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Ask Cryptic: April 2011 Questions to me!



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Could you change some mechanics to summonable pets (i.e. Photonic Fleet, Security Escort, Turrets/Drone) to act more like BOFF's do. i would love to be able to order my Photonic Fleet focus fire on my target at certain times and at others go into a "search and destroy" mode using the control buttons i use for my BOFF's

    here is a forum thread i made with more detail for all to see http://forums.startrekonline.com/showthread.php?t=207637
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Q: A long time ago, it was mentioned that certain special weapons, such as the Nausicaan Energy Lance, would make their way into the game. Is there any idea when we might see this, and other weapons?

    Q: Is there any chance we'll be seeing Breen Neural Truncheons or Jem'Hadar Kar'Takin as usable melee weapons down the road? Possibly craftable?

    Q: Any chance of us getting more Orion, Nausicaan and Gorn style ships added to the KDF fleet any time soon?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Q: Will BOff ground powers (like Telekinesis, Borg Neural Blast and Seduce) be added to their power bars so we as Captain can decide when they are (or aren't) used in combat?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Which additions to space pvp - that are not bugfixes or balance changes - are we going to see in the next 3 months?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Are there any plans for canon admiral uniforms (particularly ENT, TNG, DS9, VOY) to be added to the game, either as a bundle or included in their respective costume packs? [I mean adding the belt, gold trim to uniform, and for ENT costume for admiral pips to display on both sides, along with tie]

    You said back in the October Ask Cryptic we'd see playability improvements for PuGs in Crystalline Entity and Fluidic Space Fleet Action in Season 3 -- will these be fixed before Season 4?

    Any chance we'll get to explore Ferenginar or Trill (the latter which is surprisingly absent from its home in Beta Ursae sector block) anytime?

    Will there be any changes to Dabo so that we can bet more than 100 energy credits per slot at a time?

    When can we customize the number of powers we can see in our power tray?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    We have a active discussion in the PVP Forum about Open PVP/Territory Control. Was wondering if you could go into any more detail about this. We are wondering what kind of mechanic you are thinking to use to capture territory. :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    1) When will exploration see some love?

    2) Any plans to add some of the lower tier shps as retrofits like the Galaxy and defiant?

    3) We have heard rumors that DSEs are being done away with or redone any comments on what the plans are for these?

    4) Other than the occasonal voting at DS9 any singificant play in the Diplomacy system ends at Amassador. Any thoughts on making more Diplomatic only missions to give out Ambassadors something to do?

    5) And oh yea when is exploration going to see some love? :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Same question as always....

    Are there plans to implement a method of cataloging wildlife we encounter in missions? Collecting data on animals we encounter seems very Starfleet to me. After seeing how many different types of animals surfaced in the Arena mission, the ability to learn more about them is something I'd really like to see.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    will the new duty officer system allow you to for example, do a mission in a shuttle (say the delta flyer for example) whilst your Boff's use your own ship to do whatever mission you assign them to do, or will it be the other way around?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Q: Can the way we enter/exit our Ship Interiors be changed? We shouldn't have to beam in/out of our own ship. For example, when entering the Ship Interior, a short animation could show the doors to the Captain's Ready Room opening and the character walking onto the bridge. Also, beaming out of the lounge at the end of First Contact diplomatic mission just looks wrong since it is supposed to be on our own ship, right?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Couple of questions, regarding rank and positions:

    1. Is there any possibility of separating rank from level, by adding new wildcards to the game? At the moment, it's a real immersion-killer to be force-promoted up to Admiral, and the accompanying use of full ranks in NPC dialogue ('Rear Admiral, Lower Half', for example) is really clunky, too. Not to mention that, with any future level-cap raises, we're going to run out of ranks... ;)

    I've compiled some ideas in this thread, here - hopefully some of them sound workable, as there's something just not right when Star Trek isn't primarily about 'Captains' proper.

