I want to thank everyone that has played my missions, Unholy Alliances I - V and Shore Leave with Sori, on Tribble. Your feedback really helps me identify issues and resolve them in order to create even better missions. However, It has been brought to my attention that there is a serious issue that a few people have been experiencing with Unholy Alliances I. Grand Nagus provided proof (
here ), that occassionally some of my NPCs are being killed by the enemy groups before the player can speak to them. If the player can't speak to the prisoners, the mission can not be completed. I was just wondering if anyone knew why this was happening, so that I can resolve the issue and make the mission completeable for everyone. Any thoughts?
Try setiing a trigger that causes the enemies to beam in only after you reach a marker. That way the enemies wont be there long enough to cause harm. Another idea is to move the NPCs out of the enemies weapon range. Also, If these are custom NPCs, the game considers them as part of your team. Unless the appearance is completely important (recurring character, etc), you may try using a standard NPC contact. I believe they are considered neutral and thus won't attract the enemies' attention.
Edit: Now that my 15 month old has jumped out of my lap and I can type with two hands...
This is a feature that needs to be added. The costume creater is lacking quite a few options. One of them is a "Neutral" designation for alliance. That will allow you to set a contact in a group of enemies without them being attacked.
As for a trigger, KirkFat, just released a tutorial on StarbaseUGC.com, about a trigger concept that seems to have a good success rate. I have a mission on tribble called UGC Bombiggity, that is a short 1-2min foray. based out of Wolf 359, showing it. You can use this concept to delay spawning groups. And is completely a non objective spawn, not based on the kill group mission objective
Have fun!
I've got some negative reviews on my missions where I think this happens - one of the critical NPCs you need to talk to getting killed.
I worked around it by making his dialogue an automatic popup that will appear even if he is dead. But it's not a very good solution because I imagine it can happen with any NPC. They need to put in the option to make critical contacts invincible (unable to die).
On a side note, the guys on STOked played Unholy Alliances 1 LIVE today (jump to 1h 2mins in for the start). They encountered a different issue... so maybe you want to watch that episode.
That's another thing we need to be able to do, reset the reviews on republish. Make it optional so you can keep your reviews if you are only making minor tweaks. But I got a negative review because I had put my first mission up unfinished asking for comments and someone gave me a negative rating over its unfinished form. Like I didn't know.
I think they need to add an option that if you change a certain percentage of the episode, say 5%, you have the chance to reset your ratings and if you change more than 35% of your episode, then the reset becomes mandatory (to prevent people with good episodes going back and turning them into TRIBBLE but with unchangeable good reviews).
This would reset all reviews, both good and bad. So you won't be able to use it to get rid of that one bad review if you have 20 good reviews. They all go or they all stay.
The other option I use is similar where the npc contact is actually an ally that can fight and move on their own and avoid plasma grenades and an interact with object/vflower/pop-up dialogue is used to convey the information and continue the mission... the problem with this is the NPC can fail to return to the original spot.
I eliminated 95% of all my talk to NPC contacts to avoid issues like them getting killed and would advise othe authors to consider using some form of work-around...
There is another work-around that causes and NPC to spawn when a reach point is crossed.
Please consult starbaseugc.com for tutorials for all of these methods...
Totally unnecessary, You need to understand how the actual factions have animosity toward each other...
In ABS, I want collateral damage, it's more realistic even though the player has kill the baddies....And the rebel colonists are baddies, not the tied up ones, they are set to neutral. They attack an enemy sehlat group, disguised a rebel colonists. However, as per the description they attack anything... Borg do to, all said enemy groups attack all factions, gorn don't, klinks don't, orions don't, etc...
Sehlats when re costumed, attack by head butting and biting. I plan to use them for zombies eventually but they really don't quite work as neutral enemies so much as they work as a separate faction of enemies who bite people.