Q&A : Sirens of War

Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
Modifié (November 2012) dans Official Announcements
Hello all,

Some of you had a couple of questions about the new expansion and the feature it introduced.

So here it comes :

- At the moment the Assist system with potion macro isn't available because you need an item from the cash shop that isn't yet in there. We will inform you when this item will be implemented.

- Deepsleep : Again this is meant to work with an item that isn't available for now. It will soon be introduce in the Cash Shop.

- Morai Wine : The Morai Wine as been removed from the game, it's yet unclear if it will be reintroduce or not. I will try to find more info's about this.

- Venomancer Pet : There is for now no new Venomancer pet for the EU & US version, this will come later on.

Hope that helped a bit !

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