PWI - Server merge on the 28th of March!

Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
Modifié (March 2013) dans Official Announcements
Hello all,

We decided on a time for the server merge of Lothranis and Momaganon into one big european PvE server: the Morai server!

28th of March 2013

The merge will happen on the last update of March. If you have questions on how it will happer you can check the following FAQ or go on the topic discussing in detail the server merge:


- the FR server Lothranis and the DE server Momaganon would become one big EU server.
- GMs online will mainly speak in EN, it might be possible that some of them speak DE or FR, but it will not always be the case.
- The Territories are going to be reset, like at the end of a Territory War season.

No Changes:
- The characters will keep everything: name, gears, levels, flyers, coins, fashion, marriage status, etc.
- Factions: Factions remain as they are (including factionbase)
- Language: the language of the gamecontent will stay the same and fully localized. It depends on the Game Client you are using. Also Forums and Customer Support will still be available in DE and FR as usual.
- Amount of characters: all your characters will be safe. If one account exceeds the max amount of characters because you play on both servers already, some will stay hidden until you delete one of the others.

If you want to learn more about the topic please go to: Discussion on a server merge. You will find all the informations you need directly answered by our Community Managers.
Post edited by Regerem on


  • Vengeance - Lothranis
    Vengeance - Lothranis Messages: 1
    Modifié (February 2013)
    what about the rankings,dq's, etc. Will they be up to date at the EN forums or we still have to look at FR and DE for them? Maybe also a subject you might discuss with pwi staff is what the new meaning of nirvana would be cause everybody has loads of keys now in their bags but nirvana has prob almost never been used anymore since nw came out.

    grtz veng

  • Siana - Lothranis
    Siana - Lothranis Messages: 7
    Modifié (February 2013)
    And about the time of the server?
  • taringa181
    taringa181 Messages: 15
    Modifié (February 2013)
    dear rege would u mind telling us if the merge will come along with a content update?

    also will you fix the PV issue that its currently not fixed yet just on Lothranis?

  • Regerem
    Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
    Modifié (February 2013)
    Hello all,

    So let me answer a few questions here:

    also will you fix the PV issue that its currently not fixed yet just on Lothranis?

    Our QA teams are working on it atm, they are trying to push a fix for the next maintenance.
    And about the time of the server?

    GMT+1 will be the time of the server.
    what about the rankings,dq's, etc. Will they be up to date at the EN forums or we still have to look at FR and DE for them?

    No reason for us to go on the US ranking page no, we will still have the ranking page dedicated for Morai on the EU side. Also we are looking into a 3 section forum EN/FR/DE, so you don't need to switch constantly side to see what is happening.
  • taringa181
    taringa181 Messages: 15
    Modifié (March 2013)
    dear rege there will be a content update for the date of merge aswell? (basing on wanmei website we should have one in few time)

    also will the dreamchaser pack event be restored anytime soon?
  • Ray - Momaganon
    Ray - Momaganon Messages: 1
    Modifié (March 2013)
    I'm confused...
    -Season 3 of Territory Wars will be ending next week, on 27/3/2013.
    -Season 4 will begin with the map reset, scheduled for 3/4/2013.
    -Server merge on 28/03/2013

    What happens on the weekend of 29-30-31 of march? no TW? if yes, how do you make it with the map after the merge? do we start the season sooner than US servers or how?

    since the merge is thursday 28th I doubt we'll get time to bid I guess...
  • Regerem
    Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
    Modifié (March 2013)
    Hello, I agree this is a tiny bit confusing, let me try to clear that up:

    -Season 3 of Territory Wars will be ending next week, on 27/3/2013.

    Exactly, the official end of the Season is next week on the 27/03/2013.
    -Season 4 will begin with the map reset, scheduled for 3/4/2013. AND -Server merge on 28/03/2013

    Well this is were the confusing part is, so: This schedule is for the OTHER servers, excluding Momaganon and Lothranis, we have a special situation here, so we will have an exceptionnal reset of the map for this. We will keep you updated shortly when everything is decided.

    For now let's just consider that's the Territory War you are doing AFTER the 27/03 is "for free" and is not going to count for Season 4. We will announce when the Season 4 will officially begin.

    Sorry again for the confusion and please feel free to ask more questions.

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