I was checking out the reviews on my mission, when I noticed something. There is no way to properly identify version or publish date. The version number could simply be a counter keeping track of the number of times the mission had been published, indicating some kind of revision. The publish date could specify the last date published, and possibly its initial publication. By including this information, we can see how recently, and how often a mission has changed since its initial creation. In most cases, it would be safe to assume that the mission is a quality mission and well taken care of by the author. Also, it will give the player the ability to glance at the mission description and know whether the mission has changed since their last play through. So, if they encountered a bug last time, they don't have to waste their time replaying the mission over and over again just to find out that nothing has changed. What do you guys think?
i tried that, but then, it takes away from the number of chars allowed in the title. With the title of my series, there is very little room for any additional information. If the information was available already, we can use that valuable space for its intended purposes.
Yep - completely agree. Would be nice if it just picked it up as a variable from the published time and popped it in the UI or even from an author supplied variable on the Project Info page in Foundry.
Currently it is named: Sinister Designs v1.5_02.08.2011