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TOS Veterans: Mature 30+ fleet



  • robray71robray71 Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Just wanted to warp by Mariner 10 to say hello.

    Keep rocking TOS Vets! You always have friends at the STIA!
  • speedofheatspeedofheat Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    We are old (+30)
    We are mature (see above and don't go by the definition)
    We like TOS better than the rest (but we like everything Star Trek) Well some of us do :D
    We like to Roleplay (TOS/TAS/TNG/DSP/ENT)
    We are social before gameplay
    We think (some of us think) Kirk could kick Picard's A$$!
    We are funny (at least some of think we are)
    We are a small Fleet (hope to be medium) 175 members so far :)
    We are relaxed (no online requirement)
    We have no rules (except for point one)
    We have a cool website (TOSFLEET.com)
    We now have a Klingon Fleet (TOS Qan Mang)
    We have a website with a short Fleet Application
    We would like you to check us out and see if we are a good fit
    We are now available in Europe!

  • jotofedjotofed Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    For everyone checking out fleets, I joined this one a couple of weeks ago and it's been a great experience- people are helpful, funny, it's just a great atmosphere!
  • tosveteranstosveterans Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    It is really nice to see all of you TOSers on here! I went away for the weekend to the Atlin Music Festival in northern BC (Canada). It was a great time, amazing music and lots of beer! It was really nice to come back to so much action on the TOS Veterans Recruiting Forum.

    It is really good to have you guys in the fleet! I have really found a home away from home with you guys!
  • tosveteranstosveterans Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Mature (30's, 40's and Beyond) Casual Social Fleet

    Our play style is relaxed with no time obligations. We believe that all fleet members should have a say in decisions. Our ruling council members are here to answer questions and participate in conversations, not dictate commands. We want to keep our fleet bank stocked with unique items at all levels to help everyone out.

    We have a TOS theme... We have a TNG theme... We have a DS9 theme...

    We have a VGR theme... We have a ENT theme... We even have a TAS theme...

    ...because we have all found STAR TREK at different points in it's history. Our fleet embodies what STAR TREK is for all of us. Your TOS may be TNG (or DS9 or VGER or ENT!), so our mission statement above still applies! Join and add alts to our Klingon Fleet, The TOS Qan Mang! Consider both part of the same Fleet, Only bitter enemies of war! It will be GLORIOUS!

    The name may be TOS Veterans, but ALL Star Trek fans ARE Welcome!

    The backstory of our fleet revolves around a group of captains and ships brought from the year 2269 to fight for the Federation. We intend the fleet backstory to be a collaborative effort, so discussion, ideas, and expansions are welcome. Fleet characters should have bios that relate in some way to the backstory, and we are happy to brainstorm on how to do that collectively. The TOS theme and backstory is meant to be fun and not a burden.

    We are interested in all facets of the game, and plan to run occasional fleet actions with TOS era ships whenever possible. We also have plans to use The Foundry to create TOS-era adventures, flesh out our backstory and character biographies, and play with ideas that members have contributed.

  • tosveteranstosveterans Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    We are old (+30)
    We are mature (see above and don?t go by the definition)
    We like TOS better than the rest (but we like everything Star Trek) Well some of us do :D
    We like to Roleplay (TOS/TAS/TNG/DSP/ENT)
    We are social before gameplay
    We think (some of us think) Kirk could kick Picard?s A$$!
    We are funny (at least I am)
    We are a small Fleet (hope to be medium) 175 members so far :)
    We are relaxed (no online requirement)
    We have no rules (except for point one)
    we have a cool website (TOSFLEET.com)
    We have a website with a short Fleet Application.
    We now have a Klingon Fleet ([URL="httphttp://tosqmfleet.guildlaunch.com/"]TOS Qan Mang[/URL])
    We would like you to check us out and see if we are a good fit

    Watch our NEW Recruiting Video
  • tosveteranstosveterans Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    In the year 2408 after the Klingon and Gorn invade Cestus III a Starfleet Committee chaired by Admiral Jorel Quinn passed motion to explore other options and possibilities in order to build up the Federation with commanders and ships. "We need to promote exceptional officers quickly. We need our captains leading away teams. Starfleet needs to look at our whole command structure and do what works now, not what worked 30 years ago."

