we sure do understand there might be difficulties.. but you must understand the frustration of most ppl.. server is rly slow at the moment.. We should get x2 untill the merg happens.. That would at least give us something to do while waiting.. cause this wont be the end of delays.. so give us x2 until we merge...
Ty ty.. great news.. from a great admin (not kissing ****, just acknowledging a great Admin :p)
Hey.. Pls give us a status update on this subject. What's done? What is left to do? And is there any planed due date? Also, what happend to the pk vs pve server survey?
okidoki.. thnx for informing us :P
And.. i'm back... a little at least.. :D I'm greatfull for the work Regerem has put down to this question, this shows me he/she/it really cares about the server and listend to the players back then.. Makes my heart all warm and fuzzy :p Me and a few others started talking about 6 months ago :P…
Mayday mayday.. we have a server down.. call for backup!
Idk what to say really. Merge is the best option and I think you should look into that once again.. Other then that my ideas would be making it a pk server 80-90+ ? Since that might attract more ppl, and no pint in having 2 PvE EU servers.. And better prices/sales, option to buy r8 recast mats.. But mehh, idk.. I still see…
Pls give us an update on this issue.
Stop trying to make this about 1 faction.. That discussion is childish and has no place here.. Also that about fcc lvled ppl has nothing to do with this thread.. qQ less and be more constructive pls.. And if you want to reply to this, stop posting under a fake char. clericxdxd // Use your main and stand behind your words…
From what i hear the EU server share the same "name pot" so there wont be any problems with same name chars. But i have only heard ppl talk about this, no official GM posts verifying this.. But HEY!! if we need to create new names, that would be greate news for your b-friend, he can finaly change his name to what he…
I appreciate you taking this issue seriously. And thank you for bringing this up as a real discussion internationally, and I understand a thing like this will have repercussions that will need alot of thought and carefull planing before even concidered it as a valid option and a solution that can be implemented. So TY for…
1) The activity and player rates are fine on our side, and of course if there is old time player leaving there is also a new and fresh community arriving on a day to day basis in the game. I can understand that seeing old alliance quitting the game give a feeling of abandon, but from our point of view the game isn’t dying…
Hello all.. Well as the topic says. This is about the current state of the Lothranis server, I and allot of the others I’ve talked to, have noticed that this server is slowly dying. We used to see difference between x2 times and "normal" times.. Normal times was always a bit slower then during x2 Nirvana times. But the…