- cheze charm ticked 5 times between 4:03 - 4:17 thats right?
Rico why u joined CT?
cheze!!!! go 3rdCastR9 with ur sin and solo em both... with a 10 Josd bet
GM pls bann this guy... he doesn't know cheze... xD
u should ask cheze for some 1v1s if u need pk actionb:laugh
no money xD... u are a billonaire b:quiet
the result is still 3:0 for cheze... cheze is your god clavin. b:thanks
say sorry to kirby or cheze kill u everytime u come outside sz.
i have seen ezehc 1shotin u coz u mountain of trash used phys marrow. omfg. gto of pwi
cheze is the best pwi player please prey for him or gtfob:angry
u see thats not funny b:cry
lc is cheze playground pls pay attention. stay sz if u reach lvl 30
cheze is active again... jeah b:angry
for 95m cheze gives u 1 ok?
i want see ezehc soloing a tw vs 20 vengefui noobs cheze get buffs a cata and rush b... u vENGEFUI noobs try to kill him
ask cheze he fix that for u...
ask cheze he can solo everything in like 24,3seks... just pm ezehc mooooooooo or cheze(never on)
ask cheze he has like 200k of this badges in his bank... just pm he drop it for u
if there is someone called ezehc/mooooooooo never go outside sz... he is a evil gm so its not u(player)vPlayer... its u(player)vGM and that is not fair
u should join the chezeserver 10x exp, 10x drop, 10x spirit max refine lvl is +20 (there is a refine service) and you get free packs if u pm the gm
if cheze kills u, u always lose 12,5% exp
u should ask cheze for some wiz lessons... u play like my blind friend( he only have 2 fingers)
if cheze would have a ep ea wr wb wf seeker mystic he would be the best on LC at his Psy Wiz and Sin he is the best
u made Rico mad or Rinc killed him too often that he joined CT to get the factionprotection xD Are u mad Rico?
cheze is a noob compared to FroZen_X, but he he is still the best on LC... ezehc is a noob compared to ZOOK, but still the best on LC... mooooooooo is a noob compared to Applebloom, but still the best on LC... omgcookie is a noob compared to SanosukeLee, but still the best on LC... chezedude is a noob compared to Soochi_,…
cheze qft... sure you get money xD but what are you doing to get money ? banker? and cheze... if your opponent is 105 your wiz only deal 90% go to 103 and its 100%... your wiz and psy are 3rdcastR9???
u are awesome cheze xD...
cheze what is your job in rl? ty for the answer
cheze (EA WIZ SIN PSY) SINs Rinc Bait AS_AS__IN