    A Starfleet diplomat was sent back to the late 2260's to speak with Starfleet in order to round up several possible exceptional commander candidates and as many star ships as they could refurbish from the decommissioned roster. This section 31 operation was known as Projct Christopher after the 1960's aiforce officer that was beamed aboard the USS Enterprise.

    In order to not affect the time continuum the only way to choose worthy captains out of their own time and bring them to the future is to find all those that have no future. The captains must be about to die and taken from circumstances seconds before they meet their demise. They now have to accept that they have no past but have been given a new future. These are members of the ghost fleet.

    The chosen captains were given ships that were pre programmed with precise calculations in order to carry out the light-speed breakaway factor to artificially-created time warp in order to time travel back to the 2408.

    Once the initial five captain were sent, Starfleet would keep their eye out for any such qualified command personnel to join the fleet and to help fight the war in the future.
    You may be that commander!

    Find out More about the Fleet:

    Sign up on the fleet website, look around and if you wish to be a part of the fleet, please fill out the TOS Veterans Application Form.

    Watch our NEW Recruiting Video

    Ambassador KATRA
  • ironhead1982ironhead1982 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I have been a member of this fleet since March and I can tell you it has really increased my enjoyment of the game. I had always been a solo player partly because I have always been a gamer but not really an MMO player and partly because previous online interactions had often been unpleasant. I found this fleet in the recruiting forums and I was drawn by the TOS theme and especially the over 30 age requirement. The age requirement and the casual style really eliminate the drama aspect that so many fleets are plagued with.
    In this fleet I have met some great people from really diverse backgrounds. Everyone has their own goals, likes and dislikes as far as gameplay and this fleet has all of them covered. We have organized fleet nights:STF night (space/ground), premade PVP night, intrafleet PVP night (casual, friendly and often hilariously fun pew pew), not a book club night (we watch trek shows/movies then discuss them in a book club type atmosphere and sometimes even remain on topic for a little while) and soon to come fleet action night. We have role playing for those interested but it is not required and at almost any given time you can find people willing to run an episode to help you out or an STF to chase that next piece of gear. I have never been at a loss to find someone willing to help me out whether it be to answer a question or help me with my build or just someone to run my dailies with to make them a bit more fun.
    In short being a part of this fleet has been an awesome experience and I would encourage any social and casual player over the age of 30 to check us out. I believe you will find a comfortable home here.
  • guthrie65guthrie65 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Well, let's see. I'm still fairly new in TOS. I concentrate on one character (so far) ... mainly because my time is limited (hahaha - some may say) and I'm a bit lazy (most er some will agree).

    But this isn't about me. Allow me to provide some quotes on comradeship (this being a rather Kirkish thing t do if one doesn't overdo it - which I naturally will):

    "Grant stood by me when I was crazy, and I stood by him when he was drunk, and now we stand by each other."
    ― William T. Sherman

    "You can't substitute material things for love or for gentleness or for tenderness or for a sense of comradeship. Money is not a substitute for tenderness, and power is not a substitute for tenderness. (Just remember that glory costs Dilithium, Zen and time and get out there and kill things - errr - explore.)"

    "The King once said to me, 'Harold, you stand above all other men.' I said, 'No, Sire. I want nothing more than to stand shoulder to shoulder with my men. I am nothing without them."

    "Men can, of course, be stirred into life by being dressed up in uniforms and made to blare out chants of war. It must be confessed that this is one way for men to break bread with comrades and to find what they are seeking, which is a sense of something universal, of self-fulfillment. That is, until their spouses have had enough of their on-line shenanigans and turn off the PC."
  • losdoslosdos Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    This fleet has been completely awesome since I joined a couple of months ago. It completely suits my play style and everyone understands when RL gets n the way of playing.

