thepoordude1 Messages: 5
Modifié (December 2011) dans Discussion générale
Sorry if the following is not in french:
Désolé si la suivante n'est pas en français

Hey guys,
This sad story about a guy losing everything in pwi needs to be heard so people are aware.

So, I bought rank 9 on lothranis server on my seeker. And then after a few days, i got bored and was thinking about selling my account, emphasis on "thinking". cuz thts all i did. so then i was talking to some of my friends in game about thinking about selling my account but eventually i decided not to sell it and keep it for myself because i knew it was against the pwi rules. And later that night, my account got banned.
And so, i talked to pwi staff through a ticket explaining them the situation and that i was only thinking about selling my account and i didn't actually do it. But regardless, they just said i thought about selling my account so they banned my account permanently and that they would never unban it. I mean, my account got banned permanently without even selling it, aka just by thinking about it for a few hours?
I kept on emailing pwi support for about a month after that but everytime they would say the same thing and close my ticket. PWI disappointed me big time and there's no hope for me.
I mean, i know i m a cash shopper and i dont regret it but banning me for the stupidest reason is a major disappointment to the customer(me) and the new players.


P.S - to the mods who try to close this ticket, just know that i already tried talking to the pwi support team via tickets and emails DAILY for one month and when they didn't want to unban me, i lost all hope and am writing this so some GM out there resolves this issue.
Post edited by thepoordude1 on


  • EnDeavor - Lothranis
    EnDeavor - Lothranis Messages: 8
    Modifié (December 2011)
    there is no gm here, no one in fact.
    Sorry, but you'll have to try somewhere else :(
  • cylphe
    cylphe Messages: 18 ✭✭
    Modifié (December 2011)
    always the same... "I'm innocent, GM are evil"
    Don't take us for fools. If GM known you wanted to sell your account, It's that you've done more than "talking with friends". And a Gm wouldn't ban permanently your account without proof, mostly for a player who spent lot of money in the CS.

    Give us the REAL facts, and may be we should have pity for you:D

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