Big thank you for english section

_Ultima_ - Lothranis
_Ultima_ - Lothranis Messages: 51 ✭✭
Modifié (March 2012) dans General Discussion
I think i am speaking for every english speaking player of Lothranis when i say you thanks a lot for the english section here =)
Post edited by _Ultima_ - Lothranis on


  • Summer_Lover - Archosaur
    Summer_Lover - Archosaur Messages: 8
    Modifié (March 2012)
    I think i am speaking for every english speaking player of Lothranis when i say you thanks a lot for the english section here =)

    Was about time since there are so many english speaking players in Lothranis. Thank you so much pwi, you know we love you.. (p.s add more smilies xD) :rolleyes:
  • Regerem
    Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
    Modifié (March 2012)
    I hope you will come numerous here to give us your opinion on PWI,

    I will try to communicate with the EN community as much as I can, but I'm not a native english speaker so I will probably have some weard turn of sentence from time to time ;)

    anyway, welcome to this section of the forum !
  • Summer_Lover - Archosaur
    Summer_Lover - Archosaur Messages: 8
    Modifié (March 2012)
    Regerem a écrit: »
    I hope you will come numerous here to give us your opinion on PWI,

    I will try to communicate with the EN community as much as I can, but I'm not a native english speaker so I will probably have some weard turn of sentence from time to time ;)

    anyway, welcome to this section of the forum !

    I' m not a native english speaker either :D hehe..and thank you for the welcome <3
    Lets hope we got more people commenting on the english section of the french forum (hoping in english not french:p)
  • _Ultima_ - Lothranis
    _Ultima_ - Lothranis Messages: 51 ✭✭
    Modifié (March 2012)
    Regerem a écrit: »
    I hope you will come numerous here to give us your opinion on PWI,

    I will try to communicate with the EN community as much as I can, but I'm not a native english speaker so I will probably have some weard turn of sentence from time to time ;)

    anyway, welcome to this section of the forum !

    I will persuade every EN speaking guy of the server to come post here if you give me some "luck" on r8 recasts :D
  • Regerem
    Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
    Modifié (March 2012)
    Ahah, a good start, trying to corrupt the CM in the 1st week, nice try ^^

    Well sure, *mode obvious lie on* the % of chance to succeed in your R8 is based on the number of EN players registred in the forum, so bring them in !
  • Zanryu - Lothranis
    Zanryu - Lothranis Messages: 7
    Modifié (March 2012)
    Regerem a écrit: »
    Ahah, a good start, trying to corrupt the CM in the 1st week, nice try ^^

    Well sure, *mode obvious lie on* the % of chance to succeed in your R8 is based on the number of EN players registred in the forum, so bring them in !

    I'll be your best friend if you give me 15 Damascene Ore, 15 Oricalcum Ore, 1,899 Memorial Coins, 207 Round Shield Medals, 85 General Summer Tokens, 5 Medals of Glory, and 15 Dragon Orb Oceans.
  • _Ultima_ - Lothranis
    _Ultima_ - Lothranis Messages: 51 ✭✭
    Modifié (March 2012)
    Regerem a écrit: »
    Ahah, a good start, trying to corrupt the CM in the 1st week, nice try ^^

    Well sure, *mode obvious lie on* the % of chance to succeed in your R8 is based on the number of EN players registred in the forum, so bring them in !

    well if so u'll have to ignore thousands (edit:hundreds (considering our player base :D)) of support tickets saying: wtf a guy spammed world chat all day saying to register in forum, ban him

    btw some *luck* on genies will be appreciated aswell :D i failed on 40 genies yesterday now i haz inventory full :( :rageface:

    btw2 we are all still waiting the kiss of the virgin chest from valentine's day event :D
  • Siana - Lothranis
    Siana - Lothranis Messages: 7
    Modifié (March 2012)
    Nuuuu, a new Troll section for Reign !


    Gonna be fun <3
  • _Ultima_ - Lothranis
    _Ultima_ - Lothranis Messages: 51 ✭✭
    Modifié (March 2012)
    Nuuuu, a new Troll section for Reign !


    Gonna be fun <3

    not really we ve recently lost couple of main trolls :(
  • XRIPx - Lothranis
    XRIPx - Lothranis Messages: 1
    Modifié (March 2012)
    Thank you very much for this section :D

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