    I am really looking forward to he things we have planned for the starbases. If what we have done on Tribble is anything to go by, it is going to be amazing.
  • beladi1982beladi1982 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I've been a member of the TOS Vets for about 3 months now myself. And even though I just sorta slid in under the age limitations, I'm turning thi... thir... 29 (for the second time) in a matter of days. These guys (and the few girls) have been wonderful to me, and have taught me a lot about the game. But it isn't just that they have so much to share, it's how they share it. I started in MMOs a few years back in Guild Wars, and came to absolutely despise PvP (for instance), and yet I eagerly look forward to Thursday's Fleet PvP night, because I enjoy doing it so much. And socially, I could not ask for a better bunch. Our Monday night Not-A-Book Club meetings, where we ostensibly discuss various selected episodes from all the Trek series, are a joy to attend. We actually stay on topic for only about 15% or so of the time that we are together for the meeting; the other 85% is a bunch of friends cutting up and having fun. (A dozen players, running around aboard one fleetie's starship, zapping each other and random crew was legendary. Even if the only crewperson with the cojones to shoot back was the Transporter operator......) Yes, TOS Vets is mature, with mature players who enjoy a game. But we aren't a convent either. The thing is, we are mature enough to HAVE our fun without it escalating into something that is hurtful to other players, and therein lies one of TOS Vets biggest strengths. We Simply Know How To Have FUN Together. And we do it without any strings attached. We are a casual group with hardcore skills. We do Fleet PvP (and for those who want, there is a corps of players that participate in inter-fleet matches). We do loads of endgame stuff and STFs with lots of experience in successful elite missions. We even take on such challenges as the Crystaline Entity (we whooped up on it the other night with as few as 11 ships). And yet, these guys take everyone in, regardless of experience or equipment, and TEACH people. If we have someone new or just not quite as good as others, regardless of actual experience (like yours truly) no one gets upset and says "I'm not STFing with HER because she makes it more difficult to get the Elite Optional Bonuses" No... they just say "we'll get it this time, try doing this instead..." and that makes TOS Vets, in my opinion, the grandest fleet around. Look for us, and come join the fun.
  • gehmorgehmor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I honestly couldn't ask for a better fleet. I was a Klingon, all alone, with only the occasional drunken Trill for companionship. Then I found TOS Qan Mang. The KDF sister fleet to TAS Veterans, TAS Qan Mang exists to provide a counter to the underhanded Federation tactics used by TOS Veterans. I applied, and I was soon welcomed with open arms into a community of brother and sister warriors renown for their friendly natures and skill with the Bat'leth.

    Come seek out TOS Qan Mang, brothers and sisters! Requirements and limitations are few, while the benefits are many! And for you Federation petaQs, I suppose TOS Veterans are honorable enough enemies...

    Hi! I used to be JBHemlock. There's already one of those in PWE. I play the Klingon Kerr, but there's already a Kerr in PWE, too. So I'm Gehmor, my Cardassian alt. Just picture me with a plate of gagh.
  • tosveteranstosveterans Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Mature (30's, 40's and Beyond) Casual Social Fleet

    Our play style is relaxed with no time obligations. We believe that all fleet members should have a say in decisions. Our ruling council members are here to answer questions and participate in conversations, not dictate commands. We want to keep our fleet bank stocked with unique items at all levels to help everyone out.

    We have a TOS theme... We have a TNG theme... We have a DS9 theme...

    We have a VGR theme... We have a ENT theme... We even have a TAS theme...

    ...because we have all found STAR TREK at different points in it's history. Our fleet embodies what STAR TREK is for all of us. Your TOS may be TNG (or DS9 or VGER or ENT!), so our mission statement above still applies! Join and add alts to our Klingon Fleet, The TOS Qan Mang! Consider both part of the same Fleet, Only bitter enemies of war! It will be GLORIOUS!

    The name may be TOS Veterans, but ALL Star Trek fans ARE Welcome!

    The backstory of our fleet revolves around a group of captains and ships brought from the year 2269 to fight for the Federation. We intend the fleet backstory to be a collaborative effort, so discussion, ideas, and expansions are welcome. Fleet characters should have bios that relate in some way to the backstory, and we are happy to brainstorm on how to do that collectively. The TOS theme and backstory is meant to be fun and not a burden.

    We are interested in all facets of the game, and plan to run occasional fleet actions with TOS era ships whenever possible. We also have plans to use The Foundry to create TOS-era adventures, flesh out our backstory and character biographies, and play with ideas that members have contributed.

  • fu11ofstarsfu11ofstars Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Mature (30's, 40's and Beyond) Casual Social Fleet

    Our play style is relaxed with no time obligations. We believe that all fleet members should have a say in decisions. Our ruling council members are here to answer questions and participate in conversations, not dictate commands. When starbases go live, we want to ensure that everyone contributes what they can and gets the rewards they want.

