Comedy Videos.
Liandri - Lothranis
Messages: 7 ✭
Welcome to the official OTA show with your host:
Asher 'Asher-Roth' HeartBreakKid (aka Liandri)
& Co-Host's
Martyn 'Ramster' Rod (aka MasterRamRod)
Mel 'Vanessa' ImSoBeautiful (aka Naira)
Jeniffer 'RebeccaBlack' Bambika (aka Ambika)
Asher 'Asher-Roth' HeartBreakKid (aka Liandri)
& Co-Host's
Martyn 'Ramster' Rod (aka MasterRamRod)
Mel 'Vanessa' ImSoBeautiful (aka Naira)
Jeniffer 'RebeccaBlack' Bambika (aka Ambika)
Episode #1
Episode #2
Episode #3
Episode #4 [NEW]
If you would like to star in a video please pm me ingame
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