Many have brought up the concern that the Gorn Varanus is very hindered as a science vessel with such a slow turn rate. The reason the Gorn Varanus has such a slow turn rate is because it is such a big ship. Big ships just dont feel or look right with high turn rates. What big ships do in general get instead is more HP. I was going to give the Gorn Varanus 36000 HP, the highest of any science vessel.
However it is clear that this is not what you want. So what I am going to do is make the Gorn Varanus the same as the DSSV. It will have the same HP and base Turn Rate as the DSSV:
Turn Rate: 11
HP: 28500
To make it not feel goofy, we will be scaling the model size down to about the same mass of the DSSV.
Many have brought up the concern that the Gorn Varanus is very hindered as a science vessel with such a slow turn rate. The reason the Gorn Varanus has such a slow turn rate is because it is such a big ship. Big ships just dont feel or look right with high turn rates. What big ships do in general get instead is more HP. I was going to give the Gorn Varanus 36000 HP, the highest of any science vessel.
However it is clear that this is not what you want. So what I am going to do is make the Gorn Varanus the same as the DSSV. It will have the same HP and base Turn Rate as the DSSV:
Turn Rate: 11
HP: 28500
To make it not feel goofy, we will be scaling the model size down to about the same mass of the DSSV.
What were the arguments against bumping the HP? I had no problem with the turn rate of the Varanus, and liked that it was so mucking big -- the Gorn don't strike me as building small ships. A ship is made unique by its advantages and its disadvantages.
Many have brought up the concern that the Gorn Varanus is very hindered as a science vessel with such a slow turn rate. The reason the Gorn Varanus has such a slow turn rate is because it is such a big ship. Big ships just dont feel or look right with high turn rates. What big ships do in general get instead is more HP. I was going to give the Gorn Varanus 36000 HP, the highest of any science vessel.
However it is clear that this is not what you want. So what I am going to do is make the Gorn Varanus the same as the DSSV. It will have the same HP and base Turn Rate as the DSSV:
Turn Rate: 11
HP: 28500
To make it not feel goofy, we will be scaling the model size down to about the same mass of the DSSV.
Finally some good news regarding the Varanus, maybe now ill actually use it for my sci captain, i still think a BOFF layout like the D'kyr is getting would be more suited though, most people seem to think of the gorn as being a more engineer based species and the vulcans more Sci based so wouldnt it make sense for the LTC Engi slot to be used on the Varanus rather than the D'kyr? This would make it subtley diferent to the Fed DSSV and make it feel more like a Gorn ship at the same time.
Just one more note, if the scale of the ship is being reduced maybe reduce the crew a bit as well as a smaller ship would require less crew.
Not having the Gorn vessel yet, I feel really odd chiming in here as I just don't have a basis for my own opinions, but I'd like to weigh this a little more here for a second, as big-TRIBBLE ship sounds better than tiny-little ship when I first heard it here.
EVERYTHING I have heard relating to the Varanus not being good isn't about the size or the turn speed, but about the usability of it. Practically everyone I've talked to have mentioned that the tick of the heals from the deployed ship healers are waaay too low, or that a quick launch of Beam Fire at Will completely annihilates them. What's going on in this department? Isn't this the more pertinent issue?
Yes, but the DSSV has not any special power and a console its not a substitute for such a good special skill!
We are going to the same way we have now on the imbalance cruisers. Look at the "normal" Fed cruisers, same hull and 2 less turn rate than the Negh`Var, and that ship has cloaking device!
I have a Klingon Vice Admiral and i am on the grind to have a new one, and better ship than the feds its not what we need.
Any way, good work listing the community, keep at it.
Mi opinion, the gorn ship should be:
Turn Rate: 10
HP: 28500
Many have brought up the concern that the Gorn Varanus is very hindered as a science vessel with such a slow turn rate. The reason the Gorn Varanus has such a slow turn rate is because it is such a big ship. Big ships just dont feel or look right with high turn rates. What big ships do in general get instead is more HP. I was going to give the Gorn Varanus 36000 HP, the highest of any science vessel.
However it is clear that this is not what you want. So what I am going to do is make the Gorn Varanus the same as the DSSV. It will have the same HP and base Turn Rate as the DSSV:
Turn Rate: 11
HP: 28500
To make it not feel goofy, we will be scaling the model size down to about the same mass of the DSSV.
Thanks for taking the time to look at the Varanus. The problem with low turn rates on a Sci ship is the number of fore facing abilities for science BO's. I know that you have two separate threads one for the D'Kyer and one for the Varanus, but I think some comparison is impossible given that they both at least started out as very similar ships.
