I quite like our honour sashes. I admit that it could use some expansion insofar as selecting a type of sash (metal links, metal bands, reeds, wicker, yarn, etc) and then selecting the medals and "rank insignia" that decorate them (unlocked as we rank up).
However, my biggest gripe is the General's shoulders/sash. They are a sort of odd beige colour, the one about which the Starfleet officers lament they cannot select for their TMP uniforms, and they cannot be recoloured. I suppose that would be OK, except they also clip with every one of our normal shoulder options. I suppose that's OK for some, but it's really annoying to select another set, colour them and then see my character move a bit and the beige shoulders beneath clip through. Can we be given the option to colour the shoulder portion of them or maybe even remove the shoulders from them to use ones of our choosing?
Additionally, while Starfleet toons continue to receive new rank pins up to their maximum rank, KDF toons stop after Brigadier General. It's this kind of neglect that makes many KDF players feel like the "Oh yeah... them" faction. Afterthoughts and disliked stepchildren.