Messages: 4 ✭✭
dans Discussion générale
Well, this is my departure of that "game" if we can call that like that.
After 4 years played in 2012 2016 i came back in end of 2023, this is my experience :
- Item and stat lost or disapear without any reason
- My internet usuallly with no issue has really weird bug since i play PW and dl their programs (shut down of internet but only for pwi in exemple (lol)
- In their programs ruling, u can see Crashpad_Handler.exe, Rebview render and Overlay that works on task manager everytime and use ur cpu up to 100%
- I have some message from antivirus warning me about PWI luncher.exe, overlay or crasphad try to reach my personnal documents protected and some other weird access required
- In game, i have so much anormal happenings : weird and anormal die, item disapearing, stat changing and lost some hp, atk or so when i come back in game
- And today, new technik : when i win too much coins by day without cs, my keys to open cave are disapearing from my bag when i try enter in cave but i do not enter...LOL
- All that is not everything i seen really anormal or weird since i play here. There is also other player complaining about that since 2018 on forum, so i think its voluntary and maybe also A REAL SCAM
I think i wont spend more time or money on this game, isnt rulling normally in game, devs do nothing and now it, and their programs on your computer are really suspect by the use of DDS and CPU + files they try to reach
Good luck everyone and take care
After 4 years played in 2012 2016 i came back in end of 2023, this is my experience :
- Item and stat lost or disapear without any reason
- My internet usuallly with no issue has really weird bug since i play PW and dl their programs (shut down of internet but only for pwi in exemple (lol)
- In their programs ruling, u can see Crashpad_Handler.exe, Rebview render and Overlay that works on task manager everytime and use ur cpu up to 100%
- I have some message from antivirus warning me about PWI luncher.exe, overlay or crasphad try to reach my personnal documents protected and some other weird access required
- In game, i have so much anormal happenings : weird and anormal die, item disapearing, stat changing and lost some hp, atk or so when i come back in game
- And today, new technik : when i win too much coins by day without cs, my keys to open cave are disapearing from my bag when i try enter in cave but i do not enter...LOL
- All that is not everything i seen really anormal or weird since i play here. There is also other player complaining about that since 2018 on forum, so i think its voluntary and maybe also A REAL SCAM
I think i wont spend more time or money on this game, isnt rulling normally in game, devs do nothing and now it, and their programs on your computer are really suspect by the use of DDS and CPU + files they try to reach
Good luck everyone and take care
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