    We call ourselves TOS Veterans, but because we all found STAR TREK at different points in it's history, our fleet embodies what STAR TREK is for all of us. Your TOS may be TNG (or DS9 or VGER or ENT!), so our mission statement above still applies! Join and add alts to our Klingon Fleet, The TOS Qan Mang! Consider both part of the same Fleet, Only bitter enemies of war! It will be GLORIOUS!

    In short, ALL Star Trek fans ARE Welcome! We've begun a Monday night Not-a-Book-Club to chat about Star Trek TV episodes and movies, so even if you're not playing the game much right now, we may have something for you.

    The backstory of our fleet revolves around a group of captains and ships brought from the year 2269 to fight for the Federation. We intend the fleet backstory to be a collaborative effort, so discussion, ideas, and expansions are welcome. Fleet characters should have bios that relate in some way to the backstory, and we are happy to brainstorm on how to do that collectively. The TOS theme and backstory is meant to be fun and not a burden.

  • tosveteranstosveterans Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    In the year 2408 after the Klingon and Gorn invade Cestus III a Starfleet Committee chaired by Admiral Jorel Quinn passed motion to explore other options and possibilities in order to build up the Federation with commanders and ships. "We need to promote exceptional officers quickly. We need our captains leading away teams. Starfleet needs to look at our whole command structure and do what works now, not what worked 30 years ago."

    A Starfleet diplomat was sent back to the late 2260's to speak with Starfleet in order to round up several possible exceptional commander candidates and as many star ships as they could refurbish from the decommissioned roster. This section 31 operation was known as Projct Christopher after the 1960's aiforce officer that was beamed aboard the USS Enterprise.

    In order to not affect the time continuum the only way to choose worthy captains out of their own time and bring them to the future is to find all those that have no future. The captains must be about to die and taken from circumstances seconds before they meet their demise. They now have to accept that they have no past but have been given a new future. These are members of the ghost fleet.

    The chosen captains were given ships that were pre programmed with precise calculations in order to carry out the light-speed breakaway factor to artificially-created time warp in order to time travel back to the 2408.

    Once the initial five captain were sent, Starfleet would keep their eye out for any such qualified command personnel to join the fleet and to help fight the war in the future.
    You may be that commander!

    Find out More about the Fleet:

    Sign up on the fleet website, look around and if you wish to be a part of the fleet, please fill out the TOS Veterans Application Form.

    Watch our NEW Recruiting Video

    Ambassador KATRA
  • tosveteranstosveterans Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    We are old (+30)
    We are mature (see above and don?t go by the definition)
    We like TOS better than the rest (but we like everything Star Trek) Well some of us do :D
    We like to Roleplay (TOS/TAS/TNG/DSP/ENT)
    We are social before gameplay
    We think (some of us think) Kirk could kick Picard?s A$$!
    We are funny (at least I am)
    We are a small Fleet (hope to be medium) 175 members so far :)
    We are relaxed (no online requirement)
    We have no rules (except for point one)
    we have a cool website (TOSFLEET.com)
    We have a website with a short Fleet Application.
    We now have a Klingon Fleet ([URL="httphttp://tosqmfleet.guildlaunch.com/"]TOS Qan Mang[/URL])
    We would like you to check us out and see if we are a good fit

    Watch our NEW Recruiting Video
  • tosveteranstosveterans Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    TOS Fleet DOT COM

    This Fleet is over one year old! We wanted a mature relaxed fleet where our families came first and the fleet came second. We found a group of people with a lot in common and have a lot of fun.

    Most of us are life members so we wanted something that will last a lifetime. Everyone has a say in the direction of the fleet and we are all equals.

    The ranking system is based off of our in-game ranks. We figured if you became a Captain in-game that you deserve that same respect in the fleet.

    We sometimes RP and RP in the forums where we are working on a backstory to justify older 23rd century uniforms (or whatever time our Captains are from) in the 25th century and it is helping us to craft our bios.

    Please check out our blogspot to read a little bit about our backstory or check out our website and the forums. If you are interested at all please fill out our short application and read a little bit more about us and get to know the members better. If we are not a good fit then there are no hard feelings. Different strokes...

    Watch our NEW Recruiting Video

    James Bailey
  • fu11ofstarsfu11ofstars Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    We are a mature relaxed fleet where families and real lives come first and the game comes second. You won't hear any complaining if you have to be at work early tomorrow morning or need to get offline to help a spouse or change a diaper. We don't have labyrinthine rules or regulations. We're just a group of people with a lot in common and who have a lot of fun.