    2. Regarding bridge officer functionality - the duty roster system looks really interesting, but what's the likelihood of getting 'truer' bridge officer functionality and assignments in-game?

    Instead of the current 'tac/sci/eng' compliment of BOffs for ships, I'm talking about the traditional bridge stations, and the canon crew roles, such as 'Flight Controller', 'http://forums.startrekonline.com/showthread.php?t=207614', 'Tactical Officer/Chief of Security', etc. - have you considered improving the way bridge officers work to incoporate these positions, and if so, how do you imagine this could be accomplished?

    Thanks for reading! :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    In the Foundary, will we be able to change the alignment of an NPC to setup situations where npc ships/characters can surrender and become friendly when too much damage is taken. Or become hostile after a dialog sequence?

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    There was talk of increasing the pitch in which ships can move up and down, possibly to 95%, so we don't have to twirl around in circles on some maps. (flying up to the Borg sphere in The Vault comes to mind.) I don't know how some of the other players feel, but I find twirling in circles to gain "altitude" in space major annoyance.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I have a few of questions:

    Character Creation in Cryptic games have been long associated with diverse creative opportunities. There are a few holes in the STO character creator. Some have been discussed before, like, the inability to access body parts from the special species that are purchased through the C-Store. I, myself, was very disappointed when I purchased the Ferengi pack when it was released, only to find that Ferengi parts were not accessible in the "Alien" creator. Why is it that parts associated with the purchased species are not, then, added to the alien creator for those that have made the purchase?

    Another hole, that I don't remember ever being discussed.. the lack of facial textures for Humans. Heroic, and Standard, plus a handful of aged textures does not offer near enough diversity in character creation. It seems to me that even with the, unfortunately, somewhat limited ability to adjust facial sliders, with the same few textures most faces seem way to similar to me.

    In all of the live action series/movies, the majority of the bridge crews have been human, or human-like enough to warrant a "human" facial texture. Is there any hope in adding, for free, additional facial textures?

    There are other holes in the creator, in regards to hairs, etc.. I myself only use a handful of the hairs as anything of the 'longish' variety just seem very plastic.

    With these issues that I mention, and the plethora of others that are spread through the forums, do the developers have any plans to update or add to the character creator, without having to pay for them in the C-Store? I have no real problem if they are added in the C-Store, but I would hope that for basic, necessity type items (skin textures and hair, mainly) would be added at no additional costs to the player base.

    I recall suggestions of adding "parts packs" for the creator, is that a possibility?

    Is there any chance, whatsoever, that the distiction between off-duty, and uniform slots can/will be removed. I understand that the "swimsuit" discussions may figure into this .. but all of the other clothing sets being locked out seems rather ludicrious. I'm looking at YOU Merc Outfit... Why is it the Merc outfit is set to Off-Duty? Some of the other standard Off-Duty clothing pieces would be awesome as uniforms for me, and my crew... so.. here's hoping that, maybe aside from swimsuits, clothing can be either or? Please?

    With the release of the new sets (which are totally awesome, btw,) is there any chance of having additional sets for lower tiered captains? I love the the sets, but it saddens me a bit that all of my non-admiral alts can't access "coolness" like that.

    And finally, rom the most recent Engineering Report:

    In Development
    • Removing the concept of "Off-Duty" costumes and simply giving everyone "costume slots" you can use to store costumes

    To this point.. Could you explain how this will function? By just making the slots "Uniforms" rather than Off-Duty/On-Duty, will that give us the option of using the former Off-Duty clothes for our Bridge Officers?

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Any plans on how to deal with away from keyboard or run away and hide the entire game players in PVP. I have tried charging them 10000 energy credits for parking in a PVP zone.

    Can NPC’s called by fleet support stop changing from Enemy to friendly but keep shooting at me.

    Any update on the bug that randomly puts you in red alert shortly after entering PVP maps. This often messes up my 1st approach, just suddenly uncloaking while getting in to position.

