[EN][Event] World Cup soccer contest
Messages: 234 ✭✭✭
Are you a soccer fan?
Then you must have noticed that soccer outfits and all pigments are on sale for the upcoming weeks! All the info is here.
In the honor of the World Cup 2014,
We're offering you the opportunity to show us your character in a soccer star's cleated shoes, and be rewarded with ZEN for representing your country with pride!
How does it work?
- Dress and accessorize your character as a soccer player or supporter thanks to our new fashion outfits. Take a great screenshot and pimp it as you wish!
- From now on and until Wednesday 18th, show us your image on the FR Facebook or on this forum thread.
- Votes will take place on the FR Facebook until June 22nd.
- There will 6 winners who will be granted 500 ZEN each!
- You must be a Morai player
- You can only make 1 submission
- There must be at least 30 participants in total
- You contributions will be displayed on our websites
Good luck to all PWI supporters!
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Post edited by Enelimm on
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