    This Fleet is over one year old! Most of us are life members so we wanted something that will last a lifetime. Our fleet council aren't dictators. They're just members like everyone else. We believe that everyone should have a say in the direction of the fleet and we are all equals.

    Now that season 6 is here, we'll be working together to build a starbase and making sure that everyone gets a chance to contribute.

    Please check out our blogspot to read a little bit about our backstory or check out our website (TOSFLEET.COM) and the forums. If you are interested at all please fill out our short application and read a little bit more about us and get to know the members better. If we are not a good fit then there are no hard feelings. Different strokes...

    Watch our NEW Recruiting Video
  • fu11ofstarsfu11ofstars Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Mature (30's, 40's and Beyond) Casual Social Fleet

    Our play style is relaxed with no time obligations. We believe that all fleet members should have a say in decisions. Our ruling council members are here to answer questions and participate in conversations, not dictate commands. When starbases go live, we want to ensure that everyone contributes what they can and gets the rewards they want.

    We call ourselves TOS Veterans, but because we all found STAR TREK at different points in it's history, our fleet embodies what STAR TREK is for all of us. Your TOS may be TNG (or DS9 or VGER or ENT!), so our mission statement above still applies! Join and add alts to our Klingon Fleet, The TOS Qan Mang! Consider both part of the same Fleet, Only bitter enemies of war! It will be GLORIOUS!

    In short, ALL Star Trek fans ARE Welcome! We've begun a Monday night Not-a-Book-Club to chat about Star Trek TV episodes and movies, so even if you're not playing the game much right now, we may have something for you.

    The backstory of our fleet revolves around a group of captains and ships brought from the year 2269 to fight for the Federation. We intend the fleet backstory to be a collaborative effort, so discussion, ideas, and expansions are welcome. Fleet characters should have bios that relate in some way to the backstory, and we are happy to brainstorm on how to do that collectively. The TOS theme and backstory is meant to be fun and not a burden.

  • tosveteranstosveterans Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Mature (30's, 40's and Beyond) Casual Social Fleet

    Our play style is relaxed with no time obligations. We believe that all fleet members should have a say in decisions. Our ruling council members are here to answer questions and participate in conversations, not dictate commands. We want to keep our fleet bank stocked with unique items at all levels to help everyone out.

    We have a TOS theme... We have a TNG theme... We have a DS9 theme...

    We have a VGR theme... We have a ENT theme... We even have a TAS theme...

    ...because we have all found STAR TREK at different points in it's history. Our fleet embodies what STAR TREK is for all of us. Your TOS may be TNG (or DS9 or VGER or ENT!), so our mission statement above still applies! Join and add alts to our Klingon Fleet, The TOS Qan Mang! Consider both part of the same Fleet, Only bitter enemies of war! It will be GLORIOUS!

    The name may be TOS Veterans, but ALL Star Trek fans ARE Welcome!

    The backstory of our fleet revolves around a group of captains and ships brought from the year 2269 to fight for the Federation. We intend the fleet backstory to be a collaborative effort, so discussion, ideas, and expansions are welcome. Fleet characters should have bios that relate in some way to the backstory, and we are happy to brainstorm on how to do that collectively. The TOS theme and backstory is meant to be fun and not a burden.

    We are interested in all facets of the game, and plan to run occasional fleet actions with TOS era ships whenever possible. We also have plans to use The Foundry to create TOS-era adventures, flesh out our backstory and character biographies, and play with ideas that members have contributed.

  • tosveteranstosveterans Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    We are old (+30)
    We are mature (see above and don?t go by the definition)
    We like TOS better than the rest (but we like everything Star Trek) Well some of us do :D
    We like to Roleplay (TOS/TAS/TNG/DSP/ENT)
    We are social before gameplay
    We think (some of us think) Kirk could kick Picard?s A$$!
    We are funny (at least I am)
    We are a small Fleet (hope to be medium) 175 members so far :)
    We are relaxed (no online requirement)
    We have no rules (except for point one)
    we have a cool website (TOSFLEET.com)
    We have a website with a short Fleet Application.
    We now have a Klingon Fleet ([URL="httphttp://tosqmfleet.guildlaunch.com/"]TOS Qan Mang[/URL])
    We would like you to check us out and see if we are a good fit

    Watch our NEW Recruiting Video
  • fu11ofstarsfu11ofstars Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Mature (30's, 40's and Beyond) Casual Social Fleet

    Our play style is relaxed with no time obligations. We believe that all fleet members should have a say in decisions. Our ruling council members are here to answer questions and participate in conversations, not dictate commands. When starbases go live, we want to ensure that everyone contributes what they can and gets the rewards they want.