    Often in PVP due to healing I can bring enemy ships to about 5% hull in one pass seconds later they will be good as new healing seriously needs looked in to. I would perhaps like to see Random core breaches on ships that have ridiculously low hull and couldn’t possibly function at their full capacity.

    Are there any plans to for additional character options? I would love to see even more face options primarily I would like to see options like making your character smile. Or mixing off duty uniform items with Starfleet uniforms.

    Are you planning to add anymore cool Emotes?

    When Leader boards are added can top level players be displayed as holograms on Earth Space Dock?

    Are you Planning anymore Perks for lifetime subscribers
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    If this has already been asked I apologize. But, will there be ground sets with bonuses either through altered difficulty in STFS or in craftable form? And Another question, will there be tweaks done to preorders/bonus items that are ingame to have them scale to tier/level? And will the issue of plain white Diplomacy Officers be addressed? Shouldn't they be very rare?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    1) Will we get a ship refit and (for lack of a better term) defit option for ships? Perhaps utilizing both preset refit options and customization options (such + 1 Aft Weapons, etc).

    ( Just in case you do look at this, I have a proposal right here: http://forums.startrekonline.com/showthread.php?t=206913)

    2) It has been mentioned that duty and off duty uniforms are going to be combined into one uniform system, are there plans to also open up badges, bottoms, tops, etc to be accessible to all uniforms (IE Mirror Patch on a TNG Uniform)?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Well I've been asking.these questios for a while now with no luck so I'm going to keep trying.

    1. Will you ever put in an audio option for me to choose what red alert i.can hear when I go into red alert mode? I'm kinda tired of hearing the standard red alert on my sovereign class when I should be hearing the red alert from first contact/insurrection. Or when flying.my defiant I want to be able to choose to hear the defiant red alert. If you guys can do what you.did with astrometrics mode certainly this can be doable yes please? :)

    2. Can we get the Picard sexy vest from first contact as another costume option please please :) it looks so awesome and I.was hoping.it wouldve been released with the open jacket bundle :)

    Thank you
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Are there any plans involving the NX-91001 in STO's future? Will we ever see it in-game? Will we ever get more information about it? It seems to have been forgotten about entirely and it was one of my favorite curiousities around game launch.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Are there any plans for First Contact Day (April 5th)?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    1. When the new tutorials come online - will I have to create a new character to play it or will everyone of my current characters be able to do it, too?

    2. Is it possible to get the title "Commodore" within 2011?

    3. Are we getting Kill Accolades for wildlife creatures?

    4. Some NPCs ships change class between missions* -- will this issue be addressed in the Remastered Episodes?

    * (e.g. IKS Kang (Vor'cha in "Saturday's Child" and Negh'Var in "The Cure"; USS Kirk - different Heavy Cruiser classes in "Diplomatic Orders" and "City on the Edge of Never")
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    This will probably be my first post of many since that's the way my brain works.

    But here is my first question:

    All the STF's up to this point have all involved the Borg. I was wondering if in the future just to change things up you would be creating STF's or 5 man team missions involving other enemies or factions? For instance some of the factions that have been featured in the weekly missions?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    1. Are there any plans to continue rewarding those who participate in the RAF program?

    2. What happened to the ability to warp to our RAF recruit? What about the RAF XP bonus? Does it stack with the 1hr/8hr XP bonus item?

    3. An extension of the previous question...how's the progress on warp to team/fleet mate?

    4. Are there any plans to improve the quality/rarity of the Diplomatic Bridge Officer (as opposed to the common rank it is right now)

    5. Accolades. I don't suppose there's a way we can put the an accolade goal that we're working towards as the 'primary mission'? Like Pharaoh of Phasers, for example. I'd like it if I could see how much progress, if any, I'm making toward that goal, instead of clicking several tabs and scrolling down (even after un-checking the completed ones to make the list shorter) so I can calculate how much farther to go. An example I can think of is Lord of the Rings Online, not sure if that's more of a technical/game engine thing for STO though.

