[EN][Event] Mid-summer fashion contest

Enelimm Messages: 234 ✭✭✭
Modifié (June 2014) dans Official Announcements
Hi everyone,

Following your suggestions, we decided to organize a mid-summer fashion contest! I also managed to get a sale on all pigments so you can be fully dressed up on the D-Day !


Who’s the sharpest dresser on Morai?
Who has the best taste in fashion?

Submit your characters, vote and find out!

How does it work ?

There are 3 categories :
- Female
- Male
- Couples

- Choose one of the categories and take a screenshot of your character, or you and your partner if you chose to participate as a couple. You can pimp your screenshot, but don’t forget it must show your outfit above all!

- Submit your creation on this thread until June 25th.
- You can only make 1 submission with 1 screenshot.
- When applying, you must include: your character name, your nickname (on the top-right in Arc) and the category. You can also add a caption you would like to be added on Facebook during the voting phase.

- Votes will take place on the FR Facebook from June 25th until June 30th.

- For each category, the winner will be granted 1000 ZEN. For couples, both players will be rewarded.
The most original or funny application will be granted a special price of 500 ZEN!

Remember :
- Only 1 submission and screenshot per player is allowed
- There must be at least 15 participants for rewards to be granted
- You contributions will be showed on the official websites

Good luck !
Post edited by Enelimm on


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