    We call ourselves TOS Veterans, but because we all found STAR TREK at different points in it's history, our fleet embodies what STAR TREK is for all of us. Your TOS may be TNG (or DS9 or VGER or ENT!), so our mission statement above still applies! Join and add alts to our Klingon Fleet, The TOS Qan Mang! Consider both part of the same Fleet, Only bitter enemies of war! It will be GLORIOUS!

    In short, ALL Star Trek fans ARE Welcome! We've begun a Monday night Not-a-Book-Club to chat about Star Trek TV episodes and movies, so even if you're not playing the game much right now, we may have something for you.

    The backstory of our fleet revolves around a group of captains and ships brought from the year 2269 to fight for the Federation. We intend the fleet backstory to be a collaborative effort, so discussion, ideas, and expansions are welcome. Fleet characters should have bios that relate in some way to the backstory, and we are happy to brainstorm on how to do that collectively. The TOS theme and backstory is meant to be fun and not a burden.

  • tosveteranstosveterans Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    This is easy! If you are over 30, have work and family cutting into your 'play time', you like Star Trek A LOT and want to hang with people that are in the same mindset. Then please click on my signature image, go to the site... read the front page message, watch the 5min recruiting video and if you still like what you see, then come on and join our fleet.

    We have over 150 members (mostly) in our main TOS Veterans Fleet and we have some of our alts in the TOS Qan Mang Klingon Fleet and we are looking to keep this fleet to a medium size. So if this fleet appeals to you or if you need any more information please let me know.

    No mandatory fleet uniform, rules, bosses or time requirements.
    James Bailey
  • tosveteranstosveterans Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    In the year 2408 after the Klingon and Gorn invade Cestus III a Starfleet Committee chaired by Admiral Jorel Quinn passed motion to explore other options and possibilities in order to build up the Federation with commanders and ships. "We need to promote exceptional officers quickly. We need our captains leading away teams. Starfleet needs to look at our whole command structure and do what works now, not what worked 30 years ago."

    A Starfleet diplomat was sent back to the late 2260's to speak with Starfleet in order to round up several possible exceptional commander candidates and as many star ships as they could refurbish from the decommissioned roster. This section 31 operation was known as Projct Christopher after the 1960's aiforce officer that was beamed aboard the USS Enterprise.

    In order to not affect the time continuum the only way to choose worthy captains out of their own time and bring them to the future is to find all those that have no future. The captains must be about to die and taken from circumstances seconds before they meet their demise. They now have to accept that they have no past but have been given a new future. These are members of the ghost fleet.

    The chosen captains were given ships that were pre programmed with precise calculations in order to carry out the light-speed breakaway factor to artificially-created time warp in order to time travel back to the 2408.

    Once the initial five captain were sent, Starfleet would keep their eye out for any such qualified command personnel to join the fleet and to help fight the war in the future.
    You may be that commander!

    Find out More about the Fleet:

    Sign up on the fleet website, look around and if you wish to be a part of the fleet, please fill out the TOS Veterans Application Form.

    Watch our NEW Recruiting Video

    Ambassador KATRA
  • tosveteranstosveterans Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    TOS Fleet DOT COM

    This Fleet is over one year old! We wanted a mature relaxed fleet where our families came first and the fleet came second. We found a group of people with a lot in common and have a lot of fun.

    Most of us are life members so we wanted something that will last a lifetime. Everyone has a say in the direction of the fleet and we are all equals.

    We sometimes RP and RP in the forums where we are working on a backstory to justify older 23rd century uniforms (or whatever time our Captains are from) in the 25th century and it is helping us to craft our bios.

    Please check out our blogspot to read a little bit about our backstory or check out our website and the forums. If you are interested at all please fill out our short application and read a little bit more about us and get to know the members better. If we are not a good fit then there are no hard feelings. Different strokes...

