My first bug, seems to be related to one of the maps I had selected for my project, before the foundry got its update.. For some reason that map was removed from the foundry "Pre-made" selection, and now i get a "Resource Does not exist" error on it.
[Mutara Asgard Interior] is the interior map i am using. And i really need this map, for the Reactor/warp core it uses.
Second bug is:
Bad Objective Component type: 4 [NO MESSAGE KEY!] It takes me to my project screen, I cant find anything wrong, that would give that error.. and it only shows up on this mission
Due to these 2 errors, i cant publish
[i know publishing is down anyway]
Well thank you for reading this
the second one i have never come accross before so i cannot help you
have you clicked on the error message because it will automatically come up to whereever the error is
The Mutara maps are gone and will not be coming back any time soon. The resource message you're getting for is owing to the backdrop/sky associated with it.
Thank you for including your project ID so I can look at that strange objective component issue you're having.
Your welcome Zero.
Commander: part of the problem is having that Mutara map in your project at all. It will not work with that map. I'm not sure what's causing the second problem; I've kicked it off to the programmers to look at. Thanks for helping us find such an interesting bug.