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Ignorant question about Season 4.



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011

    Many of us, myself included, don't have the option to unsubscribe and then come back and check it out later. For at least some of us, hounding Cryptic until they finally make this game into what they said it would be, seems like a constructive use of our time.

    After a certain point, people just tune out yammering though. It's like living near a train track or an airport, or a nagging spouse. Endless noise gets ignored. Pointed occasional statements work better.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I would have left also but I can't, but I have stopped playing. I believed in this game and decided to invest in it. They haven't delivered a quality product at all. I haven't been unreasonable with my expectations either.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Which month this year is it projected to be released?

    So Far, Cryptic have been pretty consistent with releasing a season every four months, so it should be around by April, right?
    6-7 months between season 3 and 4? I'm starting not to feel so ridiculous about thinking Cryptic might be getting lazy.

    It's delayed until June/July because that's when the STO team moves onto the new code branch of the main engine developed by Cryptic.

    It has nothing to do with laziness or understaffed. The new code branch that makes many of the changes possible isn't available until then.

    This new code branch allows the team to change more parts of the game around (especially Ground Combat) and add all the backend changes and bugfixes that new code branch brings. :)

    Also, if they're going to "fix" Ground Combat, for the love of Kahless make it at least better than the current version.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    This new code branch allows the team to change more parts of the game around (especially Ground Combat) and add all the backend changes and bugfixes that new code branch brings. :)

    I'd love to see a wider-scope Engineering Report detailing what's going to be in the new generic Engine, and how it will improve the individual Cryptic games.

    Would be interesting to learn how much code will be shared amongst the games, and what good ideas have been taken from the current STO build and placed into Crypticore. (There, I've given it a cool name and everything!)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'd love to see a wider-scope Engineering Report detailing what's going to be in the new generic Engine, and how it will improve the individual Cryptic games.

    Would be interesting to learn how much code will be shared amongst the games, and what good ideas have been taken from the current STO build and placed into Crypticore. (There, I've given it a cool name and everything!)

    I'd really like to see that too but I have a strong deductive guess that the engine-wide changes are also due to supporting new products whose featuresets aren't released yet (Neverwinter and the unannounced one).

    It would be cool to see how it's going to change things on the back-end though and whether it means support for new graphics options.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'm deeply disappointed with the KDF. Cryptic failed repeatedly to deliver what they promised, so I expect nothing of them. When my playtime I won't resubscribe to a the game as I don't want to support a company that does not deliver on their promises and advertised releases.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I think the issue here is The Foundry. It was lauded as the great thing, and Cryptic advertised it as their masterpiece of last season. Well, we haven't even seen it yet. It's not in-game, only on the test server. So they've devoted all this attention and resources to a feature which we haven't been able to mess around with. But apparently it's coming out tomorrow so whatever.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Beraht wrote:
    I think the issue here is The Foundry. It was lauded as the great thing, and Cryptic advertised it as their masterpiece of last season. Well, we haven't even seen it yet. It's not in-game, only on the test server. So they've devoted all this attention and resources to a feature which we haven't been able to mess around with. But apparently it's coming out tomorrow so whatever.

    Lots of people have been able to mess around with the Foundry. It was there and available to anyone.

    Over 300 missions didn't create themselves on Tribble since December and I know the devs didn't' create them all. :p
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Beraht wrote:
    I think the issue here is The Foundry. It was lauded as the great thing, and Cryptic advertised it as their masterpiece of last season. Well, we haven't even seen it yet. It's not in-game, only on the test server. So they've devoted all this attention and resources to a feature which we haven't been able to mess around with. But apparently it's coming out tomorrow so whatever.

    it was advertised as season 3. we are still in season 3. yes its on the test server but anyone can go and create missions or play missions. ive made missions, one of mine got transferred over to holodeck as did 3 others. if all you want to do is mess around with it, then its there ready for you as are several hundred missions on tribble just a few clicks away.

    they have devoted a lot of time and effort to the foundry. time and effort spent to make sure it works when it comes out for real.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    No....just tired of being told to wait,to have patience,'to leave if I don't like it',"you're just a minority and we don't care".....while the Feds get everything they want yesterday.

