TheKiNG - Lothranis
Messages: 7 ✭
Sorry no french.. Im swedish so ill typ the message in English..
We have posted this on the pwi general forums since we dont speak french, but as the system message said in early days. Its french servers but we all welcome..
What we get back from the GM over at "main" pwi forums is that you guys should fix this..
(Link to first post on pwi forums)
This is just getting ridiculous now.. Seriously.. Sort this probelm out or are you actually going to make us wait for next weeks update?
I see other post where ppl talke about connections and such.. not the problem here.. Dev broke the game after the last patch..
We all noticed some problem with Nirv runs, tele to next hall was taking 1min sometimes.. And this was before the update..
Then update comes.. And YAY you devs.. buy a new devBook pls..
ITS BROKEN!! Idk what else we need to tell you?
You enter a TT run, lets say 3-3.. you die, and then teleplat form dont work.. So you have to relog and then tele works.. After you fishined run. And you want to start a new run.. None of the persons that was inside TT can now open.. you just run into the tele spot and run around inside the "shimmer".. I even tried to go back to arch and use the tele stone.. whoops there u are outside in the "shimmer".. So if you then get a person that has not been inside that day to open a squad and enter.. THEN you can enter.. This is FACTS not something happening random to ppl.. Nothing to do with connections or any **** like that.. THE GAME IS BROKEN!!
More FACTS, i was PK:ing a friend outside entrance to Raging Tides City with my archer. Ik Archers pack a punch.. but every time i killed him.. he respawned at Cap Wave Braker.. We tested this over and over.. And its a TELEPORTATION PROBLEM!!!!!
More FACTS! U can enter Nirv, if its a "new day" on the server.. And you can only do this 1 time.. Idk if its same as with TT that new person has to open it.. Not gona burn keys just to test that.. Already lost keys.. Then if you are lucky the first boss spawns.. if not the squad leader has to relog for it to spawn.. New feature? After first "boss" is dead and u want to enter hall 2, all inside that squad has to relog to get in.. And once you done that.. you can run the rest..
WTH*10000000 are you doing about this? We need to know whats happening here.. Give us feedback.. We all feel that you dont care about the EU servers at all, if this problem was happening in Arch server.. Emergency update in 1h i would guess..
WE DEMAND EXTRA *2 for Lothranis server.. its not a request.. its something you just have to give us.. we losing ALOT of farming time here.. Is PWI trying to clean out the EU servers or something like that? almost feels that way..
Gona be fun to see if TW is glitched as well.. since this problem is teleportation problem.. im guessing you will have alot of ppl in rage after this weekend..
Frank - IK u dont controll what the devs do and this is not your fault in anyway whatsover, but pls help us here.. let us know whats happening..
We have posted this on the pwi general forums since we dont speak french, but as the system message said in early days. Its french servers but we all welcome..
What we get back from the GM over at "main" pwi forums is that you guys should fix this..
(Link to first post on pwi forums)
This is just getting ridiculous now.. Seriously.. Sort this probelm out or are you actually going to make us wait for next weeks update?
I see other post where ppl talke about connections and such.. not the problem here.. Dev broke the game after the last patch..
We all noticed some problem with Nirv runs, tele to next hall was taking 1min sometimes.. And this was before the update..
Then update comes.. And YAY you devs.. buy a new devBook pls..
ITS BROKEN!! Idk what else we need to tell you?
You enter a TT run, lets say 3-3.. you die, and then teleplat form dont work.. So you have to relog and then tele works.. After you fishined run. And you want to start a new run.. None of the persons that was inside TT can now open.. you just run into the tele spot and run around inside the "shimmer".. I even tried to go back to arch and use the tele stone.. whoops there u are outside in the "shimmer".. So if you then get a person that has not been inside that day to open a squad and enter.. THEN you can enter.. This is FACTS not something happening random to ppl.. Nothing to do with connections or any **** like that.. THE GAME IS BROKEN!!
More FACTS, i was PK:ing a friend outside entrance to Raging Tides City with my archer. Ik Archers pack a punch.. but every time i killed him.. he respawned at Cap Wave Braker.. We tested this over and over.. And its a TELEPORTATION PROBLEM!!!!!
More FACTS! U can enter Nirv, if its a "new day" on the server.. And you can only do this 1 time.. Idk if its same as with TT that new person has to open it.. Not gona burn keys just to test that.. Already lost keys.. Then if you are lucky the first boss spawns.. if not the squad leader has to relog for it to spawn.. New feature? After first "boss" is dead and u want to enter hall 2, all inside that squad has to relog to get in.. And once you done that.. you can run the rest..
WTH*10000000 are you doing about this? We need to know whats happening here.. Give us feedback.. We all feel that you dont care about the EU servers at all, if this problem was happening in Arch server.. Emergency update in 1h i would guess..
WE DEMAND EXTRA *2 for Lothranis server.. its not a request.. its something you just have to give us.. we losing ALOT of farming time here.. Is PWI trying to clean out the EU servers or something like that? almost feels that way..
Gona be fun to see if TW is glitched as well.. since this problem is teleportation problem.. im guessing you will have alot of ppl in rage after this weekend..
Frank - IK u dont controll what the devs do and this is not your fault in anyway whatsover, but pls help us here.. let us know whats happening..
Post edited by TheKiNG - Lothranis on
+1 and TW is glitched also instant win for defense faction!:p0
yeah tw bugged is ridicolous0
lol... That so cool, instant wins - defenses ^^0
FIX NOW!!!!!!!!!!0
FIX IT!!!0
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