City Siege Event?
Renza - Raging Tide
Messages: 1 ✭
I'm curious, is this event not for the EU? if not, why not?
If it is for the EU, when will it be? I find it kind of screwy that we even have seprate boards completely anyway when I'm pretty sure a lot of us don't read/speak french.
So anyway, any news on this event?
If it is for the EU, when will it be? I find it kind of screwy that we even have seprate boards completely anyway when I'm pretty sure a lot of us don't read/speak french.
So anyway, any news on this event?
Post edited by Renza - Raging Tide on
Have a look at :
Is it so hard to read "Annonces" :rolleyes:
You don't speak/read french? Too bad0 -
LOL, me neither0
pweap80322 a écrit: »LOL, me neither
Bizarre il me semblait qu'on était sur un forum français:mad:0
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