    And 'take a chill pill'? Are you offering me some illegal substance?
    The problem here is - Cryptic delivers. People just expect something that wasn'T really promised.

    Standard example - Klingon content. Cryptic says. "We want to deliver more Klingon content in Season 2". At some point, this got translated to "Season 2 will make Klingons have just as much content as Feds". That wasn'T what they said. That was what we all wished. But that was not a wish founded on realistic assumptions. We got 8 missions. Could have been more? In our dreams. Could have been less? Easily. Not making 8 missions and a new enemy faction is a lot easier.

    They said they would give us Weekly Episodes. They give it to us. But there were long breaks between. They now promise to make more Weekly Episodes. Everyone seems to assume that from now on, it's all Foundry content and nothing from Cryptic but C-Store items.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Ashur1 wrote:
    Just like on any other day then ? :D

    Lol, i swear ive killed, like, the entire klingon race! i bet everyone on STO have killed ofer 1 BILLION klingons! :D :eek:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Season 4 is taking longer because dstahl said it's a much bigger update than the previous seasons, and will probably be bigger than most subsequent seasons. And STO is far past the point where it needed a "large update fix" to cure a whole litany of bugs still plaguing the game. So while I too am anxiously awaiting its release, I'm trying to be as patient as I can...but it's hard. ;)

    If one were to play STO today and the STO that launched last year, the player would undoubtedly notice a huge difference. To say that Cryptic hasn't made progress is, I think, disingenuous. That's not to say they've done everything perfectly (we all know they haven't), but I have seen them put in effort, and a lot of it. I really think dstahl wants to make STO as awesome as he can, and while there may be bumps in the road, for now I'm content to know he's in command of the ship. :)

    I just hope the ground combat revamp cures that silly camera twitching bug when you're aiming, and how you have to mash your power buttons like 5+ times before the power will actually activate. :mad:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    If their staff levels had dropped sharply late last year, then I'd understand why Season 4 would take so long and offer so little. But if their staff levels haven't changed, then they've simply gotten lazy.

    How about THIS POST from dstahl about what the team us working on. To say your the bother from click here it is.
    dstahl wrote: »
    More than half of the team is working on Klingon content for Season 4 at the moment, so I can assure that I remain committed to improving the KDF faction and have done so with every release.

    Yep. There is going to be nothing by QoL improvement for Season 4. [/sarcasm]]

    And by the way the Foundry goes live really soon. I have it on excellent authority that its release on Holodeck is immanent.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Time will tell.....sooner or later,time will tell....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Which month this year is it projected to be released?

    So Far, Cryptic have been pretty consistent with releasing a season every four months, so it should be around by April, right?

    Depends on when you define the end of season 3 as. As content is still being released "as promised" season 3 isn't over. So Four months from now means August.
    6-7 months between season 3 and 4? I'm starting not to feel so ridiculous about thinking Cryptic might be getting lazy.

    Not sure how you came up with the 7 months number, that would mean Season 4 won't be out till October and I haven't heard that meantioned as a date.
    I'd love to see a wider-scope Engineering Report detailing what's going to be in the new generic Engine, and how it will improve the individual Cryptic games.

    Would be interesting to learn how much code will be shared amongst the games, and what good ideas have been taken from the current STO build and placed into Crypticore. (There, I've given it a cool name and everything!)

    I doubt you will ever see a company give away a lot of details about their "code", that's proprietary information and is always kept a secret. Best you can hope for is features that will benefit such as ground combat, or the "duty officer system".
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    P.E.Hunte wrote:
    Not sure how you came up with the 7 months number, that would mean Season 4 won't be out till October and I haven't heard that meantioned as a date.

    If you look at the actual dates each season have been released on, so far season 2 was released four months after season one, season 3 started four months after season 2.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    SHARKFORCE wrote: »
    Ground combat revamp and Klingon content/costumes/ships.....if they TRIBBLE this up,it's WW3 on the forums.

    itll be more then that for me, ill just be loggin in for minimal content and when TOR goes live, ill be going for an extremely long hiatus from this game and its devs. Iam not forking rl cash for "fluff" and get no content. Iam sorry but a company has to do alot better then that in my eyes.

