Territory war.
Liandri - Lothranis
Messages: 7 ✭
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOkyvioSHgU - Agenda Vs PvE
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9khzja4oVo - Empire Vs PvE
We did it faster by 2 mins IJS & our level is way lower and only about 40 members in TW.
/Asher bragging about PvE TW's herp derp.
Oh and if your wondering why the member count is so low, it's because we don't recruit every **** tom and harry like some sell out guilds *cough*. Actually had our 2 strongest rival factions merge together tonight because they couldn't take us in PvP war at tiger event so much fun so far.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9khzja4oVo - Empire Vs PvE
We did it faster by 2 mins IJS & our level is way lower and only about 40 members in TW.
/Asher bragging about PvE TW's herp derp.
Oh and if your wondering why the member count is so low, it's because we don't recruit every **** tom and harry like some sell out guilds *cough*. Actually had our 2 strongest rival factions merge together tonight because they couldn't take us in PvP war at tiger event so much fun so far.
Post edited by Liandri - Lothranis on
cool story bro0
Oh and if your wondering Why the member count is so low, it's Because We Do not Recruit Every *** * tom and harry like Some guilds sell out * cough *. Actually HAD our two rival factions Strongest merge together tonight Because THEY Could not take us at war in PvP event tiger so much fun so far.
I used to love jackanory when I was a kid, this fairy story ranks right up there with my favorites.
The merge was for completely different reasons- and in case you failed to notice this is a PVE server, I think you might have pressed the wrong log in button when you registered here..oh but then it's no fun fighting other pvper's , much better to gank people doing an event.
Keep up the good work you guys put a smile on my face:-)0
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