What would be the highest turn rate you are willing to give the Varnaus with its current size? I think a turn rate of 9 on the Varnaus might solve the issues, without forcing you to make it like a DSSV or even an exact copy of the D'kyr.
I'm inclined to think of the Varanus as a Gorn ship that is built for heavy combat with Science as it's weapons. While the D'Kyr being a Vulcan ship is built to be more a defensive puncher, with Science and Engineering being more tools than weapons. Given this difference I'm inclined to see the Varanus as needing more hull and the D'kyr needing more shields and agility.
Many have brought up the concern that the Gorn Varanus is very hindered as a science vessel with such a slow turn rate. The reason the Gorn Varanus has such a slow turn rate is because it is such a big ship. Big ships just dont feel or look right with high turn rates. What big ships do in general get instead is more HP. I was going to give the Gorn Varanus 36000 HP, the highest of any science vessel.
However it is clear that this is not what you want. So what I am going to do is make the Gorn Varanus the same as the DSSV. It will have the same HP and base Turn Rate as the DSSV:
Turn Rate: 11
HP: 28500
To make it not feel goofy, we will be scaling the model size down to about the same mass of the DSSV.
OMG I can't say thankyou enough
This is exactly what was needed, thanks for listening.
Many have brought up the concern that the Gorn Varanus is very hindered as a science vessel with such a slow turn rate. The reason the Gorn Varanus has such a slow turn rate is because it is such a big ship. Big ships just dont feel or look right with high turn rates. What big ships do in general get instead is more HP. I was going to give the Gorn Varanus 36000 HP, the highest of any science vessel.
However it is clear that this is not what you want. So what I am going to do is make the Gorn Varanus the same as the DSSV. It will have the same HP and base Turn Rate as the DSSV:
Turn Rate: 11
HP: 28500
To make it not feel goofy, we will be scaling the model size down to about the same mass of the DSSV.
Thank you Good Sir
We are happy in the Klingon Empire and in -Qew-
The Klingon will now come closer to the feds in overall balance
I have to really disagree with these changes. The Varunus strikes me as a big ship and to make it smaller and more a copy of a Fed science vessel is a mistake.
Jack up the HP to what you were planning and maybe improve system targeting a little.
The reasoning on the turn rate issue was: A lot of the science skills are 90 degree fwd arc powers, and the slow turn rate made it inferior to other science ships because those powers are the "meat" of a science ships toolset.
It looked a little big anyway, and DSSVs aren't exactly small either.
Congrats to the Gorn engineers, who made a great breakthrough on their engine efficiency!
Many have brought up the concern that the Gorn Varanus is very hindered as a science vessel with such a slow turn rate. The reason the Gorn Varanus has such a slow turn rate is because it is such a big ship. Big ships just dont feel or look right with high turn rates. What big ships do in general get instead is more HP. I was going to give the Gorn Varanus 36000 HP, the highest of any science vessel.
However it is clear that this is not what you want. So what I am going to do is make the Gorn Varanus the same as the DSSV. It will have the same HP and base Turn Rate as the DSSV:
Turn Rate: 11
HP: 28500
To make it not feel goofy, we will be scaling the model size down to about the same mass of the DSSV.
Awesome news
Thank you very much for listening to the feedback.
The idea of a large tanking science vessel that can't turn is a nice idea, however without a KDF version of a science vessel like the Recon or intrepid that can give us other options, this ship was always going to be unwanted.
The federation have 5 science ships to the KDF's one. Also should one consider making another klingon science ship that can't turn to save itself , it needs to have at least 3 engineering consoles.
I have to really disagree with these changes. The Varunus strikes me as a big ship and to make it smaller and more a copy of a Fed science vessel is a mistake.
Jack up the HP to what you were planning and maybe improve system targeting a little.
The problem is the need for a better turn rate to utilize BO abilities. Sci ships with low turn rates are just sitting ducks. While I agree that shrinking the ship is not my preference, I'd rather see a compromise Since we know the Nebula got a bump to 9
Many have brought up the concern that the Gorn Varanus is very hindered as a science vessel with such a slow turn rate. The reason the Gorn Varanus has such a slow turn rate is because it is such a big ship. Big ships just dont feel or look right with high turn rates. What big ships do in general get instead is more HP. I was going to give the Gorn Varanus 36000 HP, the highest of any science vessel.
However it is clear that this is not what you want. So what I am going to do is make the Gorn Varanus the same as the DSSV. It will have the same HP and base Turn Rate as the DSSV:
Turn Rate: 11
HP: 28500
To make it not feel goofy, we will be scaling the model size down to about the same mass of the DSSV.