    Like I told the SWG (starwars galaxies) devs prior to the game really going bye bye, better ship up or people will leave, and I say this to the devs of this game.

    Heres hoping for change soon.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I have a question about season 4: Is the ground revamp really a "revamp" meaning, from scracth or is it just a "fix" to include better targeting and fixing camera view for a more over the shoulder perspective? The only other thing in addition to that is the ability to fire while moving with a few more aded running animations.

    Would you call that a revamp or an added fix?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    joebobkill wrote: »
    I have a question about season 4: Is the ground revamp really a "revamp" meaning, from scracth or is it just a "fix" to include better targeting and fixing camera view for a more over the shoulder perspective? The only other thing in addition to that is the ability to fire while moving with a few more aded running animations.

    Would you call that a revamp or an added fix?

    That plus retiming all the weapons, revamped ground mobs so no more one shooting dual pistol wielding random schmucks and mob abilities which scale by difficulty level.

    Other aspects of season 4
    Duty Roster System
    PVE queues
    Private Fleet actions
    Revamped Qo'nos
    Klingon Tutorial
    Additional Klingon PVE content

    Not sure if the revamped exploration, explorable Sol/Qo'nos and removal of sector blocks is planned for...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    there's no reason it should take nearly twice as long to produce so little. :confused:

    Try working in software development and you'll realise that your statement is wrong. Quite often 80% of the work goes into only 20% of the content and what's visible to the users is maybe only 10% of what the software does.

    Previously Cryptic have pushed stuff out too fast and somewhat under par in places, criticising them for extending their cycle and hopefully producing better quality content seems rather counterproductive.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    joebobkill wrote: »
    I have a question about season 4: Is the ground revamp really a "revamp" meaning, from scracth or is it just a "fix" to include better targeting and fixing camera view for a more over the shoulder perspective? The only other thing in addition to that is the ability to fire while moving with a few more aded running animations.

    Would you call that a revamp or an added fix?

    Weapons are being retooled. You'll want to use sniper rifles at longer distances than phaser pistols; a scatter, shotgun-like weapon is great at close quarters but is less so at range.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Weapons are being retooled. You'll want to use sniper rifles at longer distances than phaser pistols; a scatter, shotgun-like weapon is great at close quarters but is less so at range.

    That actually sounds good.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Heathen666 wrote: »
    That plus retiming all the weapons, revamped ground mobs so no more one shooting dual pistol wielding random schmucks and mob abilities which scale by difficulty level.

    Other aspects of season 4
    Duty Roster System
    PVE queues
    Private Fleet actions
    Revamped Qo'nos
    Klingon Tutorial
    Additional Klingon PVE content

    Not sure if the revamped exploration, explorable Sol/Qo'nos and removal of sector blocks is planned for...

    Ok, this sounds good too. If they do as good of a job as they have done on on sector space and ESD revamps, then I have hope. As for re-mastered episodes... i've ony seen one so far.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    It's delayed until June/July because that's when the STO team moves onto the new code branch of the main engine developed by Cryptic.

    I wonder if STO moving to Neverwinter's code branch will go as 'well' as CO moving to STO's...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    'Good things happen to those who wait' is just an excuse for incompetence.

    The problem with taking too long to produce something is that you run the risk of disappointing everyone because the long development time will get their hopes up because they think you're being productive. See Duke Nukem Forever, as a key example of this. They're finally releasing that game, and it can't possibly live up to 15 years of anticipation over empty promises.

    If all we're going to see is a ground combat revamp and more cosmetic TRIBBLE, and it took 7 months to make that, and they can't manage more than a single featured episode series in the same amount of time...

    Then the phrase should be "Only garbage comes to those who wait, because someone who takes a long time obviously isn't working hard enough".

    You should be glad it also don't end up in C-Store it is an ridiculous thing that store every detail they make ends up there it's just nonsense.

    Greets Coot
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