds like a good idea.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    [*]18) Reports for Linnea - not a grind

    Missed one ;) - this is a GOTO contact, done mission... Worthless..

    So if these are going to be LEGIT for emblems, just make 1 and leave it in there and dont remove it - then no reason for more to clutter the foundry.

    - X -
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    xforce007 wrote: »
    It's not even about the reward for me - if I need emblems, there are plenty of ways to get them. It's about the cluttering of the foundry and becoming a dumping ground for QUICK missions for emblems and grinding. It will turn into an endless policing task to keep up with the violations.

    Except that repeated or multiple violations means you can't publish Foundry missions. They take the privilege away. So there's kind of a definite end, it's when those looking to abuse the system are removed from it.

    And of course if your sole motive is that finding "quality" missions is so hard then shouldn't you be looking to have "poor" missions removed? Perhaps if you get more than three one star ratings your mission gets pulled. Or lower than a four star average? If you're worried about quality, why are you talking about pulling the reward and not pulling **** missions...?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Also Its not about the TOP lists - its about finding NEW missions if you have already played through those top 20 - and exposing NEW legitimate missions, not JUNK..

    - X -
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    WishStone wrote:
    Hey Roach. :) I spend quite a bit of time in Klingon Lands the last couple of days hunting a new foundry spotlight.

    I should give you a ring when I'm done with my Klingon Foundry mission, I honestly think it has potential to blow people's socks off. ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    xforce007 wrote: »
    Also Its not about the TOP lists - its about finding NEW missions if you have already played through those top 20 - and exposing NEW legitimate missions, not JUNK..

    - X -

    So ask for a filter to remove played missions from searches. That's a LOT more constructive then asking to yank the rewards.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    xforce007 wrote: »
    Missed one ;) - this is a GOTO contact, done mission... Worthless..

    Have you actually played this mission, or are you just making up more nonsense?
    xforce007 wrote: »
    Also Its not about the TOP lists - its about finding NEW missions if you have already played through those top 20 - and exposing NEW legitimate missions, not JUNK..

    Do you want me to scroll halfway down the list and give you another 20 mission in a row? What will your excuse be when only a few of those are grinds? And there are authors posting about their new missions on the Foundry board all the time. Do you actually look there?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    So ask for a filter to remove played missions from searches. That's a LOT more constructive then asking to yank the rewards.

    Not asking for a reward yank, in fact give out the 3 just for going into a single foundry mission ;) - even make quickies legit - whatever - i dont care about the reward, just get rid of the quickie missions :D

    If you can't beat em - just give em an easier option, but trying to restrict it and monitor it all the time will never work and just causes more junk to get into the system.

    - X -
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Wishstone, if you are still reading this thread what is the stance on authors who intentionally circumvent the review system by making private missions with hidden doors?
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