Bug: Assigned ship costume not appearing on ship upon zone in.
A friendly NPC group, Federataion Cruiser -01, was added to my space map. The group was set to instantly appear. For mission purposes, I set all put one of the groups individual ships to never appear (should be unrealted to this bug).
I set the one 'active' ship to a custom costume which is nothing more than an excaliber model of a constitution class cruiser with the white skin texture. The individual ship was renamed in both the contact and name fields.
When zoning on the map, the ship appears as expected, the class is inconsistant (It has appeared as a nova science ship, constitution class cruiser, and vespa class cruiser). The default name of the ship/class is what appears vice any customization I made.
The bug appears in the mission editor, it has not been published.
Intent: What I am trying to achive is having a friendly contact able to participate in combat and look like the contact npc ship I used on an earlier iteration of the map.
I will have to check, but I believe it was the second ship of the 5 and the only one set to be visable. I will try and set the number one ship to the costume. Didn't think of that. If that's the case however, then the visibility trigger on the mobs appears to not be working.
IF I recall, and this was before the visible/invisible triggers went in, it was the last npc vessel that had the habit of appearing on the map...I could be wrong on that, i think the mechanic though is that you Have to have one of them being visible, but it certainly wouldnt hurt to get a higher (dev) perspective on this one.