Thank you so much. Now I can look forward to flying the Varanus again.
I don't know why some federation players are complaing about these changes.
The intrepid , DSV and D'Ky are still all vastly superior to this thing.
I would trade those drones in for a extra engineering console or LTC engineering BO slot any day.
At least we have a ship that can partially turn, even if its nowhere near that of the intrepid or recon.
I know why.
Fed players know the power of science...with the KDF having a sci ship, that was bad enough...but since it could not turn fast enough to bring to bear Sci powers, it was no, it will be on par with at least the DSSV...and that alone is something Feds would not like because the DSSV turn rate, after this next boost -- means that it will become a viable ship in PvP once again.
These changes are most welcome, and will bring improved parity between Fed and KDF in regards to our ability to use and leverage sci abilities.
I also failed to mention here (I mentioned in another thread), that I doubled the healing of the drones.
So, lets see this again:
DSSV and Veranus has same BOffs = Ok
DSSV and Veranus would have same Hull = Ok
DSSV and Veranus would have same turn rate = Ok
Veranus has a special skill and DSSV (????) = bad
Klingon didnt have scien ship because we have Carriers, and now a Klingon Scien ship outclass a Federation Scien ship..... that its going to bring more balance in to the game.
You are doing the same thing that its happened now with the Sovereign vs Excelsior thing.
\The reasoning on the turn rate issue was: A lot of the science skills are 90 degree fwd arc powers, and the slow turn rate made it inferior to other science ships because those powers are the "meat" of a science ships toolset.
Okay, I can grok that. I recall the brouhaha back when the Nebula was released as a science cruiser.
A part of me wishes science powers didn't have that arc restriction, it smacks way too much of Main Deflector Abuse. And the Varanus always struck me as fleet buffs and repairs, rather than offensive science powers, but, that being said, I can see where folks would want to use the Varanus in that role. (Especially since the carrier has a turn rate of 'eventually' and BoPs with science BOffs are rarer than a Jem'Hadar at the Betty Ford Clinic.)
Fed players know the power of science...with the KDF having a sci ship, that was bad enough...but since it could not turn fast enough to bring to bear Sci powers, it was no, it will be on par with at least the DSSV...and that alone is something Feds would not like because the DSSV turn rate, after this next boost -- means that it will become a viable ship in PvP once again.
These changes are most welcome, and will bring improved parity between Fed and KDF in regards to our ability to use and leverage sci abilities.
Bullcrap.. Im Fed, while My fleet is primarily Fed based.
I agreed with the QEW guys regarding this ship, and Ill take your apology for generalization now, thank you.
These changes should prove most enlightening for us All.
DSSV and Veranus has same BOffs = Ok
DSSV and Veranus would have same Hull = Ok
DSSV and Veranus would have same turn rate = Ok
Veranus has a special skill and DSSV (????) = bad
Klingon didnt have scien ship because we have Carriers, and now a Klingon Scien ship outclass a Federation Scien ship..... that its going to bring more balance in to the game.
You are doing the same thing that its happened now with the Sovereign vs Excelsior thing.
Hmm you forgot something
DSSV has a extra Eng console and Varanus (????) = bad
DSSV and Veranus has same BOffs = Ok
DSSV and Veranus would have same Hull = Ok
DSSV and Veranus would have same turn rate = Ok
Veranus has a special skill and DSSV (????) = bad
Klingon didnt have scien ship because we have Carriers, and now a Klingon Scien ship outclass a Federation Scien ship..... that its going to bring more balance in to the game.
You are doing the same thing that its happened now with the Sovereign vs Excelsior thing.
It doesnt outclass the DSSV. The DSSV has an extra engineering console, which personally I would rather have than the repair drones.
DSSV has a extra Eng console and Varanus (????) = bad
2 bad makes a Ok
Hoooo wooooow.. so at that point we came dawn that we compear one console with a special skill that its getting a buffed x 2????
I have 2 Klingons, and i want to play PVP vs feddis, and if is hard now to get in queue, if we keep getting better ships, this is going to be impossible, but go ahead, flame me... but please, give me a better reason that this special power that its getting buffed x 2 its balance with this console
It doesnt outclass the DSSV. The DSSV has an extra engineering console, which personally I would rather have than the repair drones.
Otherwise theyre equal
Do not insult me with that argument, a special skill that now its x2 its not the same as a console. Give me another reason, hell i would buy "mi reason its that i find fun to win 15x0 each arena and i want to keep it that way", but please, dont tell me that one console its a balance stuff, beacose i could tell that the Varanus has 750 crew over the 500 of the DSSV.
