Page anglais

sezzebaby Messages: 4
Modifié (juin 2011) dans Discussion générale
Je suis désolé pour demander ici, mais je n'ai pas trouvé un meilleur endroit. Je comprends un peu français (mais j'écris avec Google Translate).

Je voudrais utiliser une page et un forum en anglais. Est-il existe? Sur la page US pwi, le début du serveur n'est pas annoncé...J'ai lu quelque part qu'il y aura du serveur anglais aussi. C'est vrai?
Post edited by sezzebaby on


  • nostradamousse
    nostradamousse Messages: 202 ✭✭✭
    Modifié (juin 2011)
    next wednesday at leat 2 new servers will open (one pvp and one pve), you can use one of the three clients, english, french and german for play on it ;)

    so you can download now the english client and when the new servers will open you just have to log on it:)

    (sorry if my english is bad, everybody know that french people are stupid:D )
    Ex joueur sur PWI, MS et MY.
  • berenkei
    berenkei Messages: 139 ✭✭✭
    Modifié (juin 2011)
    hello !

    if you want to play with english players, you could begin now ^^ there is already several servers which are located in usa, new servers will be in europe and client is translated in french / german (and spanish i think ?)
  • sezzebaby
    sezzebaby Messages: 4
    Modifié (juin 2011)

    I have a client, I'm an old pwi player :) The point would be to play on EU server.
    I am just worried because it is not announced in English that there will be EU servers. And no forums, nothing at all -> no info in Enlgish, maybe this will be only for French and Germans?

    (and there is nothing wrong with your english for me, it is not my mother tongue either:))

    SORRY for writing in English here, I can use google translate if you want.
  • nostradamousse
    nostradamousse Messages: 202 ✭✭✭
    Modifié (juin 2011)
    Je crois pas que l'espagnol soit prévu pour le moment, en tout cas pas pour le 6, mais je peux me tromper:D

    berenkei is right you can start now on the server pwi (located in USA), but if you are english (or european people) it is better for you to wait european servers because you will have less lag on it;)

    editing: Normally you can play in english on the new server with the old english client (you will just have to chose the new server before to play).
    Ex joueur sur PWI, MS et MY.
  • sezzebaby
    sezzebaby Messages: 4
    Modifié (juin 2011)
    Well, we will see soon, I only play on the US server because the previous official EU version died.
    But it is strange that no info is announced in English.
  • Psykou - Dreamweaver
    Psykou - Dreamweaver Messages: 326 ✭✭✭
    Modifié (juin 2011)
    Now that you talk about it, yeah there's no infos about an english version of the game based in europe. o.O Weird...
    OS: Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot | CPU: Pentium T4200 | HDD: 250GB | RAM: 4GB | GPU: Geforce GT120M
  • nostradamousse
    nostradamousse Messages: 202 ✭✭✭
    Modifié (juin 2011)
    Except if we have a french server and a german server, it will be very strange if english client is not available for european server... :(

    And i don't think there is enough people interrested to have a full french server:rolleyes:
    Ex joueur sur PWI, MS et MY.

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