CONTEST : Halloween

Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
Modifié (octobre 2012) dans Official Announcements

This topic is the one for the Halloween Contest : Pumpkin Carving !

You can find more detail on the event here : PUMPKIN CARVING !

and a quick recap of the rules here :

Rules of the contest:

The pumpkin must be carved.
The carving must be PWI themed.
The pumpkin has no minimum size requirement or size limit.
Multiple submissions are allowed, but only one prize will be awarded to the participant.
The pumpkin must be lit in the photo entry.
The photo entry must NOT be created or altered with image editing software.
The photo entry of the pumpkin must also include a photo of the unlit version of the pumpkin, with a hand written note next to it that includes the following information:

2012 – PWI Halloween Contest

[In-Game Name and Server]

Please include a fun caption describing your entry.
Entries must be submitted in this topic.
If we have any reason to believe that any of these rules has been violated, the entry will be disqualified.

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