Recommendations in case of hacking
Messages: 234 ✭✭✭
Hello everyone,
Further to recurrent cases of hacking, we would like to remind you about a few simple safety rules and the process to follow in case you are victim of a hacker.
Safety rules
- Do not lend your gear
- Do not visit the links you receive in-game !
- Never give your account info, even to a GM
- In general, use your common sense and beware of any request that seems unusual or weird to you.
- If you have any doubt, verify the identity of the player. The nickname is not enough proof!
Recommendations in case of hacking
Only Support can help you in case of hacking. GMs and CMs do not have the necessary tools.
Your ticket must be as detailed and clear as possible. The basic, mandatory information you must include is the following:
- Name of the character
- Level of the character
- Date when you think your account was ****
If Support isn't sure that your are the owner of the account, they will ask you for more information. If you think this is necessary, you can include it to your ticket to make sure it is taken care of ASAP. The information you may be asked for is the following:
- Name of the game
- Name of your main character
- Registered account name
- Registered Forum name
- Registered full name (first and last name)
- Registered e-mail
- Registered birth date
- Date of creation of the account
- IP address ( )
- # of ZEN purchase transactions
If you would like to get back items that were stolen, it requires a character rollback. It is not always possible and we cannot guarantee that it will work.
If you haven't heard from Support after a few days, please answer your ticket to remind them. Sending a new ticket for the same issue makes it harder for Support to help you and follow up on your issue.
I hope you will use and spread these recommendations and that it will allow at least a few players to be spared.
Thank you for your attention
Further to recurrent cases of hacking, we would like to remind you about a few simple safety rules and the process to follow in case you are victim of a hacker.
Safety rules
- Do not lend your gear
- Do not visit the links you receive in-game !
- Never give your account info, even to a GM
- In general, use your common sense and beware of any request that seems unusual or weird to you.
- If you have any doubt, verify the identity of the player. The nickname is not enough proof!
What should you do if you get **** despite your precautions?
Send a ticket to Support immediately!
And warn your friends or players that could be targeted by the hacker.
Send a ticket to Support immediately!
And warn your friends or players that could be targeted by the hacker.
Recommendations in case of hacking
Only Support can help you in case of hacking. GMs and CMs do not have the necessary tools.
Your ticket must be as detailed and clear as possible. The basic, mandatory information you must include is the following:
- Name of the character
- Level of the character
- Date when you think your account was ****
If Support isn't sure that your are the owner of the account, they will ask you for more information. If you think this is necessary, you can include it to your ticket to make sure it is taken care of ASAP. The information you may be asked for is the following:
- Name of the game
- Name of your main character
- Registered account name
- Registered Forum name
- Registered full name (first and last name)
- Registered e-mail
- Registered birth date
- Date of creation of the account
- IP address ( )
- # of ZEN purchase transactions
If you would like to get back items that were stolen, it requires a character rollback. It is not always possible and we cannot guarantee that it will work.
If you haven't heard from Support after a few days, please answer your ticket to remind them. Sending a new ticket for the same issue makes it harder for Support to help you and follow up on your issue.
Don’t forget: your vigilance is crucial to fight hacking !
I hope you will use and spread these recommendations and that it will allow at least a few players to be spared.
Thank you for your attention
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