-Add weapon power, doing more damage (multiplied by the new sensor ability)
-Add hull resistance +18. This can equate to about 10% hull resist without BO powers. Assuming its 35000, this would be 3500 hull.
Considering the repair drones do about 28 hull a tick, were now "almost doubled" so about 50 a tick....
3500/50 = 70 ticks just to make that resistance up. How long does that take? 40 seconds with two drones?
I just hope that CaptainGeko doesnt buy that, for the sake of the fun, i dont want to have better ships because we have some lack of content.
I give mi opinion, and Geko has done a fantastic job listening to the community, so now its on his decision. If he think i am right, we do change some things, i am not right, i still think Geko its doing a grate job, even if he could give the Sovereign a little more love, jeje
Many have brought up the concern that the Gorn Varanus is very hindered as a science vessel with such a slow turn rate. The reason the Gorn Varanus has such a slow turn rate is because it is such a big ship. Big ships just dont feel or look right with high turn rates. What big ships do in general get instead is more HP. I was going to give the Gorn Varanus 36000 HP, the highest of any science vessel.
im glad stuff like this matters to you, and hopefully other devs. ships shouldn't be flying contradictions. i think a better solution would be to increase the fireing arc of some science powers on that ship rather than shrinking its size and health. it could be another bonus feature.
personally i think the gorn ship should have been a cruiser all along, with the orian ship being science. when i think gorn i think tank. orians seem more sneaky and self serving and wouldn't put them self's in a position to draw fire and support others. but that ship probably sailed a long time ago
What were the arguments against bumping the HP? I had no problem with the turn rate of the Varanus, and liked that it was so mucking big -- the Gorn don't strike me as building small ships. A ship is made unique by its advantages and its disadvantages.
Finally some good news regarding the Varanus, maybe now ill actually use it for my sci captain, i still think a BOFF layout like the D'kyr is getting would be more suited though, most people seem to think of the gorn as being a more engineer based species and the vulcans more Sci based so wouldnt it make sense for the LTC Engi slot to be used on the Varanus rather than the D'kyr? This would make it subtley diferent to the Fed DSSV and make it feel more like a Gorn ship at the same time.
Just one more note, if the scale of the ship is being reduced maybe reduce the crew a bit as well as a smaller ship would require less crew.
Makes the game much more fun.
EVERYTHING I have heard relating to the Varanus not being good isn't about the size or the turn speed, but about the usability of it. Practically everyone I've talked to have mentioned that the tick of the heals from the deployed ship healers are waaay too low, or that a quick launch of Beam Fire at Will completely annihilates them. What's going on in this department? Isn't this the more pertinent issue?
When will these changes take affect on Holodeck?
We are going to the same way we have now on the imbalance cruisers. Look at the "normal" Fed cruisers, same hull and 2 less turn rate than the Negh`Var, and that ship has cloaking device!
I have a Klingon Vice Admiral and i am on the grind to have a new one, and better ship than the feds its not what we need.
Any way, good work listing the community, keep at it.
Mi opinion, the gorn ship should be:
Turn Rate: 10
HP: 28500
Turn Rate: 11
HP: 27000
Thanks for taking the time to look at the Varanus. The problem with low turn rates on a Sci ship is the number of fore facing abilities for science BO's. I know that you have two separate threads one for the D'Kyer and one for the Varanus, but I think some comparison is impossible given that they both at least started out as very similar ships.
What would be the highest turn rate you are willing to give the Varnaus with its current size? I think a turn rate of 9 on the Varnaus might solve the issues, without forcing you to make it like a DSSV or even an exact copy of the D'kyr.
I'm inclined to think of the Varanus as a Gorn ship that is built for heavy combat with Science as it's weapons. While the D'Kyr being a Vulcan ship is built to be more a defensive puncher, with Science and Engineering being more tools than weapons. Given this difference I'm inclined to see the Varanus as needing more hull and the D'kyr needing more shields and agility.
OMG I can't say thankyou enough
This is exactly what was needed, thanks for listening.
This or the Ensign level BO skills need a revamp.
Thank you Good Sir
We are happy in the Klingon Empire and in -Qew-
The Klingon will now come closer to the feds in overall balance
Jack up the HP to what you were planning and maybe improve system targeting a little.
The reasoning on the turn rate issue was: A lot of the science skills are 90 degree fwd arc powers, and the slow turn rate made it inferior to other science ships because those powers are the "meat" of a science ships toolset.
It looked a little big anyway, and DSSVs aren't exactly small either.
Congrats to the Gorn engineers, who made a great breakthrough on their engine efficiency!
Awesome news
Thank you very much for listening to the feedback.
