REGENESIS - english guild recruiting

Ninnin - Lothranis
Ninnin - Lothranis Messages: 1
Modifié (November 2011) dans Guildes
Hello :)

For many of you (mainly Dreamweaver players), our name may sound familiar, but i will tell you right from the start, we are not the Regenesis from DW, though our leader, Scott, was an active member of that faction. In respect for the experience and the memories he had playing with them on DW he created this faction and named it alike, in the hope one day we will rise to the standards Regenesis created on DW. Many people on Lothranis asked us of the relation, so i thought to clear this up right away :D

Regenesis is a lvl 3 growing fun friendly faction on the European server Lothranis. We are an international faction, therefore the language used in guild chat will be English. Our goals are to grow together united as a family, to become known not for world chat drama, but for having helpful members, and to be recognized, in the future, as fair adversaries in TW for the rest of the factions. As a group we have already started doing TT's, FB's, BH's, to the extent of our members possibilities, to help and give everyone a chance to make their equipment and gain a better grip of their characters and knowledge of the game.

We expect from our members to be, first of all, loyal. It is what makes a guild stronger. Activity is another of our expectations, as we are aiming to become a TW faction, though we do not require people to simply drop their real life activities just to be present to a battle. We want to create a friendly environment in which people to develop their abilities, not a stressful one, thus drama is a no-no (isolated incidents may happen due to misunderstandings, but those are isolated events that occur from English not being everyone's main language). Also, we like our members to stick to each other and support each other even when someone has a bad day - we are only humans, so we're prone to making mistakes.

If you are interested in applying, please do so on our website. At the moment, our lvl requirements are lvl40 or higher, but as the faction will grow, so will be the requirements. Your applications will be reviewed by the members of our staffs and you will be contacted in-game by one of them in either case.

Even if you want to pay us a visit, to see who we are, or you want to join our family, we thank you all for your time and hope to see you in game :):):)

If you need help or more information about us, feel free to /w us in game:
Leader: Scott
Director: Ninnin
Marshals: Kalms , Speaknoevil , _Caddy_
Executors: Placebo . tindomerrel , GinJinxye

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