HI a question for the new servers
Messages: 2 ✭
Hi french fellows :> sorry but i dont speak fr very well.
I wish to know if for the new 2 server there is a different downlodable client or is the same of the pwi "us" one.
any1 know if the server already started or at wht time will be starting?
I wish to know if for the new 2 server there is a different downlodable client or is the same of the pwi "us" one.
any1 know if the server already started or at wht time will be starting?
it will be up right soon !!! it"s on maintenance et maybe in 5 minutes, maybe an hour... we don't know
there is French and German client but you will could connect with US client we think...0 -
serveur UP !!0
there is a new french client that you can dowload since 3-4 days, but actually (I asked in an other post too) I don't know if we can log on european server with an english client.
I'm waiting an answer about that too, I'll tell you.
At the moment all servers closed and we still don't know when they will be on sorry0 -
OK ty i wait your answer:D0
[Edit] English client is updated and adding the 2 new server. Nothing to do0
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