PWI - Increase of the Value Added Tax

Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
Modifié (September 2012) dans Official Announcements
Hello Players,

When we reach out to our fan base with a message like this we prefer to bring you good news and great offers. This time however we’ll have to discuss something more serious.

As of October 1st 2012, the Dutch Value Added Tax (VAT) will increase from 19% to 21%. This change has a significant impact on all companies based in the Netherlands, such as Perfect World Europe BV. We would like to inform you about the consequences of this change for you.

The VAT rise will unfortunately change the price of Zen. Currently, you can purchase 1000 Zen for €9. After the tax rise, the price of 1000 Zen will increase to €9,15. We understand that even though this is a small change, it still affects you.

The good news is that the prices won’t change until the 1st of October. The next couple of days are your chance to stock up on Zen at the lower price!

Please note that we always value your feedback and are currently reviewing the scale of our prices across the board. We will have more information to share with you about that soon.

We hope that this information was helpful, but do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any further questions!

Perfect World Europe BV

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