    6. I think the only pre-order bonus I'm missing is the TR-116 rifle...any chance that it will hit the c-store?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    - Will we ever see new (and good looking for a change) 25th century ships, or are we just getting one old bucket "refited" after another.
    (I remember at the start, we got new ship costumes nearly on a monthly basis then)

    - Will voice chat be optional or do we all have to participate? (this is a all or nothing question for me)

    - How is the Duty Officer system doing?

    - Will we see a Exploration revamp in our lifetimes ?

    - Will we ever see more customizing options at the Ship editor? (like positioning/angle ships pylons, or heightening / lowering necks, stuff like that.)

    - Will we ever see more Ship parts or/and a bigger color palette to use at the ship tailor?

    More questions to come (maybe).:)

    Thank you for reading.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I got a question about the crafting system as it is now in STO, I know it has had already like a few revamps, but bear with me please.

    Right now everybody with the right skill can make everything what's there to make.
    For me that's not very logical, only in a perfect world one would be good at everything. It would be far more logical to specialize in one area and excel at that and be so so in other area's.
    Without wanting to give you guys more work, that specialization could start for instance with MK-XII items together with the possible new level-cap.

    The specialization tree could look like this:

    Ground weapons
    Ground shields
    Ship weapons
    Ship consoles
    Ship engines/shields

    So the question is, are you guys thinking about adding crafting specalization into the game?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    1) Do you think we might be able to upgrade ships themselves one day? I'd love to see some Admiral-Akira's flying around!

    2) Assuming the TOS interiors go over like gangbusters, anything you could share from the drawing board for what's next along those lines? (TOS movies? TNG? STO-with-lower-ceilings?)

    3) Any new details available regarding the exploration revamp?

    4) Any chance the WoK uniforms could get a full rank progression? It would be super if the jacket interior didn't have to match the undershirt, too! ;)

    5) I thought I heard something about a Captain's Table re-touch...is that happening? Any teasers there?

    6) What do you think is the least Trek-like part of the game right now? (that you can do something about)
    6a) What are you up to on that front?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    lets see. I still want more fed ships. Ambassador class? more klink ships? how about a few more gorn ships as well?

    Im trying not to be a broken record asking the same thing everytime :P but i want my Ambassador class.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Just a quick mention, because I see these questions very often:
    "Will you ever..." is really tricky to answer. We may. We may not. We might plan to right now, but then find something that makes it a not-so-great idea or feature and stop working on it. We may find a way of doing something we never thought we could.

    So, just to keep in mind if we skip them or when we answer them: "Will you ever..." questions are really tricky to answer.

    *continues scribbling along*
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Are there any Klingon Uniforms in the Works?

    Are there any Klingon Ships in the works?

    Are we going to be able to see our duty officers working in the interior of our ship? Or see them in sick-bay when hurt/sick etc., either at or after season four launch?

    Are any Klingon episodes going to be redone sometime? Preferably before season 4?

    Are the Gorn updates going to be released with a Gorn Featured Episode series?

    The next FE series is supposedly going to take place in the the Cardassia sector. Will Klingons get to go to DS9? That would make the Stations feel so much more like the show, and go a ways to making it the social hub it's supposed to be!

    Will we get Romulan sorties (Or any for that matter) anytime soon?

    Will there be any dailies in the Rom sector anytime soon? Or anywhere?

    What FE maps are you thinking will be converted into PvP maps, and when?

    Is there anymore Melee weapons we will get soon? Like the Mekleth? perhaps? Or even the Daq'tagh? Please?

    Whatever happened to the "Children of Khan" STF idea?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Are there plans to add character creation sliders in the Costume section? (to match the game's Character Creator)

    Are there plans to give authors the ability to place Single Enemy Critters?
    - Like fighting a costumed NPC. Think Fighting a boss like B'vat or Sokketh (Undine)?
This discussion has been closed.