    Watch our NEW Recruiting Video

    James Bailey
  • tosveteranstosveterans Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    "MATURE" is subjective... We are all in our 30's, 40's and Beyond... Some of is are still teenagers with something to prove Mid-Life style lol

    We do have a good team of people/leaders and always looking for more. We try to remember that this game is about FUN and the Fleet is about sharing and giving opportunities for more fun. We also have a large group of fanfiction writers in our fleet and some of us just like being creative but need some help on the literary side.

    We are social first but we do cater to all aspects of the game. We have Fleet Nights Scheduled for 9:30 EST every week night. These are not set in stone and are just set up so those that can only get on certain nights can work around the schedule. If there is more interest is a certain event on another time or evening please give us your feedback.

    Monday 9:00 EST - Levelling Night/TV (not a book) Club
    Tuesday 9:00 EST - Premade team PVP practice/Anything Goes!
    Wednesday 9:00 EST - STF Night
    Thursday 9:00 EST - Fleet PvP Night
    Friday 9:00 EST - Anything Goes!
    Saturday 9:00 EST - RP/Anything Goes!
    Sunday 9:00 EST - Anything Goes!

    Please check out our website to find out a little more about our fleet if you are interested bu clicking on my signature image.

    Live long and prosper...
  • tosveteranstosveterans Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Welcome to the Mariner 10 Starbase.

    Mariner 10 was named after an early 20th century Earth’s robotic space probe launched by the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (Which later became part of United Earth Space Probe Agency) The Mariner 10 was launched on November 3, 1973, to fly by the planets Mercury and Venus. The Mariner 10 probe was the first spacecraft to use the gravitational slingshot effect to reach another planet, passing by Venus on February 5, 1974, on its way to becoming the first spacecraft to explore Mercury.

  • elric071elric071 Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Do you want to STF? We have an STF night...

    Do you want to do PvP? We have a PvP night...

    Do you want to join a fleet to try out the new Starbase missions? We have many members who do that on a regular basis..

    Would you like to just team up and have a relaxed time doing missions to level your main or new alt? We have a night for that too!

    We are relaxed, over 30 and we realize that RL needs to come first.

    If your new baby is crying in the middle of a mission, that's ok!

    If your significant other wants a night out, that's ok!

    If you just want to chill and go at your own pace, that is ok, too! We have many members who are knowlegable and love to help out the new player.

    If this sounds like something you'd like to be a part of, check us out at:

    Illigitimi Non Carborundum

    Co-Founder of TOS Veterans and TOS Qan Mang
  • warbound72488warbound72488 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Hello TOS Veterans! I have a question about your fleet!

    I may have misread, but I beleive you all run ships and characters outfitted in the traditional TOS Style. I am curious.

    This is something that I can see being easy with your ground characters.

    How do you run T5 Ships that conform to the TOS mindset you're utilizing? Weapons are easy enough, yes, but again....I'm very curious about the ships. Thanks for any answers you give!
  • speedofheatspeedofheat Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Hello TOS Veterans! I have a question about your fleet!

    I may have misread, but I beleive you all run ships and characters outfitted in the traditional TOS Style. I am curious.

    This is something that I can see being easy with your ground characters.

    How do you run T5 Ships that conform to the TOS mindset you're utilizing? Weapons are easy enough, yes, but again....I'm very curious about the ships. Thanks for any answers you give!

    Hi Warbound,
    a great question, and the simple answer is "no" :) We have a back story to our fleet, that most players confirm to in some way shape or form that places the origins of the majority of our characters in the TOS era. All based our around our current era and a Section 31 Program called Project Christopher...

    As with all things this is not "mandatory"... we also have the same backstory that enables characters from Enterprise/TOS/Movie/TNG/DS9 era's and even the animated series to join in.

    So we use modern T5 ships; some, though not all of us, use the TOS Dress code... many of us own the Connie and or D7 we have a sister fleet in the TOS Qan Mang, and some of us roleplay in TOS era, or run fleet events designed to use the Connie or the D7/Excelcisor.

    But mostly it is the "series" we grew up with; and so it has a special place in our hearts...

    You definately can play the Exeter (with a Movie Connie Skin) quite late into the game with uprated weapons, shields etc... , but it becomes quite challenging... :) but if you are taking on the Borg give me my Trusty Defiant :)

    Hope that helps
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