The idea of a large tanking science vessel that can't turn is a nice idea, however without a KDF version of a science vessel like the Recon or intrepid that can give us other options, this ship was always going to be unwanted.
The federation have 5 science ships to the KDF's one. Also should one consider making another klingon science ship that can't turn to save itself , it needs to have at least 3 engineering consoles.
The problem is the need for a better turn rate to utilize BO abilities. Sci ships with low turn rates are just sitting ducks. While I agree that shrinking the ship is not my preference, I'd rather see a compromise Since we know the Nebula got a bump to 9
It would seem fair to make the Varanus a 9 turn rate and keep her bigger. Adjust the HP as needed from there.
Thank you so much. Now I can look forward to flying the Varanus again.
I like big ships .....
oh but this is most definitely better
The intrepid , DSV and D'Ky are still all vastly superior to this thing.
I would trade those drones in for a extra engineering console or LTC engineering BO slot any day.
At least we have a ship that can partially turn, even if its nowhere near that of the intrepid or recon.
*hugs the Gecko*
I know why.
Fed players know the power of science...with the KDF having a sci ship, that was bad enough...but since it could not turn fast enough to bring to bear Sci powers, it was no, it will be on par with at least the DSSV...and that alone is something Feds would not like because the DSSV turn rate, after this next boost -- means that it will become a viable ship in PvP once again.
These changes are most welcome, and will bring improved parity between Fed and KDF in regards to our ability to use and leverage sci abilities.
So, lets see this again:
DSSV and Veranus has same BOffs = Ok
DSSV and Veranus would have same Hull = Ok
DSSV and Veranus would have same turn rate = Ok
Veranus has a special skill and DSSV (????) = bad
Klingon didnt have scien ship because we have Carriers, and now a Klingon Scien ship outclass a Federation Scien ship..... that its going to bring more balance in to the game.
You are doing the same thing that its happened now with the Sovereign vs Excelsior thing.
Okay, I can grok that. I recall the brouhaha back when the Nebula was released as a science cruiser.
A part of me wishes science powers didn't have that arc restriction, it smacks way too much of Main Deflector Abuse. And the Varanus always struck me as fleet buffs and repairs, rather than offensive science powers, but, that being said, I can see where folks would want to use the Varanus in that role. (Especially since the carrier has a turn rate of 'eventually' and BoPs with science BOffs are rarer than a Jem'Hadar at the Betty Ford Clinic.)
Bullcrap.. Im Fed, while My fleet is primarily Fed based.
I agreed with the QEW guys regarding this ship, and Ill take your apology for generalization now, thank you.
These changes should prove most enlightening for us All.
Hmm you forgot something
DSSV has a extra Eng console and Varanus (????) = bad
2 bad makes a Ok
It doesnt outclass the DSSV. The DSSV has an extra engineering console, which personally I would rather have than the repair drones.
Otherwise theyre equal
Hoooo wooooow.. so at that point we came dawn that we compear one console with a special skill that its getting a buffed x 2????
I have 2 Klingons, and i want to play PVP vs feddis, and if is hard now to get in queue, if we keep getting better ships, this is going to be impossible, but go ahead, flame me... but please, give me a better reason that this special power that its getting buffed x 2 its balance with this console
Do not insult me with that argument, a special skill that now its x2 its not the same as a console. Give me another reason, hell i would buy "mi reason its that i find fun to win 15x0 each arena and i want to keep it that way", but please, dont tell me that one console its a balance stuff, beacose i could tell that the Varanus has 750 crew over the 500 of the DSSV.
That engineering console can be used to:
-Add weapon power, doing more damage (multiplied by the new sensor ability)
-Add hull resistance +18. This can equate to about 10% hull resist without BO powers. Assuming its 35000, this would be 3500 hull.
Considering the repair drones do about 28 hull a tick, were now "almost doubled" so about 50 a tick....
3500/50 = 70 ticks just to make that resistance up. How long does that take? 40 seconds with two drones?
And crew does do you not know this?
I give mi opinion, and Geko has done a fantastic job listening to the community, so now its on his decision. If he think i am right, we do change some things, i am not right, i still think Geko its doing a grate job, even if he could give the Sovereign a little more love, jeje
im glad stuff like this matters to you, and hopefully other devs. ships shouldn't be flying contradictions. i think a better solution would be to increase the fireing arc of some science powers on that ship rather than shrinking its size and health. it could be another bonus feature.
personally i think the gorn ship should have been a cruiser all along, with the orian ship being science. when i think gorn i think tank. orians seem more sneaky and self serving and wouldn't put them self's in a position to draw fire and support others. but that ship probably sailed a long time ago